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Video Games #3981
Video Games
Guys, I really feel like playing an MMO...
Well, Sup Forums?
Demon's Souls had a more interesting world than Dark Souls
Alright, look at this duuude
How can we fix Sup Forums?
You can call me Sup Forums all you want...
Want to play a zombie game. Got any recommendations?
*kosher your path*
Anyone ever cheat online game? What for and was it successful?
Original is funny and wacky, but bad graphics
Game sequel betrays their fanbase by making popular characters from the previous game parents
DeS: 1 swamp
How do we fix him?
Isn't Switch a bad replica of PS Vita? Why do people keep buying it instead of the original console?
Xenoblade 2 thread
Do new games still make you excited?
Streamlined leveling through dailies and dungeon finders making socialization unnecessary and watering the game down to...
How are you enjoying your Switch Sup Forums?
/dsg/ dyson sphere general - deepest lore edition
There aren't good western develop-
How is this allowed?
Final Fantasy VIII isn't bad at all
Okami HD
Santa Hat 6
That moment when games became truly art
Who should be King Anduin's queen?
This could have been your protagonist for FFXV
Does anyone have a plan to take EA down besides just complaining about EA?
Are mods, dare I say it, a mistake?
Just started playing a new character in Titan Quest Ragnarok well.. look at the screenshot
So about those games
I want to play pic related but can't stand "YO YO YO THUGG DAWG" shit in movies and games...
This is the guy that forever destroyed Dark Souls 2 with a video where he called it a pretty good game
A match made in heaven
Why is Blizzard afraid to add interesting heros to the game?
Just finished Yakuza 5, and haven't seen a Yakuza thread in a while so
Completely forgotten in a month
How would you think about FIFA if all players were replaced by cute anime girls?
When did you realize the original model Nintendo DS is the best handheld of all time?
Buy game for $60
Demo is better than the final game
Why do people like his games?
I wanna cast a spell
Should these be banned?
Eurogamer writer shits on Crysis
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Broke my third controller on this one fucking game. How do you keep from losing your shit when you play a game
When are we finally going to see VR? It's been "just around the corner" for 20 years now
Brainlet horny weebs will buy anything if you pander to their hypersexualized perversions...
“How is that tiny shield going to protect us?”
Do you play your handheld games in public?
3 > 2 > 4 > 1 > 5
You can't refute this. Modding is a joke
Quick, before the sales go away, Prey or Dishonored 2 or a $20 Outback meal?
Why are black people so obsessed with Nintendo...
Persona 3
What are the biggest asspulls in video games
What would you like to see in a sequel?
No one ever expects the Nioh Thread
Dude COD, Madden, Assassin's Creed, it's all the same shit every year with minor differences...
Multicultural superpower by the year of 2030
Brainlet horny weebs will buy anything if you pander to their hypersexualized perversions...
What are some games where you can dack people?
Google 'your name' the hedgehog
Thoughts on Devs banning players for saying the n-word or being (((Toxic))) while in in-game chat?
Is this honestly amazing?
What does Sup Forums think of smoking tobacco?
Why do you still shop at GameStop?
D a m n
You have 10 seconds to name a game that succeeded because it was pandering to the left
Would Sup Forums hate me if I play this game with Japanese audio?
Persona 5
Name one good phone game
Tfw I'll never play vidya with all the diverse european nations
So, what's the hype surrounding this game. My friends tell me to play it, but when they tell me it's a VN...
How does Sup Forums feel about this?
Liking a corpse or a slut when this cutie exists
Post kirbys now!
Why is this allowed?
I fucking hate having to hold down a button to run. What's the point?
Santa Hat 5
What other games have the parasite Eve style of turned based combat
Find only one (1)...just ONE flaw. Go ahead. Knock yourself out
Did you fire your weapon?
Currently playing pic related. It's pretty meh. Why is this game held in such high regard?
What games would Lil Peep play?
Guilty Gear
PS4's top 5 highest rated Metacritic games are all multi-plats, movie games, or ports
Today is Monday which means we discuss everything Hatsune Miku and Project Diva related
Now that the dust is forming a devastating storm and loot crates are looking to be going under...
Dragon Ball FighterZ
This bloody game
This might be the best pvp game of all times
Hey Sup Forums. Just know that you're among friends...
Game 1
CDPR is my friend and the best studio eve-
Who is bestgirl in all of Pokemon and why is it May?
Tfw you don't care about video games anymore and can't find another hobby
What went wrong with this series? When did it all go downhill?
I just got to the 9S route. What the fuck happened...
X to accept
Censorship thread?
What the absolute fuck is this?
Budget game
Will the golden sun ever rise once more? Or has it set for good?
Wow thank you based Koei Tecmo!
How do you restore his bing bing and wahoo, Sup Forums?
Bonesaw: banned
I name a town and you tell me what game it's from. Then you name a town and so on
Why doesn't anyone talk about the SEGA Genesis anymore?
What's the best MtG video game? Why is MtGO so hard to get into?
Who exactly thought it was a good idea to inflict this thing upon the ears, eyes and brains of the player?
Switch predicated to control 40% of the whole market and rising by June of 2018
Alright Sup Forums lets settle this. Rank the mass effect games from best to worst
What video game allows me to swing around a fucking massive greatsword effortlessly and cleave my enemies to bits?
Is VR really immersive, or is it just a meme to sell headsets?
These games were never good
Here's your controller bro
Battlefront 2 buyer's remorse
Mind if you let me know what games you bought during the Steam sale?
What went wrong?
Why is Cole Phelps such a chad?
Any gamers here?
How do you like your idols, Sup Forums?
Oh boy, an exciting new region witha a distinct look and unique geography! I wonder what secrets does it h-
Thoughts on vr?
Wanted to limit the sale of games that are violent to minors
Is it time for gamers to grow up and realize games don't have to be fun?
Tfw accidentally glance at a reflective surface and see my face
Would you a Khajit girl?
Top 10 jRPGs of Sup Forums
Thoughts on the original Ace Attorney trilogy?
Ok, so. How long is Persona 5, and how long is it as a completionist player?
Who here /laptop in bed/?
Why does donkey Kong wear a tie?
Power up my switche
Your favorite cs map?
Should I get Grim Dawn or Prey on the steam sale?
Guys im in love with the commander
Was the first Pillars of Eternity good enough that it deserved a sequel?
ITT: ""Twists"" everyone saw coming
Is this game really that good or is it just a meme?
What went right?
Why haven't you brought my game yet?
Why was this game such a disaster/black sheep to a consistent stream of good Tales games
I'm a poor fag, what are the best free to play mmo's
Subtle video game clothing thread
Temporary buffs reset between loading zones
Funky as fuck vidya music
Weapons break super fast and cannot be repaired...
When is SAO going to be an official MMO? Would you play it?
Name a worse game company
Steam Sale General
KoF couldn't stop them
Will there ever be a return to the days where video games get animated TV adaptations?
If you don't like a game, then just DON'T FUCKING BUY IT
Santa Hat Thread 4
Tell me, what game do you think has the best character creator? I've been screwing around with Black Desert Online...
It'll happen
At what point did Sonic's "friends" become too much?
What did Kojima do too her?
It's a customer complaining about trade in prices shift
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Buy it
This kills the Minecraft
This isn't a Photoshop, this is Breath of the Wild on the CEMU emulator
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
It's time to settle this once and for all. Who is the best girl of Arland?
Under Night Thread
Have you played Skyrim today, Sup Forums?
How do we stop the FIFA machine?
What is the first thing that pops into your head when you see this picture?
Why didn't you buy Bitcoin, Sup Forums? It's over $9700 now
Name a game with more cancerous retards
What are some good winter themed games Sup Forums?
File name thread
Nier A Tomato is 47 dollars CDN. Is it worth it or should I wait next year when it's less?
Can someone explain why communities on official game forums are almost always filled with idiots?
What is the best Marvel vs Capcom game?
It wouldn't have been wrong to fuck Ciri and you know it
Dad walks in
I fixed the Switch
[reach out for soul]
Name 1 (one) developer who could properly make a Berserk game
Comfy east vs west thread
Dragon's crown
Ahh, you’re back
Subtle vidya clothing
What's the single greatest moment in any video game you've experienced?
Does Sup Forums do WEGs?
What went wrong?
Noctis in Tekken, Cloud in Smash means he'll be in MvCI
Vidya characters you would introduce to your parents
Reminder SMT as we know it is dead
DMC5 HAPPENING EDITION : V2 (Max confirms edition)
This is Yugiri Mistwalker from the shitty MMO FFXIV. Say something nice about her
Western AAA gaming is dea-
DMC1 is good and better than 3
What does Sup Forums think of Jim Sterling?
We can all agree that this is the worst actual kingdom, right?
Let's have a cozy Senran Kagura discussion thread
Dlc costs more than the game
Show me your switch games collection
What's the link between sub-humans and changing hair color?
Which vidya fanbase has suffered the most?
Remember Hatred?
Do I listen to Nsync or Backstreet Boys while I play some Quake?
Hat in Time
Bootleg thread
Is this the most comfy console of all time?
Why aren't you guys playing this gem? It's better than fire emblem heroes
Sonic chronicles is underrated as fuck
Duty or Battleborn?
"thank you for playing" message at end of credits
Wait, these things are male...
Hello Sup Forums you're up way past your bedtime aren't you?
They never got hitched, after all they had been through together
Hello there
How do we fix Peach?
How's your game coming along?
If there's at least one thing we can agree on regarding this game, it's that the music fucking sucks, right?
About to pick up a switch. Other than BoTW and Odyssey what other games would you suggest...
Just beat this recently, had never heard about it until a friend loaned it to me...
WoW Classic
Chad or virgin?
What can we expect?
Honest thoughts on the Halo series?
So its not chris
It's Fun
What went wrong?
If I dress like this, will girls finally like me?
Quick Sup Forums, use your vidya knowledge to rescue the princess from harm's way
Santa Hat Thread 3
Don't mind me
I don't understand, why were girls talking nonstop about him for months? He was just a minor side quest character...
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion on Battlerite?
Sly cooper thread?
Why is my child in fallout 4 black even though both my character and their spouse is white?
What makes a game/character soulless?
I know about the infamy wrapped around Randy and Gearbox Software, but are the Borderland games any good?
December is almost here, lets post comfy winte/snow/ice themed video game soundtracks
Why is it that only unattractive men attend these types of functions?
Kirby Star Allies
*Parries your path* this game actually a classic, or is it just old man Sup Forums nostalgia-ing?
Find a flaw
PC or Switch?
What the FUCK was his problem?
No borefest robot mech stages
So are you gonna back it?
We wuz the best open world action game of 2017
How do you cope with the fact that if anyone ever finds out that you play vidya...
Keep hearing the game is starting to be good again
Is she, dare I say, our girl?
Just got a 1080. What games should i get (pirate)[/spolier]...
Thoughts on Skyrim?
Weekend Jackbox Thread
Half Life Thread
Literally no other Persona game will ever have an ending as powerful as 3
Splatoon is one of Nintendo's best ips since the 90's
Code: Vein
as an adult, this video still manages to make me laugh
Taunt animation
Why did A Hat in Time go so right but Yooka-Laylee go so wrong?
Time to Choose your starter Sup Forums
What went wrong?
You faggots told me this game had good writing and I was expecting actual good writing like Planescape Torment and New...
HAHA, tru dat
You bought Guilty Gear during all these sales right? You've started to practice, RIGHT?
Tommy Vercetti is Italian
Did the RAM and GPU price jumps ruin PC gaming?
Say something nice about Daisy
If it's not fun, why bother?
Titanfall 2
ITT: dead franchises you want revived
Reminder that Overwatch characters have been modded into Sm4sh but modders refuse to release said mods because of...
Santa Hat Thread 2
It's time, Sup Forums
Why is this game so terrible? it feels like a soulless rehash and it's shit compared to ocarina of time...
What is the most autistic vidya-related argument you've ever had, on here or elsewhere?
ITT: Normie repellent
Where did it all start going wrong for the series?
Lets talk about the extreme vidya during the 2000's
Monster Hunter
Thinking of picking up DMC 4SE, how do Lady and Trish play? I doubt Vergil is all that different from his 3 appearance
Titanfall 2 is a great game
What is the Red Delicious of video games?
What's the worst console you've ever owned?
You only have enough gold for one weapon and one magic accessory, Sup Forums
Do you relate to any video game characters on a deeply personal level? For me, it's Venom Snake...
I want Hiro to make this music play every Sup Forums afternoon for a week
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Bethesda Fallout
Why do you want Nintendo to fail so badly?
Why is there not more outrage over Metal Gear Solid V's single-player campaign being incomplete?
Breath of the Wild
Any games where you can be a psychopath serial killer?
Sup Forums
Pay $300 for console
Hollow Knight
DMC V leak
Which one will die first?
How anti-social are you as a gamer?
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Sup Forums says its shit so I hold off on buying it
Pick charmander because I want a Charizard that does seismic toss like in the anime
Why was Final Fantasy XI able to create a game that felt like a world while FF XIV is just a hub world for duty...
What ever happened to this game? It was blowing up all over Sup Forums and then... poof.. gone
Worthwhile exclusives for PS4 out now
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character Sup Forums?
You called it a scam. You said it would never happen. You laughed at us, but we just smiled. Because we had faith...
Jill’s tiddies
If you could choose one Kirby anime character to become canon, who would it be, and why?
Why was this so forgettable compared to Mortal Kombat 2?
Katawa Shoujo General #3381
Filename thread
Why doesn't Sup Forums like it? It's more of a video game than Uncharted ever was...
You can only post in this thread if you did 100 jumps without cheating
2018 Switch line up
This is the future of vidya entertainment
I want a new one so badly
Nintendo has no ga-
How was such a perfect design made?
New PS3 exploit released for current firmware
There's nothing wrong with playing "kiddy" games user...
Nier Automata
Uh oh, Bahamut has been summoned against you. Can you stop him before he casts Mega Flare?
Do video games fill the void in your soul?
How do you feel about the death of tactical military shooters, Sup Forums?
Most deadly animal on land
This is Overwatch
It's fun with friends
Black Friday damage report
The customer is always wrong
What exactly does the "B" stand for in 2B?
Post a picture and others recommend a game based on it
How did this faggot end up with the best girl?
I found three pirated games on your computer user
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Who's sad that this game is coming to an end?
Devil may cry 5 leak
Literally who can stop Sony, bros?
Xenoblade 2: 4 days left
Linking to neofag2
So what's everyone's opinion on the Switch? I'm getting one in a few days, and I'd like to hear your pros and cons
Was it a good game?
PS4 + Nintendo Switch master race
Im just spreding the love of undertale! :D
Why is it that the best selling console of all time has the shittiest emulator?
Find a flaw
Miss me yet, Sup Forums?
ITT we post overrated studios
What are some series where the second game is objectively the best?
Where would you be without Sup Forums?
I hated the PS3/X360 generation for the most part. But goddamn this was a fun and good launch game...
ITT: Games that never took off that you liked
December is almost here
What would your ideal Sonic Adventure 3 game look like
Are they as game-changing as 64/OoT?
Did she improved or ruined our vidyas?
Will Rouge ever get her own game?
Why was she such a horrible character, Sup Forums?
ITT: times when you were scammed by Sup Forums
This is called a Naoto
Bought this for 200 bucks, I already had the camera, did I fuck up?
This multimillionaire game developer watches Twitch streams, why don't you?
Steam sale thread since the old one is about to 404. What have you bought, Sup Forums?
3x3 circle jerk
How are bullets or arrows suppose to kill skeletons?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Professional gamer here kids
Any vidya where I can get pregnant?
What's a good alternative to Windows 10 for PC gaming?
Why is Nintendo allowed to get away with things no other company could...
Game has an unintended mechanic that deepens the gameplay
ITT: Post an image and others will recommend you a video game based on it
Are there any VR games that'll get me off my fat ass and exercise while having fun?
Why is she the best Sup Forums?
Disney pulls out of the Star Wars EA deal and puts the property up for grabs
Webm thread
Tfw you realize that building a basic gayman pc actually costs 1200 $ without any peripherals
Why do people like this series exactly? To me it just seems like a movie game with mediocre combat and an alright story...
Find a flaw
How do we save the Sonic Franchise?
What's wrong with him?
Gun customization
How many hours should a game be long?
FFXIV Stormblood
Sup Forums's top 100 shooters of all time
Sumeragi did nothing wrong
Why is the playerbase so toxic?
Switch thread. What are you
Why does the switch's success upset so many people on Sup Forums?
PS4 Mascots
Does Sup Forums play fighting games?
Apparently Disney/Lucasfilm was OK with lootboxes
Video games Cringe ?
Is GPU mining dead? Can I realistically make any money with a gaming PC by mining at night?
I just beat this, was it good?
Why are YOU CHEATING, Sup Forums?
Hows your youtube channel going user?
Dwarf Fortress
Sonic Mania Thread
Ever since BoTW, I'm starting to think that Skyward Sword was actually a really good game in retrospect...
EA Btfo
Is it time to about Sup Forums was wrong?
Kat is for _____________
Well, how do you like it? Don't keep your uncle waiting user
*blocks your path*
Nu Lara is the best Lara
Why do people think this is the best game ever made? i mean it's ok i guess it's the very definition of a 6/10
My sister bought her son the Mario Switch and Mario + Rabbids for Christmas. Probably getting him a game...
Examples of video game Kino
How come Drake can't fight this woman back when he's killed hundreds of pirates, zombies, numerous PMCs...
Enemies that actually can teleport behind you
Which saga of DBZ do you think this game's plot is most similar to?
Are there any games like the Persona series without the weird-ass VN/romance shit? And less anime-y in general?
Never played a Resident Evil game. Is this an alright starting point?
What went wrong?
Is she /our/ girl Sup Forums?
Lovecraftian Games
Well, Sup Forums?
Is it possible to improve upon actual perfection?
People on this board said this game was bad. Lying sacks of shit
Name 1 flaw with this trilogy, Sup Forums
What would it take for a game to make the news headlines nowadays?
Are you excited for Dissidia PS4?
Is this the pinnacle of singleplayer FPS campaigns?
Hey user! Did you want a fun game for Christmas?
What game lets me play as a doggo?
Wassup, i have unlimited ammount of pic related; what vidya should i play (plz no csgo)
Bravo Nintendo. Bravo. You literally included a meme dog into your game, so quirky xD
What game makes you feel like pic related?
Steam review
Free DLC
Howdy, Sup Forums! It's me, your favorite historical figure, General Toddard E. Lee!
What the hell is wrong with my feet Sup Forums?
Ok Sup Forums I'm convinced, I wanna play this game. What do I need to know before starting out?
MMO recommendations
What went wrong?
Game cuts out the middleman and speaks directly to your penis
Game is still fun after thousands of hours of playtime
PS4 """"""""""""""""""PRO""""""""""""""""""
Find a flaw
Building a PC is still a fucking nightmare and will never beat the convenience of a console
Danganronpa Thread
Press any key to start
What went wrong?
Hopes and dreams for Animal Crossing: Switch it up?
Marie is a cute and obedient girl
Blow out a faggy mod so bad they dig through the chive to find a thread that 404'd months ago...
This is a really good game
Fire Emblem Heroes
Black Friday 2 - New tomorrow
Would you play a action RPG set in medieval India with Hindu mythology?
We all agree that she is best girl now right? Peach won't put out no matter what Bowser and Mario do for her...
Somehow ubishit managed to make the 10th entry of a casualized series a goty contender
Buy dark souls 3
Find a flaw
Hey people
ITT: japanese game with actually good english dub
T-Thanks Capitalism
Post a band
Star Citizen
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
How does Japan manage to make this good games? I can't stop playing Yakuza 0 and thinking about the game
Childhood - when you idolize Leon
I want to get xbox one x or ps4 pro this xmas
Battle for Azeroth """"dungeons""""
Just ordered this because it was on sale
After all the bashing Fallout 4 (rightfully) got, let's list some positive things about the game
Is it too late for a new player to get into this game?
Now that enough time has passed, can we agree that these are the best Mario platformers overall?
Any good COMFY games to play this winter?
Why is every Gameboy Advance game so ugly looking?
Iris von Everec
Why don't we have a Fire Emblem thread? What's your favorite game?
Visual novel suggestions?
Are there any games you want that aren't on sale?
Is this the biggest comeback in vidya history?
When Sup Forums shills a game
ITT: Things in video games that actually make you mad
How can I make my Sims 4 sex doll/gf better looking? Anyone know some good mods?
Fighting Games Thread
Has there ever been a game that has broken Sup Forums so completely?
Can we talk about Tarkov without calling shill every other post yet? Game is neat as fuck
Why did it instantly die?
You guys... are the best
What's your favorite game based on a movie?
Battlestation Thread
I can't believe how right Maddox is on this shit
Why is this game so much harder than dark souls? I'm at that vampire chick boss and I'm already stuck
Deus Ex
What an interesting hypothesis
Ace of Spades Sup Forums Server
Was this fiasco the beginning of the end for Sup Forums?
She's too fat to be a good ninja
What went wrong?
Why do girls on Sup Forums like this idiot so much? He’s poor, fat, and dumb
Why do PCfags think resolution and framerate are all there is to gaming?
Spend almost 20 minutes running around doing nothing
Super Mario Odyssey
What's your excuse for never having played the coziest game in the PS1 library?
Explain this
Why haven't we been able to play as any other race in Fallout yet?
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
How's that gaming channel coming along, Sup Forums? You ARE doing a playthrough, right?
It's pretty fucking great. Might be my GOTY not kidding
Long awaited sequel to great game
Play game I have nostalgia for
Where my senpais at?
Who's your DoA main, Sup Forums?
What's the best weeb game on sale my boys?
Monkey Paw Games
Dragon Ball Fighterz
How come
Just bought this on steam
Remember to buy her new game!
In philosophy
People are still asspained over pandaren
Everyone always says that Breath of the Wild's physics and chemistry systems is not that impressive or revolutionary...
Which one we playin?
Shit Taste Thread
Skyrim trailer using only ASCII characters
Most regrettable game of the year
Wtf happened
Hey Sup Forums I'm compiling a list of video game award shows and their rankings
All the characters in the game get together and have a party during the final credits
How would you write Tails in a Sonic game?
Well Sup Forums?
What killed Planetside 2?
ITT: Licensed Fighting Games that are actually good
Star Wars
Best version of FF6
ZTD was a great sequel to VLR
First is okay
Is Sup Forums ready for a Final Fantasy that's actually good?
Can we get a sprite gif thread going please?
ITT: Video games characters nobody dislikes
What did it do that other games in the series didn't? When I ask people what's their favorite AC game...
Post your GOTY
When will Rocksteady's Supes game be announced?
Ds games to play?
He buys games
Let's play the HP Bar game again
I'm so fucking lonely. What are some games for lonely people?
Is Pandaland the best area in WoW? I'm almost done and the quests are shit
Steam Sale Suggestions
Mount & Blade: Warband
This is a nintendo game
What is the best 3D platformer of all time?
Recommend me a game where I can be/transform into a dope-ass monster and fuck shit up. Monsters like dragons, dinosaurs...
Why is it okay if nintendo has lootboxes?
Will it be GOTY?
Getting a switch next month, just wondering what accessories you guys have good games you'd recommend
How do people find time to play games when they work so much...
ITT: Sup Forums makes a GOTY game that is IMPOSSIBLE to hate one greentext at a time
So everyone is finally on the same page about this right?
When I realised I didn't stop crushing on Chiriro even after learning she was actually a he
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...