What will the game be like?
inb4 someone brings up multiplayer only cards that will be irrelevant to people who only care about single player
decent but underwhelming compared to the first. single player will likely have a lot less to it and multiplayer will be the biggest R* multiplayer so far, and full of microtransactions
Multiplayer and shark card garbage focused.
shit like the original
We wuz cowboys 'n sheeiiit
Probably a lot like GTA V, where the story just spends dozens of hours meandering around in a bizarre pseudo-tutorial state before coming to a very sudden and lackluster conclusion where everything is resolved very rapidly. Mission to mission gameplay will be fine, especially if they have an equivalent to heists, but overall it will feel like it is less than the sum of its parts.
bags of sand
>not coming to pc
Well it was nice knowing this game
it's just going to be like GTAV with a later release
Black Female protagonists and Transhorsewomen
It is impossible for rockstar to make characters as good as rdr1. There's no way the protagonist(s) will be as cool as John Marston
Probably gonna be a 9/10 or 10/10 from gaming press, massive shitposting on Sup Forums because it's not on PC.
Personally I can't wait to dive into RDR2's rich open world. I really, really hope that the game's gonna have random hangings taking place in the towns in the game world, would love to see some burlesque dancers and rogue cowgirls kick their boots in the gallows
It probably depends on the console version's sale if they're gonna bother.
The original game had random lynchings
>third time you post this
you really like RDR threads, don't you?
Shark cards the game
Think of GTA Online but worse
wouldn't it be buffalo cards?
Yeah, I really liked that. I'd like if they mixed them up with some gallows hangings in RDR2 a bit.
RDR 2 is probably the game I'm most hyped for at the moment. Not enough Western games out there.
If the world and it’s spaghetti western story is anywhere as good as the 1st was I’ll be happy. They better not fucking shaft the single player that should eventually give us undead nightmare 2 for fucking Horse cards through.
Buffalo bucks.
You know that's exactly what they're going to do, unfortunately.
RDR2 will have huge single player content alonside with the online thingy & bufallo microtransaction card. It's a more story-driven experiences than GTA.
Salty coins
>undead nightmare
please fuck off with your reddit zombie shit. who even gives a fuck about zombie shit anymore? even back when undead nightmare was released the zombie shit was played out and overused
GOTY 2018