I want to get xbox one x or ps4 pro this xmas

I want to get xbox one x or ps4 pro this xmas

Is there any reason to buy ps4 pro when xbox one X is more powerful? I want bloodborne on ps4 but i also love halo games

Do ps4 have any good games that is not some japanese weebo shit?

>console wars
who fucking cares

>Is there any reason to buy ps4 pro
No, just buy the og or slim
>do ps4 have any good games that is not some japanese weebo shit?
If anything, get Bloodborne

Buying either one of those toys would be literal waste of money, with the XboneX being just the bigger scam out of the two, since around 99.9% of all its games are and will be on PC.
And you could build a fine PC with that 500 bucks, one that'd BTFO of both console's Pro versions

>Is there any reason to buy ps4 pro when xbox one X is more powerful?
>Do ps4 have any good games that is not some japanese weebo shit?

>I just spent $500 on a console with no exclusives. Jealous?

>i own a ps4

>PCFat made a poor decision in life and now has to shill his worthless decision online just to JUSTify his poor spending skills because he's too fat and poor to get a real job to actually get an Xbox so he can only shill his PC

get a life
PC is much better in all ways

getting a PC was my best decision ever.
I quite wish I'd not wasted money on current-gen consoles, because EVERYTHING is coming to PC, in much superior form, for way cheaper. Not to mention there's no monthly fee just to play online.