Want to play a zombie game. Got any recommendations?

Want to play a zombie game. Got any recommendations?

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state of decay is pretty good for zombie survival.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors, best zombie game ever made, not being ironic, not joking, just pick a version and play it.

no more room in hell
or if you want something more mainstream
left 4 dead


Dying Light

Try Battleborn or Lawbreakers.

Resident Evil: Remake, 2 & 3
Underhell: Chapter 1


already completed them all

dead rising
walking dead
not really a zombie game, but killing floor 2

dead rising
dying light
red dead redemption undead nightmare

Dead rising. The first


completed all of them in the start of the year :(

Not DEAD games, he wants UNDEAD games

He wants a rotting corpse of a game that would have killed itself 5 years ago but cannot die?

Retail WoW

try 7 Days to Die. Looks like a generic DayZ and Minecraft hybrid, but it's not. There are a few things that make it really cool for me. Number one it's the scavenging, it's really fun and once you get familiar with all the materials especially cool. You don't build things from scratch, you usually fortify a building you already found and you need to prepare for the night, especially every 7th night when the horde is super keen on eating you. Also it's fun with friends, but what game isn't? It's difficult to give this game justice, but stick with it for a few hours and you'll be having a blast.

Plants and Zombies

you could try dead island + dead island riptide
i know Sup Forums hates it but i thought it was mediocre
just don't watch the ending to riptide, it's a major fuck you


stubbs the zombie

yeah its a little dated, but there is a focus on keeping a group alive, with permadeath being balanced by new recruits.

Its pretty slow paced compared to dying light. so if you wanna kills a lot of zombies with style get that instead.

One of the games I played around Halloween. It's alright, kinda short, but it kept me hooked enough to finish it in one sitting.

then replay them you fucking idiot sounds like you played every zombie game under the fucking sun

Cataclysm DDA

i am not autistic

No, OP. You are the faggots.
And then, OP was a Zombie.

This. It is pretty great.

Does he count?

this game was my shit back in the day!

Wait for Days Gone instead

no, space parasites and alien insect/human hybrids are not zombies.

Oh, I'm sorry. Is it too complicated for you, bub?

Worth a play, if you're into zombies. Game really could of done with a bigger budget.

Second one should fix a lot of what's wrong with it

your mum was shit back in the day if you know what I mean

It's so ugly, but hey, that's zombie apocalypse for you lol. It is a good game, and extremely comfy holding up in a cabin in the snow area.

This needs a remaster so badly

Dead Nation

Dying Light - 9/10 solo experience
L4D2 - 11/10 multiplayer experience
No More Room In Hell - 9/11 hardcore experience
My favourite zombie game is Dead Island, but for some reason half of Sup Forums hates it to death.

If you want a fun,short, silly zombie hack 'n slash try out Lollipop Chainsaw.
The OST is really good though.

I said zombies, not infected

You faggots told me dead rising 2 was shit, it is pretty good albeit easier and with a worse story.

Stubbs the zombie

There's really only zombies in one campaign, but RE 6

oh right, this exists. Remember all the hype because people couldn't stop masturbating to the main protagonist? Thread after thread after thread for what felt like years, but it was probably a few months, and now, no one gives a shit about it.

zombies are not infected? they are born zombies?

Like any other game that comes out and becomes flavor of the month on Sup Forums?
If you can find LC for really cheap, you should try it.

Dead Rising 1
2 is decent too, but 1 is fantastic

nope, it was much worse than your average flavor of the month thread. I swear if there weren't 5-6 threads about lollipop chainsaw at any given time then fuck me sideways.

anyone played this?
it just came out

Dying light is unironically the best zombie game ive played.

>zombies are dangerous in groups
>zombies are fun to kill
>zombies behave like zombies
>avoiding combat is useful\necessary
>fleeing combat is necessary\thrilling

you forgot that zombie bodies, especially heads, are made of titanium

Looks like garbage youtuber bait

Best video game of all time coming trough.

Progression is important user

>start out as weak little shit that can barely handle 1 zombie.
>towards endgame you are gnorshak zombiebane

So goat simulator, except with a zombie? Kay

Reminds me of Stubbs the Zombie.

I'm interested.

I like everything that is inside state but holy fuck the game does gets tedious after a certain while, every single survivor is so fucking useless they can't do anything without me handholding them all the way to their destination is either that or having to run all the way back to the church area once i moved to the main city to do another stupid special zombie hunt mission.

I think he means more traditional dark magic, rising in the cemetery zombies. So yes, in a way born zombies

First pop culture zombies as we know them came about because of sci-fi cosmic waves deus ex machina.

Any other game like project zomboid this one is never getting any major updates or what? or state of decay that focus on getting stuff from buildings with zombies and allow you to build a community?

Are there any games with sexy zombies?
I need to know.

Killing Floor 2

Didn't Project Zomboid just get an update that added cars?

Dying Light

It needs a fucking sequel.

Any good zombie games without the stupid "hurr durr special super zombie classes" bullshit? Besides Dead Rising anyway

I don't know but fuck the updates are slow and that game is years old.

>had a blast with L4D1
>decide to get L4D2, late to the wave
>play versus as survivor
>everyone rushes the fuck out the maps
>if you can't catch up or even ask for them to go a little slower you get instantly kicked
>play versus as infected
>if you don't instantly get 50 kills you get kicked

wew lad i just wasted 8 bucks

so you want a game where every single enemy is the same one? kay...

Versus community is legit autistic trash and I'm glad it's super fucking dead.

resident evil 1 remake

When It Hits the Fan could be right up your alley, though it doesn't just have zombies. The first zone is mostly zombies though


it was awesome when the game was new, before everyone learned the quickest routes.

Isnt the game officially released now?
I gave up on the game when I had to wait a year for the NPC survivor update that barely worked

nope just checked, still on beta, but they finally added cars yeah just what i totally need, now if only they could add working survivors.

The game is decent. It starts out well, plus does some immersion-related things really well. But then you realize how to play it somewhat "optimally" and it becomes mediocre as h*ck and ends up really disappointing.
The game world kind of sucks too with how big of a deal large distances are and how much empty scenery there is, making you run into problems with travelling all the time. It's just not fun since you try and avoid it as much as possible but then all story quests are in the middle of godfucking nowhere.
Combat isn't exactly great either but on the other hand it does make you feel all the more mortal which is really relevant with the rest of the game's mechanics.

The game also feels and plays like an MMORPG and in retrospect it feels like it should have lootboxes. A game by former Blizzard employees for certain.

Dead Rising.

The sexy zombies even have a grab animation where they eat your crotch. Also you can take a picture of their boobies for experience.

You can have different types of enemies and still just have normal zombies in it. Take Dead Rising for example. I just can't stand the whole "special" zombie/infected bullshit.

>and in retrospect it feels like it should have lootboxes.

Also the first monster girl quest has a haunted house early on that has zombie monster girls who rape you in extreme detail.

>and in retrospect it feels like it should have lootboxes

I want to fucking stab you right now, you need to do everyone a favor and off yourself because lootboxes has damaged the industry more than the whole gamergate fiasco by a long shot. I'm so glad some countries are about to restrict this fucking abhorrent trend in video games.

rdr undead nightmare

Why the fuck do you want more zombie games? What is wrong with you? I thought you made this thread because you've been missing out on zombie games or something, but you've played about as much as the average person I.E. too fucking many, play something else.

Extra Lives (Zombie Survival) by MDickie is pretty good play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.ExtraLives&hl=en

Aunt Rhody