Everyone always says that Breath of the Wild's physics and chemistry systems is not that impressive or revolutionary...

Everyone always says that Breath of the Wild's physics and chemistry systems is not that impressive or revolutionary. But are there honestly any other games where this stuff is possible? I have not seen specific examples.

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The thing I don't get when I see webms like this is WHY you'd do shit like this.
It's just really inefficient ways of achieving basic shit like eliminating enemies for the sake of flashiness. Fun to do once but then there's no point.

>boomerang is still "spinning" and emitting a hitbox despite being frozen in place
This is anti-technology.

But does any other game even give you the option?

>Everyone always says
No, "everyone" does NOT "always" say that.
You are just making shit up, or listening to very vocal minority in ONE (1) anonymous outlet.

Is that a glitch? The boomerang isn't even spinning

Dunno reminds me of the ripper from deadspace

It's hilarious how butthurt Sup Forums gets over this game.

this is what a sonybro actually believes

Why would I want the option?

It's hilarious how butthurt BotW fans get over a little criticism.

honestly the game's systems are impressive. when people say they don't like it despite that fine but the people who wanna pretend it does nothing special are just buttblasted sonyfags I'm convinced.

...because its fun?

The model should be rotating. Simple as that.

You want a game with good physics?
Go play any red faction game

In half life 2 you can grab manhacks using the gravity gun and hold them up against an enemy to deal damage.

Seems like the gravity gun from HL2?

it's crazy to me. have they ever heard of the phrase "if you can't beat em, join em"? just play it goddamn

Because it's a neat little detail that the devs included because they thought someone might just try it.

it's clearly a bug since the animation stops. it's cute but the devs obviously didn't intend it

Man I love botw and think it's full of impressive technology and shit but why is this the example you chose?

A time lapse of water puddles forming, or a comparison of shield surfing textures or fucking anything else would have been cooler.

There has not been any objective criticism yet though

Half-life 2

>My praise for the game is objective
>That criticism is subjective though and therefore doesn't count
Man, that's a coping mechanism if i ever saw one.


Halflife 2

I'm not that person, but what are some examples of this criticism? What are your issues with the game?

I have many, I want to see if you will mention any.

Yeah add up every "neat little detail" you think the devs intentionally included and that is how much time should have been spent adding literally anything at all to this barren, empty ass world

Tell me, your words, what you honestly think the "chemistry system" is for this video. Let's ignore the fact that the physics engine is no more impressive than what Portal 1 did, go ahead and convince everyone here what the fuck chemistry has to do with literally fuck all in this game.

I did and it got increasingly more and more boring as soon as I left the great plateau. Little pockets of "oh this is kinda neat" that is sprinkled here and there in the world does not make up for how empty it actually is

Of course the physics engine isn't that impressive. But name some games from the recent years where the physics engine actually had an influence on combat

I'm not the previous person either, but if you still want to hear it
>#1 offender is that all gameplay mechanics are given to you immediately at the plateau and nothing ever changes afterwards
>Shrines are a complete wasted opportunity, being a portal to a blue puzzle realm with its own rules rather than a part of the overworld
>Enemy variety is poor, recolors everywhere, higher level ones are just health pinatas
>For all its weapons and an emphasis on switching up, the game has almost no unique fighting styles. It's just 1h, 2h, spear and each only has a one button combo plus jump attack
>Visuals are often very obnoxious with their washed out post-processing. Apparently that's fixed on cemu now, but fuck that, it was a problem when I played it
>Thinking back to TW3, what annoyed me the most in that game is all the pointless monster clutter you collected for an equally pointless crafting system. BotW brings that shit back in full force, your inventory is pages upon pages of bokoblin butts

Well this video does not display the chemistry system. But this game's chemistry system involves things like lighting grass on fire and using it to create an updraft, throwing an item as soon as its struck by lightning to hit an enemy, being able to light arrows and weapons on fire if placed right, being able to cook food in very hot environments and freeze food in very cold ones, and the game's interaction with heat/cold in certain environments.

Uh, lots of games obviously, idiot.

Like every game made in the past ten years. You should know this and if you don't then get off the internet, kid. Nintendo is nothing special and I can't even believe there are people who play their games.

That's physics

>Cooking food
Wow imagine praising this very mundane feature

Isn't this just a shit gravity gun?

Honestly, my problem with this game is just that they could've fit just as much content (shrines, villages, koroks, references to old games etc) on to a map that was half the size and you wouldn't take away from the game at all, which speaks volumes about just how pointless some chunks of the map are.

Don't read too much into it, "chemistry system" was just a buzzphrase Ninty used in a dev video.

That trick is actually really useful in the master trials. Especially in master mode.

Not breath of the wild. What, you think the 4-5 places in the whole map where a rock is placed for you to roll into the weakest enemies counts? Or I bet you think picking up a metal box and dropping it over and over on an enemy is good combat design. Yeah I sure love to do the most sluggish and least effective methods to fight enemies in games.
>B-But they g-give you the options!

Ice and fire are cool but lightning is a little memeish

So like your life?

See, this is how I know you never played the game or even tried to watch someone play it. You just came to third thread, tried to sound like you know what you're talking about, and it's just sad.

In BOTW there is a rune that freezes an object and lets you strike it to gather kinetic energy, so that when time starts up again - all the energy is used in the same moment, blasting shit away. There's also a magnet rune that lets you pull whatever steel you want anywhere.

You literally mixed a freeze rune with a magnetic rune, twat.

Beecause it shows how deep the game's interactions are. It's like the difference between a real boss fight where you do something cool (operative word being you) and a QTE boss fight.

I mean, they don't call it an...
>open world sandbox
For nothing.

It's pretty impressive to me in the way it interacts with actors, especially the way Link can clamber and climb on moving physical objects. It's like SotC 2.0.

got em

>nothing ever changes afterwards
This argument is so sad, holy shit. Mario Odyssey is also shit, because the cap mechanic never gets expanded on and Mario doesn't learn to do a fourth jump while blasting weed out of his ass? Just because the game lets you carry all runes, doesn't mean it can't teach you new ways of using them later on. Build core mechanics and expand on them during the game itself, instead of locking the players out. If the runes were scattered around the world, you would bitch how almost all shrines aren't doable and you never know if you can do a shrine now or should come back later, since you wouldn't know if you have all the runes needed.

You can't fit it into a map half as big. The topography itself is very carefully considered and important. The reason why exploration is good in the game is because of careful level design. There isn't wasted space anywhere.

>That feel when nu-Sup Forums is too young to of played Half Life 2

Fuck boys where does the time go!?

>chemistry systems
this is so stupid

things burn, water freezes, metal conducts. i have never heard anyone refer to these mechanics as a 'chemistry system' until the BOTW shilling made it out like some new fancy thing

It's so blatantly retarded because the game has a couple of setpieces designed around kicking out the crutch of all the stuff you get from underneath you and it makes the game dramatically more difficult. Armor abilities are as substantial and tangible a power-up as anything else.

Wow thats really impressive, the puzzles using these systems in the game must be pretty amazing right?

You're right, it's too much to expect an engaging progression system, something that games have been succesfully pulling off for the past 20 years or so.

I could name a few but it depends on exactly what you mean. Catch weapons and use them? Everything from Jedi Knight to Half Life 2 let you do that. Using physics? Practically every game of the last 10 years or more. Creative solutions? Depends on how you define it but just go look at what people do in pretty much any game with puzzles.

I'd argue Portal 2 does everything BotW does but better. Except being an open world. And I don't even particularly love that game.

literally chemistry

>too young to of played

I tried so hard to pull this off, but the boomerang always stopped spinning when the magnet righted it by turning over. Is there some kind of key to this?

They're right though. The object itself doesn't spin, it's just a visual trick. This has nothing to do with stasis.

>that feel when auld-Sup Forums is too fucking stupid to know the difference between 'to have' and 'to of.'
and don't call me a fuck boy.

>unironically thinking a Nintendo Switch game has revolutionary computing ability/engines

i see...

Because nobody ever formalized it before BotW. Take a seroes like Bioshock where Ken Levine was jerking off about how interactive and dynamic his game was in every interview. Water didn't freeze, metal didn't conduct, fire didn't spread.


There is no point. BotW is a glorified tech demo. Nintendo made a bunch of interesting mechanics but then they forgot to build an actual game around them.

Why do normies get so hung up over pointless physics gimmicks?

If you play a tech demo for 100+ hours then it's a fucking video game you retard.

When I tried that, the tree just knocked me off.

Seriously, are there honestly any other games where this kind of thing is possible?

the gimmicks are cool but the game doesn't ever actually require you to make use of them, it's like they designed the game and then came back and designed all these interactions afterward

Lightning's the coolest one. Being able to drop metal weapons as a shock arrow/chuchu jelly trap or circumvent switch puzzles by chaining them together is awesome.

No, you faggot. Unironically.

The game expects you to be creative and have fun with it

So in other words, You can't name any?
There you have it.

minecraft does that shit...

Mad because PUBG doesn't let you use your brain?

I literally told you that there is one in the game - just not tied to more rune powers, instead opting for more ways to use them. You have to get better with using the runes, instead of some meme item doing the work for you. And once again - you'd be bitching how the game really isn't open world if the runes were slapped around the world and you'd have to randomly look for them or do quests in order to progress with the shrines. As it is now - after doing the shrines, the whole world is open to you and you can do whatever you want, in any order you'd like. How is this worse? The game has a lot of problems with progression, like battle mechanics, monster variety, weapons etc. but you're literally bitching about the one thing they did extremely well.

I think I figured out who the people are who hate on this game. Their complaint is always the same -big boring open world, muh korok seeds ect. I think it must be youngfags who have been spoiled.

Imagine being 8 years old and a game like oblivion is the top game of the time. No wonder something as subtle as BOTw flies right over their heads. They literally expect dungeons and gates to other demensions around every bend.

I can't imagine what that's like, fucking Mario world was the top game when I was 8. In all my 31 years of playing games BOTW has been the closest I have ever felt to really being on an adventure in a huge fantasy world

>You have to get better with using the runes
Well, the problem is that no. You don't have to. The game gives you an option to fuck around with your powers, but never gives a challenge that requires it. I even forgot that I have the ice rune for 20+ hours because it just wasn't needed.

>huge fantasy world

That's one of my problems. It doesn't feel very fantastical to me because almost everything is mechanical.

They didn't formalize it and talk about how they used that approach (because they didn't use the same approach). Also even if you have a game like Minecraft or Dwarf Fortress that has the state change chemistry part, those games lacked the physics portion.

You can shoot birds in a lot of games.
I just think Nintendo don't like their audience doing it so often.

Seems like we're both old as fuck then, user. BOTW also did this to me, though I haven't played a lot of sandbox games - usually just got bored with how big, and yet story driven everything felt. BOTW really does have a lot of shit scattered around and some nice quiet moments you enjoy when you're done with screaming shitty monsters all around you. I hope they go this way, BOTW is like a good Shadow of The Colossus in terms of the world it gives us to adventure through.

Well, that's a given if you randomly visited places that never required it. I can think of a few quests and shrines from the top of my head that did use the ice rune in nice ways or helped me solve problems. Same way how I traveled up waterfalls before getting the Zora armor.

l don't know what you mean. I thought it was a beautiful fantasy world, much more subtle than the Le ancient dungeon every 100 yards we get from every other fantasy world.

What the fuck does this even mean.

What are shrines if not "Le ancient dungeon every 100 yards"?

Provide examples

For one that's blatantly untrue because there's a ton of shrines that require cryosis. Since the areas and shrines are themed if you went to Zora's Domain, every shrine there is some kind of water shrine.

For two, your whole approach to that speaks to a remarkable lack of creativity. The runes are all tools to be used and to become familiar with. Situations aren't built like square-peg-into-square-hole puzzles where one tool is required to solve a problem. Instead the game is flexible and well-designed enough to accommodate different solutions and you use tools as you see fit. One simple example is the repeating lily-pad leaf Korok Seed that you need to dive into. The intuitive solution is to jump off a nearby cliff or glide just so that you land in the ring. But if you use your tools, you can just make a platform out of cryosis next to the ring and dive in that way to get the seed every time.

It means he's mad at popular thing and can't come up with more excuses

But that's the main complaint on here, it's a big boring world with nothing. So are the shrines nothing boring or ancient dungeons?

The shrines are pretty well spaced out. There's really only a handful that are out in the open. Also one thing that is very important to me is that the story explains why they're all sealed and not plundered. As opposed to every other open world RPG where there's some treasure-filled ruin immediately outside town that's still filled with monsters.

You are the reason why modern western games are so bland

This. The shrines make sense and finding them is often used as a puzzle. Like this guy said, every other game uses huge ancient dungeons to fill up theor world instead of adding to it. And they become less magical and immersive when there is one on every corner

Because its fun to do? Might as well play every game as boring as possible.

Zelda bias doesn't exi-


There is virtually no magic in the world, almost everything is based on the mechanical buildings of the sheikah. So it doesn't feel that magical to me. Even your abilities are physics based and not magical.

Try doing that with a box or something, last I heard the magnet halted angular momentum. Just because they hardcode in an interaction between one of the ten moves in the game doesn't mean it's good.

>Like this guy said, every other game uses huge ancient dungeons to fill up theor world instead of adding to it.

what the fuck does that even mean?

"huge ancient dungeons" are far more substantial, meaningful content than the shrines


can you chemistry yourself into a barrel of acid?