This kills the Minecraft

Minecraft on suicide watch

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Bait levels too high.
Tone it down a little and try again.

Like with everything ever, the only x killer is x itself. Minecraft's deathblow was the hunger update. Countless shitty knockoffs aren't going to kill it faster.

Why is everyone always on suicide watch on this site? Apparently nintendo, sony, microsoft, pc, and whatever game you dont like fans are always on suicide watch.

My 1070 can't run a lego game

hunger is literally the easiest thing to mod out

minecraft is 10 years old and Notch literally made billions of dollars
they won

after tax and other expenses I think it was under 2 billion

Can people explain why they don't like hunger? I thought it added some extra stakes and objectives instead of being completely safe once you've got a secure house.

the game has been selling like mad for a decade