Tell me, what game do you think has the best character creator? I've been screwing around with Black Desert Online...

Tell me, what game do you think has the best character creator? I've been screwing around with Black Desert Online, and while the game has fantastic detail in the faces, body editing leaves more to be desired. You're fairly limited based on whatever class you pick for the basic body shape. You're not gonna have a busty tamer, a modest dark knight, a ranger without thick jiggly thighs, or any sort of boy that's not at least borderline bara.

Bonus points for any game that not only lets you make extra top heavy girls, but also doesn't grossly stretch shirt textures over large busts.

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her legs are way too long

>thighs on point
>ruined by that shitty twig waist

when will you learn?

as far as MMOs guess, maybe PSO2?
>implying BBO is a MMO

Modded Skyrim, I guess. Kinda hard to beat bodyslide. Unless you were talking strictly online Korean shit.

best character creator i've seen so far was APB: All Points Bulletin
loved the game too, but the pay2win shit ruined it

>those Chun-Li legs

fuck you for making me want to install this piece of shit game again

Her head is too small.