I know about the infamy wrapped around Randy and Gearbox Software, but are the Borderland games any good?
I know about the infamy wrapped around Randy and Gearbox Software, but are the Borderland games any good?
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1 is, 2 isn't.
1 is good. Until you play 2 that is. 1 feels so slow
and sluggish compared to 2.
imagine being this contrarian
How fucking new are you? Preferring 2 would be contrarian here.
1 is good, 2 is memes with bloated scaling in the endgame. Stay away from PSQ.
so you understand, then?
I'd say they're both objectively good games. 1 gets pretty repetitive in terms of both visuals and the types of enemy encounters you'll run into. 2 is better in those departments, but they fucked with the scaling hardcore.
>guns become useless after just a few levels, compared to 1 where a gun from playthrough 1 could last well into playthrough 2
>enemies become total bullet sponges if you don't utilize elemental weaknesses and the Slag damage multiplier
>good gear is rare as shit compared to 1, practically guaranteed to only ever get highest tier loot as rare drops from boss enemies and not from chests like in 1
I prefer 1. 1's low emphasis on story also draws me in more.
1 is. 2 and TPS can be for a playthrough, but the scaling is kinda fucked, especially in 2. Mechanically 1 is mostly the worst, but weapons don't become imminently shit in it so you don't have to grind and just enjoy the toilet humor. 2 and TPS make pretty huge strides to make the gunplay and character trees but the longer you stay with it the worse it gets. Story is absolute garbage that will make you want to tear your ears off though.
if you play 2, use the community patch. bl2 balance a shit.
that's odd, I seem to recall 2 having a better difficulty curve, more variety in weapons, more color, more game mechanics, more content, and an actual ending
If you can go back to 8th grade 2 is fun
This isn't an insult
Border lands 3 needs just one thing dialogue skip button/menu option unlocked once you beat NVHM.
Do you think I really want to hear some fucking dick head talk about how he is gonna rim his boy friends ass for the 10th time and force me to wait for it to end.
Both games use every dirty trick in the book to get you addicted, but it's okay because there's actual fun to back it up. The second is better than the first in every way.
1st one is pretty good even if you're soloing it, but great with a group
2nd one is only worth playing with friends, on your own it's kinda shit
Pre-sequel is just straight up garbage
Why does the second one feel so different from the first? It feels off to me.
Manufacturer gimmicks and the various level scaling changes generally suck. Having your weapons become obsolete in a few levels is a pain in the ass, and the amount of additional HP/damage increases every level is awful. The gimmicks are also annoying because they actually manage to reduce weapon variety rather than increase it; If you hate the gimmick of a company (for instance, Hyperion's reverse accuracy) then you're completely locked out from using their weapons.
>more variety in weapons
This is objectively false
>more variety in weapons
that's no true. most weapons become very useless endgame. 1 has more endgame variety b/c of linear scaling.
Yea they are plenty of fun. Sup Forums hates them for whatever reason
Borderlands is actually pretty good. Great length, content, DLC, and difficulty to make you replay multiple times.
They are unironically some of the best coop games ever made
1st is pretty good but also very simple. The DLC was really fun, especially the Zombie one.
2nd is Memetown: The Game. Tried way too fucking hard to be whacky and so random XD
It's ok.
Never touched Pre-Sequel.
Shit, meant Borderlands 2
Agree with this post on each game’s flaws, they both are flawed in their own ways. Also, you should really play them with friends if possible, at least I would never have completed them on solo.
It's great if you like reddit tier "humor" and fetch quests with repetive bullet sponge enemies as "gameplay"
Why are assault rifles so shit in 2?
people spew a lot of shit about memes, and I don't remember any memes when I played them. They are nevertheless relentlessly unfunny most of the time.
Gameplay-wise, I remember 1 being ok, but 2's stat curve left me feeling like everything I found became garbage almost instantly.
It's been a really long time since I played any of them, so don't take my word alone for it.
Pre-memequel was pretty bad if only for the mission structure. Literally every single story mission played out the same fucking way
>hey go check this place out
>oh shit the path is blocked better find an alternative
>'epic' boss
>ok with that out of the way now you can get back on track
Why was everything so shit in 2?
I have just one wish for Borderlands 3: I want to actually be able to open an Eridian weapon cache vault, containing GOOD weapons, not peashooters with a regenerating ammo gimmick. Not being able to do so was a big disappointment in 1.
They're fixed now.
low dmg/bullet and crit multiplier
1 is pretty great, but has no story and doesn't have the quality of life shit that 2 and TPS have.
2 is mediocre, but has the most content and the most active multiplayer.
TPS is an improvement to 2, but has fucking abhorrent writing and has the least content.
Tales is the best in the series and proof that the story could be good as long as you keep You-Know-Who away.
Also the memes and social justice shit IS shitty, but is mostly cherry-picked for confirmation bias.
Gearbox are pretty alright when it comes to making games, but are held back by Randy Pitchford, and whoever else is making decisions for the company.
2 > 1 >> TPS
Don't listen to the contrarian retards on this board. 1 has very little replay factor and is barebones. 2 is the best thing they have ever made from the franchise. DLC is enjoyable, DLC characters are great (Krieg is the embodiment of fun), lots of replayability, etc. TPS is just...boring. Moon features suck, story is meh, DLC is meh, etc. I cannot reccomend 2 enough, it's so much fun and still being played to this day, it understands it's got a crazy world and is written as such. 1 is alright, nothing special, vut takes itself too serious while presenting itself as a cheesy game. TPS is only for people who enjoy the franchise.
Again, Sup Forumseddit is gonna shit on 2 as hard as they can because it's the best BL by a longshot. Borderlands 2 was made during a time where Gearbox wasn't FULL SJW yet, sure there may be glimpses if you look hard enough, but you really have to go out of your way to notice it. In the end, the game was designed with fun in mind. And also, Handsome Jack is one of the best vidya villains. He's written so damn well. Now I'll leave this thread before the unfunny contrarians detail this thread.
>Again, Sup Forumseddit is gonna shit on 2 as hard as they can because it's the best BL by a longshot.
No, 2 is trash because its loot system is incredibly shallow and boring compared to the first game. That makes or breaks a game like this. Contrary to your belief, people here are actually capable of disliking things for legitimate reasons.
Fuck off
This is a big point - Borderlands is definitely much more fun if you run through it with 1-2 friends, can't imagine how much less fun it would be playing alone.
Any loot system where I can pick up an early weapon and use it 75% of the game is a shit system.
was that a common occurrence? I thought it was weird that I was carrying a level 34 battle rifle almost to the final boss
Apparently given all the retards that praise the first game for that shit.
is there a way to make BL1 controls not feel as stiff?
i cant go back to it after playing BL2
Can you play both games in solo? Or you can't beat it that way
You can, but you won't want to.
Any loot system where the numbers scale exponentially so I can't use a weapon for more than two levels is a shit system.
Literally doesn't happen.
I really. like both of them for very different reasons. BL2 has a better skill system. Each character feels far more unique from each other than they did in BL1, but they're also more fun to play as than in BL1. For example, I enjoy playing as my favorite BL2 character (Zer0) far far more than I enjoy playing as my favorite BL1 character (Lilith). The missions in BL2 are also a bit more varied than BL1, although not by too much. The environments are also nicer to look at than the drab browns of BL1.
However they really fucked up when it came to the weapon generation system in BL2. I vastly prefer BL1's weapon part system over BL2's because Bl2's system really limits what kind of guns are viable at higher levels. With Borderlands 1, you could make almost any weapon at your level work, sometimes even regardless of rarity. I also feel that the weapons in BL1 feel better than the weapons in BL2 overall, barring some exceptions. I'd go as far as saying that the weapons are overall the biggest flaw in BL2 (not counting story and dialogue, purely talking about game play here).
There's plenty of other stuff I could go into about BL2 and BL1. What's good, what's but overall, I have trouble deciding which game I like best. I've sunk over 300 hours in both of them, and I enjoy both of them for different reasons. I'd say that on a technical level, BL2 is the better game. It improves more than it fucks up, but the fuck ups really stand out quite a bit.
I liked both games
but the 2nd is harder to play alone, actually both are pretty lonely alone.
Fucking this. I can absolutely vouch for that patch. Just don't go all autismo like I did and download weapon patches that give you retardedly OP weapons that also make you move 3x as fast while equipped.
Tales From The Borderlands is the best Borderlands game.
It literally does happen. The guns you get from the Destroyer at the end of PT1 or fucking useless 10 minutes into PT2. The guns you acquire at the start of PT2 are useless 5 or 6 levels later. By the end of PT2 any gun more than 2 levels below the enemies you're fighting is effectively obsolete. If I find a good Hellfire SMG at level 25 in BL1 that gun will last me until a good chunk of the way through PT2. Maybe that could be toned down slightly, but nowhere near as bad as they tweaked the scaling in 2.
>The guns you acquire at the start of PT2 are useless 5 or 6 levels later
Backpedaling so soon?
>If I find a good Hellfire SMG at level 25 in BL1 that gun will last me until a good chunk of the way through PT2
That's not how loot based games are supposed to work. You're supposed to constantly swap out your old shit for new shit before finally hitting the end game and grind out whatever completes your build. That's how these games work.
A good example of how fucked Borderlands 2 numbers are is to look at player HP.
Level 1: 100 HP
Level 61: 1000 HP
>Borderlands 2
Level 1: 80 HP
Level 61: 138,316 HP
They're decent. Much more fun with friends for that co-op action
season 2 WHEN?