Thoughts on the original Ace Attorney trilogy?

Thoughts on the original Ace Attorney trilogy?

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Inferior to Edgeworth games
2nd game is pure trash, last case is a snore and the only good thing about it is the twist, everything else is overrated garbage
3rd game is full of le spirit mumbo jumbo horseshit that is pure cancer and as such the game is also garbage because of it
The first game is the only good one since it kept the spirit shit to minimum.

Must of been why I dropped 2
Though I can see why people stuck with it

1-2 and onwards was amazing
FUCK 2-3, 2-5 was the shit
godot did nothing wrong, perfect through and through.

>FUCK 2-3, 2-5 was the shit
>in a game with only 4 cases
Kill yourself poser.

They're great games.

>Inferior to Edgeworth games
You mean GAME? AAI2 was the only good one of those two.

well shit, in my defense 2-4 feels like 2 cases overall. :^)

Fave trilogy, some of the best writing in all of gaming.

AA2 is my fave, circus case blows but Engarde case is the pinnacle of the series for me. Godot is is still GOAT, along with all of 1, I just fucking loved the twist.

These games literally inspired me to be a lawyer and I'm almost done with my first semester in law school.

How is your taste this shit? The first game's pass was shit with the three investigations. The last case takes forever to do. T&T has the best consistency in terms of quality of the trilogy.

>These games literally inspired me to be a lawyer and I'm almost done with my first semester in law school.
No way.

1st game has aged somewhat poorly thanks to outdated mechanics and really shit supporting characters (Lotta, Oldbag, etc).
People nostalgia over it way too much.

2nd game is pretty weak overall thanks to "missing" a case and the ones we do play are somewhat meh. Still has some mechanical problems like the first.

3rd is still the best of the original trilogy and is full of some genuine quality cases.

Prosecutor or defense attorney?

FR. Contracts, Civ pro, and torts are my main classes right now. Got a full ride to MSU babyyyyyy

Do you have a big titted teacher?

Not sure. Hoping to figure that out when I'm further along with school.

That being said, there's waaaaaaay more shit to do than be a prosecutor or defense attorney. You can work for clients in civil suits or sell your soul to a corporation, for example. A lot of lawyers never even go to court.

Of course, because of AA, I fucking strive to be an ace attorney and kick ass in court.

Great games, but the localizers deserve to be shot.

No, but I did in undergrad for my con law class that was taught by a lawyer. Another class had a mock trial scenario and when the other student said objection, I screamed "objection" back and looked like an autistic retard. One of my all time best moments

When the game prompted you during 2-4 to either lock up Andrews or let Maya die, which one did Sup Forums pick? I chose to "save" Maya, but although it didn't really matter, I still don't know what's the more moral answer.

Andrews is a meddling cunt, Maya dindu nuffin

Montana or Michigan?

Lotta is quite possibly the worst character in the entire series but I think Oldbag is great.

If it wasn't for Andrews, Engarde wouldn't have been arrested in the first place. Plus I think intentionally imprisoning an innocent is one of the worst things you could do. Not to mention that also involves letting Matt go free. It's a genuinely difficult choice that I was surprised to see an AA game pull off so well.

>really shit supporting characters
Also really good ones.

oh my, maybe I should watch the anime after all

The original trilogy was fantastic. It's a shame 4 was such garbage... I finished it but it really killed the franchise for me. Played through AAI 1, was okay, lost interest halfway through 2. Just didn't grab me - I blame apollo justice being so shit. Faye / key girl was shit. Come at me

kek'd pretty good at this. I hope it all works out for you, user.

Don't, it's terrible.

3 > 1 > 2

Andrews a CUTE.


>Faye / key girl was shit. Come at me
>Scrappy Doo personality
>really stupid, even dumber than Maya
>keeps repeating that awful catchphrase
>is only helpful when she pulls out a convenient god machine plot device that allows her to recreate crime scenes
>is the reason Gumshoe doesn't have more screen time
Worst girl by far.

Hype as fuck


Why do so many people like the 3rd game some much? I'd genuinely want to know, besides the first case which is pretty good compared to the previous ones, the game just felt too serious. Even the few pitiful attempts at comedy like the gravy fell flat.

I think the game pushes you to save andrews. At the end of the trial, Mia says your answer spole to what being a lawyer means to you. A lawyer, not a person. So either you get your client innocent by any means or instead pursue the truth.

Seems to me that most people think the games are better when they're serious. Everybody shits on the third case of each game because they're too silly and full of outdated memes and awful joke characters like Moe the clown and Sal Manella.

Must-play games.

No other sequel (including Investigation spin-off) matched it's greatness.

Post your favorite cases

I see. I guess that's reasonable, it just seems weird that even Sup Forums would put drama over fun. Miss may, Dee Vasquez (or rather how she roasts both sides), the parrot, De Killer, Stickler, half of DD witnesses, Betty and Bonny, Tahrust and so on, those have always been my favorite parts.

To each teir own I guess.

Mate Edgeworth only had one good game.

Bridge to the Turnabout

I miss this musical style and the sprite art.
DD and SoJ were way too "anime" for my liking.

>godot did nothing wrong
Godot did literally everything wrong

It's my least favorite of the final cases in the OG trilogy. 1-4 was hype as hell

Still the smoothest video game track I've ever heard. Masakazu Sugimori is an amazing composer.

Most of the characters you posted are great. It's the cases and certain other characters that suck. It's no fun trying to talk to some idiot who only speaks in ancient memes and the cases themselves usually aren't that well put-together. Turnabout Big Top has a bunch of weird leaps in logic and Recipe for Turnabout is just boring as fuck.

While DD had different art and animated models, I feel it kept the raw, abrupt reactions feel quite well. SoJ is just too smooth imo if that makes any sense. I guess this just goes with the setting, but just look at sad monk's animations, there's just no feeling of urgency with that. Same could be said about the music, it's beautiful and obviously a lot of effort was put into each score, but once again the music just feels too smooth to allow for any kind of "oh shit" moments. It's grandiose but not in line with the rest of the games.


One per game? 1-5, 2-4, 3-2, 4-4, 5-DLC, 6-5, AAI1-2, AAI2-5, PWvPL-Final, and DGS1-3. Haven't gone through DGS2 yet.

It's really funny, how all the games are so mediocre in theory, but work so well in practice. The story of all of them is a cheap soap opera, with actual, real, non-ironic "I am your long lost sister" bullshit. The investigations gameplay is sort of boring, and it's nothing different from any other P&C game. Trial gameplay is novice, but it's deeply illogical. Despite you being a measly attorney, you not only have to prove your client is not guilty, but find the actual murderer too. Looks sort of funny every time.

"We've just established, that my client could not possibly do it, had no reason to do it, and all while this guy had the perfect motive, and possibility, and was actually hanging around the building with a huge knife at night".
"But do you have some definitive proof that this guy did it?"
"Well, no, but..."

It also suffers from linearity. Very often there's more than one contradiction in the witnesses' testimony, or more than one evidence, that shows that contradiction. But, as the game is strictly linear, all your desperate tries to submit that evidence would be refuted, just for one moment somewhere in the future.

But during the gameplay itself, all the nitpics are forgotten, games immerse you really well, and you feel very tense during the trials. The story is cheap, but it works well, the characters are generic, but they are likeable and charming. And I cried at the end of the third game. It was all over, after all.

Only game that made me cry, when it was revealed there was paranormal activity in the photograph taken I was very confused. Then I saw who the ghost was and I was very happy. Very well written games and I wish I was well spoken enough to express how much I like them. Lots of fun. One thing I really like is how they space out Maya. You're not always with her, so when she's back with you, you're like "Okay the dynamic duo is back together it's go time back at it again"

Damn straight.

The animations are mostly okay, aside from Athena's which are way too cheesy. My main gripe is the character design. In the original trilogy, you had characters with fun visual quirks, but most of them weren't super over-the-top. In the new games, it's like they ripped every new character straight from some shonen/shojo/whatever anime. Look at the difference between Gumshoe and Fulbright, or Edgeworth and Blackquill, and you'll see what I mean.

I thought I was the only one who liked 1-2

Very good.

I just finished Apollo Justice.
I think this might be an unpopular opinion...

But it was better than the first three combined.
Turnabout Succession was fucking 10/10 and everything tied together beautifully

>Let's kill an innocent women OR an innocent kid just to get 'revenge' on a grill that is dead anyway.
>Did nothing wrong

Honestly would have been fine if the series had ended with AA3.
New games are pretty soulless and lack the charm that the original had.
But AAI2 was pretty good, regardless.
I think the jump to 3D was the fall of these series. Definitely way past its prime.

Is 1-5 technically a filler case as it has no bearing on the rest of the series?

Im gonna have to disagree because your basically falling into the Genwunner mind set

No shit the newer games are taking a different approach to characters. The first trilogy only works for it's subtle cast. It wasnt gonna last long

Also, i call bullshit, Fullbright's design is absolutely normal, as does people like Hugh O Connor and majority of Spirit of Justice like Retinz and Behleeb whose designs are on the era

Ema appears in every game after the trilogy except AA5

Wow. You must really like shitty characters.

Apollo literally did nothing himself, he hadn't solved a single case without Wright's guidance. Of course, he still figured out some stuff, but Wright figured it out earlier than him, and if Apollo would've fucked up, Wright would've come up and save the day (give stupid Apollo even MORE hints).

I mean, it is the same dynamic as with Wright and Mia. But Phoenix had his cool moments, Phoenix actually solved some cases and Apollo did not.

It was a way to tie into Apollo Justice (via Ema) and basically demo the new features for DS.

The original trilogy was released on GBA at first, in Japan. AA1 was remade for DS either shortly before or shortly after Apollo released.

If Ema is just as annoying as in Apollo, then I'll pass.

No, you're right, and I see what you mean, I'm just not too bothered by the tradeoff, although it would be nice to see that level of detail again. I recently learned that Trilo and Trucy both very slightly moved their lips while doing their thing and that shit blew my mind.

>she's annoying because she wasn't a Maya clone

Turnabout Samurai unironically

Farewell my Turnabout

Turnabout Beginnings mainly due to interesting circumstances

Turnabout Corner, that case is severly underrated, i love the mafia theme, Eldoon is based, and the killer catches you off guard

Turnabout Airlines is fucking goofy and retarded and i love it

The misadventures of Gregory and Ray

Tie between Reclaimed and Monstrous. Reclaimed overall, Monstrous for it's plot twist and Apollo's handling of said plot twist

Turnabout Revolution, the first half had no right to be as interestingly horse shit as it did entertaining and the second half, while arguably was extremely predictabe, the twists that count made a fuck huge impact

Phoenix doesn't really involve himself with Apollo at all during the middle two cases.

I knew he wasn't the star of the game but I was still surprised at how little screentime he actually got.

Besides that, "doing stuff" doesn't really make a character good, and Apollo isn't the only character, either.

Extremely enjoyed them all

>Turnabout Samurai unironically
People don't like this case?

There's literally no greater twist than the fact that the killer in the DL-6 incident had to take the second bullet with him because it was INSIDE OF HIM.

Ace Attorney, as a series, is so fantastically-written that even knowing the outcome always comes with its own set of caveats and twists, all of which are satisfying. People love to shit on the games post 3 but I really think that they're all great, though 4, 5, and 6 definitely aren't par with the originals.

Is 6-3 the only good third case that wasnt extremely goofy like every other fucking game?

Unless you want to be a bitch and complain about MUH SPIRIT SHIT

Nah. She is annoying because she's an ignorant and selfish bitch. Nothing to do with Maya

OVA case. It's not bad but it really can't compete with the actual climax of an AA game like Turnabout Goodbyes, which blew me away

Cases somehow got even more ridiculous after the Feys left the story somehow though. Also Takumi's best mystery game was entirely supernatural mumbo jumbo. You guys are sorta deluded about that aspect of the series honestly.

It's not a case of people not liking it as it's just not as interesting of a case, but i liked it

That's fucking horseshit and i hate faggots who say this.
Take off the fucking nostalgia goggles, the new games are great

It was always my favorite from the game.

Turnabout Samurai
Farewell, my turnabout
Bridge to the turnabout
Turnabout corner
Turnabout academy
The rite of turnabout

I like Lotta and Oldbag being annoying in the first game is a meme, she's only annoying in the AAI games (which makes some sense considering who you're playing as)


He is involved in 3 out of 4 cases. In 2nd (turnabout corner) it's not explicitly stated, that he knows everything from the start, but, considering how he gave you the case first, made you investigate it, and then turned you in the right direction to get clues from time to time, it's kinda obvious, that he knows.

>with that dogshit story, awful characters and terrible finally
Stop pretending that game was anything but mediocre. It only proved these series are stagnated as fuck and they need to rely on shitty fanservice to stay relevant.

>Turnabout Goodbyes
>Farewell, My Turnabout
>Never Played This
>Never Played This
>Dual Destinies missed out on having Simon prosecute himself, fucking shit
>Haven't played this one either

Thats some shit taste you got there user

Also unlike DD, SoJ doesnt rely on it's fanservice. Maya takes a backseat and only shows up when relevant

Turnabout Samurai and The Golden Court were good too. Apparently DGS has a great 3rd case as well.

Personally I didn't mind Turnabout Circus aside from the game trying too hard to make the culprit sympathetic at the end. Also the music that plays in the circus was some nightmareish shit.

The only good case in AA6 was 6-2
The rest of the game was subpar, the finale was mediocre, and 6-1 and DLC were straight dogshit.

>He played DD but not SoJ

Play the fucking game

Look at Notice how all the characters have some quirk in their design (Edgeworth's cravat, Larry's orange blazer and t-shirt, Mia's magatama, etc.) but none of them look very out-of-place in a courtroom. Maya is an exception obviously, but there are good plot reasons for her outfit.

Now compare that to characters like Athena, Fulbright, Blackquill, Nahyuta, Dhurke, etc. The difference is night and day. I mean for fuck's sake, in DD we had a guy who looks like a living marble statue spinning a globe like a basketball, and in SoJ we had fucking metal Jesus. Give me a break.

All right hold up. What is everyone's beef against 2-3? What exactly does it do worse than other cases in the series or any other third cases as there is this belief in the AA community that 3rd cases tend to be poor.

Maya does nothing in the game but be kidnapped, again
Edgeworth does nothing
Pearl does nothing
Ema was brought back to please the people who bitched about her absence in DD
DLC case was the epitome of fanservice, and it was trash.

The final case was a massive throwback to Phoenix's older final cases. To the point where I consider 6-2 to be a better "Apollo case" because atleast you can distinctly call that case Apollo's instead of a rehash.

>he dislikes Simon Blackquill
Why? Were you born with shit taste or did you just develop it over time?

I'm legitimately curious how anyone could have this opinion

Come on now
6-1 was actually pretty great in setting up the atmosphere of Khurain
Unless you want to use the "it's too boring and long argument" while sucking every other first case's dick

Parrots who repeat the same meme opinions like sheep.
It's "cool" to shit on 2-3 so everyone does it to fit in.

I think 4-3 still tends to be more hated, but 2-3 has pretty much everything a bad case could have: annoying witnesses, huge leaps in logic, long and tedious investigations... It really sucks, user.

We all agree that Godot is the best prosecutor, right?

The characters fucking suck, with Trico and Ben being the worst offenders. Trial is incredibly predictable, you can easily piece together exactly what happened before the final day even started. Culprit is extremely obvious, he didn't even have to show up to know it was him. I did like Acro though, was one of the few genuinely sympathetic culprits, even if his plan did involve murdering a child.


Filler? Kinda, since it was added later and doesn't add to the overall story of AA1 and makes some things in AA2 not really make sense. That being said Rise From the Ashes is my favorite case in the entire series

Nah, he always seemed like a joke to me in terms of prosecuting ability. Doesn't mean he's a bad character by any means though. I busted out laughing when he said that while he had never lost a case, he has never won one either.