Why do PCfags think resolution and framerate are all there is to gaming?

Why do PCfags think resolution and framerate are all there is to gaming?

Seriously, talk to PC gamers about why PC is the best and 95% of the things they say have to do with graphics and framerate. They complain about consoles "holding back gaming" but if it were up to them all games would be mediocre and generic, and that would be okay as long as they were 60 fps.

Other urls found in this thread:


>higher texture capacity
>more varied input options
>more varied peripheral options
>more varied hardware options
All in all more of each category, to be blunt.
If pc were the standard and not consoles we would have much more creative and immersive games, whereas in consoles we get mediocre and generic games because that's all consoles can do, and pray you get them to work at a playable framerrate at that.

You see, a creative game that has lots going on for it requires a strong processor, not just graphics, and consoles don't have this.

I've literally never seen this to be true. I don't know with what kimd of people you talk, or where do you lurk, but i believe you are a liar, or you're exagerating a lot,

when people are talking about consoles holding back gaming, it's strictly from a technical standpoint, not a creative one. don't be deliberately obtuse

You just have to look on Sup Forums.

Whenever PC vs consoles come up, the PC gamers ALWAYS make it about frame rates and resolution.

PCs may be generally stronger than consoles, but it's mostly AAA devs and consoles that are fueling this arms race, trying to one-up each other and have the best looking game, no matter how small the difference is. They've been shown to care only about how good their games look and they end up putting gameplay on the back burner. But graphics are getting so good that they're starting to get diminishing returns, and sometime soon when you'll be able to crouch down and count the ass hairs on a ladybug they'll need to find something different to focus on.

I dunno personally I just play video games

If developers would focus on making games for PC instead of consoles, the graphics war would end much sooner and AAA developers would have to actually make good games to get them to sell. Instead they are able to wait years for the next console to come out so they can upgrade their game's graphics a bit more and tout them as "revolutionary" and "breathtaking".

>PC has all games and plays them better than any other machine
>Consolecuck is butthurt because he wasted mommy's money on one
>Makes shitpost thread on Sup Forums because he has no games to play

>le brands and platforms are teams
You retarded fucking faggot the only people that care or actually take these distictions seriously are underage retards or falseflagging shitposters, guess which one of them you are.
You are the biggest cancer of this board

>resolution and framerate are all there is to gaming
Why do you make up retarded quotes? Literally nobody ever said that, you stupid console pleb.

I don't like gaming consoles because they take power away from the consumer. I don't want a megacorporation charging me for the internet I already paid for.

That good enough for you?

I'll agree resolution isn't that big of a deal because I play old games all the time, but framerate is absolutely crucial to gameplay.

Go play Blighttown on the PS3 or any first person shooter with >20 FPS and tell me it doesn't matter. Or any early 3D game on its release console.

It has less to do with valuing performance than it has to do with console kiddies' willingness to eat shit off a plate and ask for more

Imagine if your gaming platform of choice was owned and run by one company, fucking lol.. oh wait

>They complain about consoles "holding back gaming" but if it were up to them all games would be mediocre and generic, and that would be okay as long as they were 60 fps.

If it were up to console cucks all games would require a subscription and have 30fps with dips but thats okay as long as they're exclusive

If anything, these last ten years have been proof that technical capability does not improve quality.

The people that do this are just desperate to feel superior to other people. Being dumb, ugly, & having a shit personality all they have to grasp onto is that they play video games on superior hardware.

They also have nipples the size of dinner plates.

Funny thing is that consoles are pushing graphics forward. Reason why Horizon is the best looking game ever created and it runs on 200$ hardware. PC is truly the most overpriced irrelevant garbage. Shitty graphics, mediocre exclusives, garbage delayed, broken ports.

How does worse hardware lead to better graphics?

Because there's literally no difference between a PC and a console besides the latter having worse hardware and software. A console is just a locked-down prebuilt PC.

The story and gameplay don't change from PC to console. Dipshit. If my choices are 30 fps and low res, or 60+ fps and high res, why would I pick the lower one?

Proof is in the pudding. Horizon is gorgeous even if it's a shitty game. Only blatant PC fanboys deny it looks amazing.

But wouldn't it look even better if it was made for better hardware?

>focus on making games for PC instead of consoles
As much memeing it gets because people don't understand how long it takes to make a game with PC level fidelity, that's basically what Star Citizen is. The only current gen game I'm excited for due to graphics + scope to utilize those graphics in a way that isn't (just) yet another closed map third person shooter.

>pc-fats actually thinks this look good

That's true, I'm not familiar with what actually goes into developing a game that pushes high-end pc hardware to its limits, but I assume that as time passes being able to make games that look at good as Star Citizen would become simpler and hopefully won't take a decade.

If they are comparing the same game what would you do? The gameplay is the same, usually it can be improved with an higher framerate (if the devs are not lazy fucks that tie animation or physics to the framerate)

If you wanted to know, they have a weekly series on youtube delving into the intricacy's of their development. Plus detailed breakdowns on their site for what they're doing on the regular.
Prebuilt engines will get better over time, but so will hardware. We might get games that look as good as SC coming from a

I thought about how much farther hardware could advance in terms of graphics, and I can't really see it getting a lot farther than it already is. We're already at the point where we can create environments that look better than they do in real life, they just need to figure out how to have these environments while also having an actual game in motion with all of the collision and physics and things.

Once they figure this out than I'm not sure what will happen, maybe they'll turn their attention to VR.

>Thread with actual discussion is dead because most people on Sup Forums would rather fling shit over the joke that is the consolewar because they took the joke seriously

Framerate and resolution are easily noticeable improvements in almost all use cases and with few exceptions variable framerate and resolution are low effort enough that their implementation makes it into the more niche PC release of a game (A worse handled port may not have these features but generally neither of these would slip past as console parity but rather as features of a shit port due to decently high standards).

Features like better AI, more enemies on-screen at once, better physics or less dumbed down controls among many other things are less easy to make note of on a general basis as a developer may simply not make the effort to to include these in a more niche PC release compared to the broader console release. Comparison of features like these may require meta analysis of the specific series or games in general as well as speculation as to how much is up to the skill of the developers and how much is necessitated by the limitations of the console and associated workarounds.

Retro gaming?
Free live?
Free games?

>If pc were the standard and not consoles we would have much more creative and immersive games,
yeah, right! like Star Ctizen, a game that will never come out! thanks PC cucks!


Thoses things are not all there is to gaming but if you want a decent gaming experience, a good resolution for the screen and a good framerate that makes things look at least smooth and directly improve the feel of the gameplay is a minimum.

We aren't ok with mediocre and generic games we just want to play in decent conditions. PC is way more than graphics and framerate. Almost all the non-weeb best games of all times are PC exclusives or were PC only at first and then downgraded for consoles.