Hey people

Hey people,

I want to finally play Half Life 1 again, I only played it as a kid and never finished it, despite finishing HL2 and the episodes after that.

My question to you guys is what is currently the best way to play it? I read that Black Mesa is still incomplete, ffs, so what would it be? The original? Another mod? Is there any official reskin/HD update of the game?

Much appreciated.


K, thanks.
So I'm guessing there isn't any mods that are worthy?

Black Mesa is only missing Xen, which is pretty shit anyway and was evidently rushed in the original. Other than that it's a really good way to experience HL1.

If you're not playing Black Mesa then just play Half-Life: Source with no mods, it still plays just fine.

Sorry, you've not finished it before, Xen is the final group of levels on the alien homeworld. They feel really weird and out of place compared to the rest of the game and the quality really takes a dive.

Yeah dudes, I remember that I got to Xen as a kid but never figured out that super jump thing and eventually stopped playing altogether lol.

I was really looking forward playing Black Mesa, but I think I want to play it to the end.

Guess I'll go with HL:Source then. Thank you very much.

>recommending Half-Life Source
Really, fag?

See Not Source

OP here, why shouldn't I play HL: Source?

Isn't it just like HL1 with somewhat better graphics?

It's half life 1 with half life 2 physics, basically breaks the game and the original design.

Oh fuck, I see.

So I'll stick with the original.

Just got an idea. What about playing Black Mesa till I got to Xen then get a savegame from Xen and end it in the original?

HL source is a broken pile of shit. stop listening to this retard. the physics, hitboxes and graphics are messed up.

alo its missing some features, like this

Play the original or wait for BM, avoid HLS

this is immense hyperbole. Half-Life Source is a fine way to play the game. You will likely have the same experience, but then you might as well play the original version anyway.

You can do what you want, there's nothing wrong with original though
Plays perfectly even to modern standards, so unless the low poly graphics bother you I'd still recommend original

half life source has several gamebreeaking bugs and wierd inconsistences

OP here.

Alright, thanks for all the replies guys.

I guess I'll stick with the original, I have no problems with old graphics, I actually like the nostalgia factor in them.

It's a shame BM isn't finished yet because it looks really pretty from the screenshots on its steam page.

black mesa is dogshit and a scam that will never be finished, some idiots say that "xen was bad anyways!" but its literally 3 whole levels and the conclusion to the game
your two real choices are either HL source or the original
the original for me glitched every time i was in an elevator so i would have to jump before it hit the ground or i would get stuck in the floor
source had a bunch of graphical glitches for me and one of them made a level unplayable
really just pick your poison, both versions are broken but i'd recommend the original because then going to the expansions doesn't feel weird

Original, no HD models, software rendering, 640x480 on a CRT is the absolute top tier way to play the game. Pic related. Left is a LCD, right is a CRT. Play it as it was intended.

stop trying to shill for the original so hard. Source is not broken.

Play the original, it is way better than Black Mesa. Goes to show you that graphics can't trump gameplay.

yes it is
you cant kill the helicopter on the side of the cliff
barneys and scientists fuck up aswell

ITT: mad nostalgia fags

The thing is: source has more cons than pros, it's not that terrible but it's definitely inferior.

The original is perfectly fine, especially for a first playthrough.

Of course. I even acknowledge that in my post.
This dude is just being an idiot and exaggerating.

it's not an exaggeration, i had to cheat to finish source

Shill here, how do i play original HL if i have it on steam?, I have already tried to pirate, but the installers are always HL source.

I always wondered why CRTs do blacks so much better than LCDs

because there isnt a giant lightbulb behind the screen, washing it out

LCDS work by blocking light, CRTS create light

You can buy Half-Life AND Half-Life Source on steam. Install the game through steam.

What? What's the problem if you already have it on steam?
So just don't pirate source

captcha: german tanks

>not patiently waiting for 10+ years