PC or Switch?

PC or Switch?

While the switch is portable, the inputs just slow the game down. I feel I couldn't play it on anything but m&k

>have switch
>can't live without mods anymore
same for skyrim
go for the switch one if you don't have the pc version already, if you do don't bother

PC has mods

I would recommend it for the Xbox, but PC is probably the way to go. Haven’t played it on The Switch though.

I cant think of anything more comfy then playing this game in your bed in the middle of the night . But pc has mods. Choose what you value more.

>you can mod SNES pixels

I can live without.

Are you sure

mods allow for more than just editing what's there. People are adding whole new areas

I had this debate with my self.
I eventually went with switch. (I pirated the pc one just to see what it was like)

Playing on switch is comfy as fuck. I play every lunch break i get from work (sometimes inbetween because i can kinda use the joy cons under my table and hide the switch underneath my monitor) and every night before going to sleep.

Bretty gewd m8

Getting too crazy with adding mods.

Played PC first, got Switch version when it came out later.
I never got into modding it, so both are fine. Switch version still had bugs last time I played (audio crackling, software issue, not hardware), but the portability is great for it.

PC but switchfags will say otherwise because >muh comfy

I only saw two expansion mods on Nexus. One that adds a gas station and a restaurant and another one that adds the inside of the bus. Stardew modding is great for cosmetics and QoL improvements, but the option to expand is fairly limited.

I'm real tempted to get this game. It looks so cozy

You shouldn't focus so much on what the people you dislike may do. Just focus on yourself and the person you're addressing.

i like pc for the awesome community made farm maps.

Am thinking of a run that focuses on farming and not go to the mines. Is the progress going to be much slower?

unless your planning to cheat in sprinklers you have to go mining one way or the other. just do it in the winter time since there's nothing else to do.

I will probably just focus less on mining then. If the ores aren't so expensive early game then it might be feasible. Needing to spend $1500 on copper ores for one furnace is crazy.

One of the reasons I got my switch was for this game. I've put some 44+ hours into it so far. The only thing I've played more on it is Zelda and that game sucks.

It really fucking is. Especially since it's starting to get colder and colder now.

You can mod in a bunch of new crops, it really expands the game.

PC has a minor modding scene, so I'd say go with that

There's an official multiplayer update coming whenever. There's a co-op mod that sort of works.

>Getting a switch for fucking Stardew Valley
lmaoing @ur life

looks more like installed cheats than mods

i have ps4 and pc version, console versions are 1:1 port with shit controls, PC version is infinitely better, also has mods

you literally just move a mouse cursor around with analog stick, its a lazy as fuck port

You can mod out the niggers on PC

lmao I'm sure someone actually did that too.

I wasn't memeing.

I'm a little confused by this thread. PC version is also portable so wtf? And the battery lasts a lot longer

PC got mods.
But Switch is portable.
Stick to the PC if vanilla is just not doing it's thing.

How pathetic does someone have to be to do this?

Less pathetic than the person offended by it.

PC version is portable too

I haven't used the cheat menu, the item spawner, or the save editor. Those were gotten for testing purposes. The only mods I used that did make the game easier was increasing the default running speed and freezing time indoors, which I felt was a fair enough adjustment without breaking the game.

>Wants to mod out black characters
>Doesn't even bother to change their names
That portrait you have installed looks worse than his default portrait, by the way.


Also, playing it on the switch on bed is comfy AF.
Loving it so far. And pro tip for newcomers like myself, fishing is the best way to earn extra cash early game

I foraged in that area you have to repair the bridge to get to. Made me some nice cash while my crops grew.


>Doesn't even bother to change their names
Demetrius is a Greek name, kiddo. If he was named Daquan or some such, I would have totally changed it. And now, this Demetrius looks cool as fuck and like an actual scientist. Sorry I didn't put a trigger warning, sweetie.

Another tip for new players. Don't bother rushing the coop. Animals have high initial investments that take a long time to pay off.

Do people do that? I had a ton of gold before I started getting my animals.

I made that mistake on my very first playthrough. Having it on the journal made it feel urgent. I restarted soon after.

What happened? I can't imagine it fucks you up that badly.

one word for newbies.


It's just that you waste a lot of resources that are, at the time, worth putting towards something else until you're better suited for starting a coop.

When I first started I rushed the coop because it being in the journal made it seem important, and then I learned that animals are more expensive to care for than I was made aware so I was stuck with a building I couldn't really afford to properly use for an entire season.

When did you put it up? I finally got around to it in the fall just before winter. Gave me something to do in the winter.

It was either late spring or early summer. Although part of the problem was I didn't know you needed a silo with hay on top of the coop.

I was still pretty poor at that point in the game, and could only afford one chicken and was basically stuck with an animal I couldn't feed until much later after I got another harvest going.

I really want to do a cozy animal farm.
I wish you weren't stuck until you can get funds and materials just for the first barn/coop.

At that time I didn't know about mining. I didn't figure out how to fish and I didn't think of using foraging as a money maker. All the money I had came from farming and it was soul crushing when I spent it all on a coop that required additional investment in order to make it work.

Nintendo 64

Ah okay. I can see how that can fuck you up. Luckily I had read on Sup Forums many times that there was no reason to ever rush things so that might have kept me from making that mistake.

That sounds about right. It's when I started mine.

Can't you mod that if you have the PC version?


He can, but outside of straight up cheating I don't know how he can obtain a coop.

Probably, but that kinda takes the fun out of it.
Hopefully the upcoming update does something for that.

What does this mean?

Sure it's cheating, but if he limits it so that he starts with animals and only does that then I think it's pretty fair. Also what upcoming update?


I'm a huge PC faggot who doesn't even own a console and I would say Switch.

was there an update or something what the hell

I just don't know if it can be done in a way that is balanced. Chickens pays itself off after 19 days. You don't need to keep buying like you do crops to keep getting produce, and you don't need to use energy either.

ConcernApe has been tweeting updates about the upcoming multiplayer. He also teases that single player content will also change.

I wish I was as creative as some of you. I make money easily but my farm looks like a disgusting mess.

Don't care about multiplayer, but some single player content looks nice.

I maybe put 5 hours into this game on the PC but on the Switch I've put in at least 100 hours...

Something about it being on the Switch just increases it's comfy levels.

I have both but only play the Switch version.

The portable aspect makes it so much better. I dislike mods unless I 100% the game and feel like playing more.

I don't think I can play it unmodded now, but I am jealous of those who got the Switch version. Sitting on the computer is just not comfortable.

Animals in general are fucking shit for cash. The only one worth raising from a monetary standpoint is pigs and they have a rather large upfront cost and take awhile to get going.

I never played it with mods, by the time there was a decent flow of them I had already grown tired of sitting at the desk playing this style of game so I don't really know what I'm missing out on.

>on Nexus
There's not a brainlet wojak accurate enough to depict how fucking retarded you are.
>entire modding community for a game joins hands to say they wont prioritize Nexus releases
>hurr durr I'll look on Nexus for mods
Try the official forums, fagbag

Redpill me on Starjew Valley
Would I like this game if I liked Terraria?

if you'll really play it, I would recommend pc. but I doubt you even know what this game is about.

I don't think there's a single person who can dislike Stardew Valley.

Different genres, Stardew valley is basically harvest moon.

why do people always ask this, it's a farming rpg


but when will i be able to play a pc version on my switch

they nerfed blueberries

I'm getting close to getting all the achievements but I'm not sure I'll ever find all the artifacts or bother starting a new save just to buy the joja shit. Feels bad man.

I actually just started playing this on PC. I was using a gamepad at first but switched to mouse and keyboard and it felt alot better.

Game is really nice actually. I haven't enjoyed s HM game since BTN and this is giving me some of the same feelings as that did. My only concern at the moment is that the characters don't seem very interesting but maybe that picks up. Im only about 5 hours in.

The events are pretty good, but the problem is their general dialogue don't change afterwards.

>Demetrius is a Greek name
Origin doesn't matter, buddy. It wouldn't be out of place at all in a family of Shaniquas, Darnells, Lavars, and Shanices.

>this Demetrius looks cool as fuck and like an actual scientist.
Nope. The portrait makes you look like a Rick and Morty fan. You should probably change it to Pickle Rick, faggot.

PC for mods and generally best version
Switch if you want to play it on the go

at least we all know you have absolute shit taste

Is there a better item in the game than a glow ring?

iridium bands (the benefits stack)

With how little money you have right now, that diamond is a great get.

The Switch version is good in the way you can play Stardew Valley on the train/bus or in bed. PC version has mods.