Was this fiasco the beginning of the end for Sup Forums?

Was this fiasco the beginning of the end for Sup Forums?

that game is legit fantastic
end yourself you over memed faggot

The beginning of the end for Sup Forums was its creation. You can't put a bunch of awkward anonymous NEET weebs in one place and expect things to go smoothly.

>that game is legit fantastic


Nah, it was just another symptom of a terminal disease that was already well rooted. It did make things worse though. Now Sup Forums hopes that every new thing is "the next TORtanic" and will go out of it's way to sabotage games.

>will go out of it's way to sabotage games.
When was the last time this happened?
Hell, Sup Forums doesn't even want to "sabotage" EA, simply because reddit is doing it and they don't want to be associated with it in any way.

That game sank on it's own, Sup Forums had nothing to do with it.

Sup Forums ingratiating itself in every board was the downfall. Tortanic was near the golden age of Sup Forums

Tortanic was the downfall. Sup Forums ingratiating itself in every board was near the golden age of Sup Forums

>Sup Forums ingratiating itself in every board was the downfall.

Develop your hypothesis