*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
Not those wall niggers from Okami!
>Get all dark resist gear to MAX
>Equip it for the last boss
>Monolith heals your whole party to full HP every turn because 100%+ dark resist.
W-wew that really estimulates my almonds.
You are a piece of shit if you had problem with this shit, the 3-head dragon was a better fight in every possible way
is this metal slug
Thread seems a bit slow
So folks, wich Character is your favorite?
Wannabe nazi guy.
Anna a cute
Pervert nazi dude
Yotsubato is my favorite one, im hype for 5? 6? i think i saw they are adding a blue haired girl too how are they gonna implement so many characters if they only allowed 3 on the previous game?
>summon gear don't work on the character that stays out of the battle
Are you ready to start the rape train against most bosses?