Forget GOtY, post the worst game you played all year.
Most regrettable game of the year
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This game is gonna die once payed online kicks in
You posted it desu. The singleplayer was a let down, in 1 it was fresh and new but in 2 it was literally the same thing. Brought nothing new to the table and final boss was a let down. Multiplayer got boring quick. I did have fun with 1 but 2 just didnt hit the spot.
The worst game I played all year was a shitty final fantasy mobile game.
Spla2n is great though. The multiplayer is leagues better than in 1.
Because its a half baked sequel rushed out for Switch`s first year. Nintendo stopped giving a fuck and realized their fanbase will literally buy/praise any game they make regardless how much effort was put into it.
Probably this, which is why I'm enjoying my time with this while I can.
This. Fuck those weebs for hyping this bland ass shit up for me to pay full price. I liked the first Nier too, this shit is worse for all the reasons I actually play Nier for
>Sup Forums is still mad splatoon was successful
I agree with this desu. Combat was repetitive and shallow and could not stand up to any platinum game besides some shit shovelware, character interactions wasn't fun like the first, route B was the most boring shit ever and hacking or the shootemup sections are an easy chore. In a year with great games like Prey and P5 this game was the worst for me
Weakest game I played on my PS4 this year. Only music was above average
aka bait thread 26/11/17
OP Splatoon 2 was pretty good. Did you just not play many games this year?
breath of the wild, they turned zelda into some empty open world trash with nothing to do but braindead shrines and collecting korok seeds
If you played the first it's not much different, like most shooters anyway
You all only have yourself to blame. When there were constant threads about 2B's fat ass and very little discussion of the game itself, then that should have been a red flag to you that Automata is shit.
As opposed to linear cinematic trash with braindead dungeons and nothing to collect?
They're still not done updating it. A new game mode is coming in December even. Maybe the updates can change your mind. The thing is Splatoon 1 has the luxury of all it's updates being done as of now, while Splatoon 2 still has more stuff coming.
ITT Bait
>mfw I bought marvel vs capcom infinite
I feel ashamed
>love Nier
>love Platinum
I haven’t been this disappointed since school.