Forget GOtY, post the worst game you played all year.
Most regrettable game of the year
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This game is gonna die once payed online kicks in
You posted it desu. The singleplayer was a let down, in 1 it was fresh and new but in 2 it was literally the same thing. Brought nothing new to the table and final boss was a let down. Multiplayer got boring quick. I did have fun with 1 but 2 just didnt hit the spot.
The worst game I played all year was a shitty final fantasy mobile game.
Spla2n is great though. The multiplayer is leagues better than in 1.
Because its a half baked sequel rushed out for Switch`s first year. Nintendo stopped giving a fuck and realized their fanbase will literally buy/praise any game they make regardless how much effort was put into it.
Probably this, which is why I'm enjoying my time with this while I can.
This. Fuck those weebs for hyping this bland ass shit up for me to pay full price. I liked the first Nier too, this shit is worse for all the reasons I actually play Nier for
>Sup Forums is still mad splatoon was successful
I agree with this desu. Combat was repetitive and shallow and could not stand up to any platinum game besides some shit shovelware, character interactions wasn't fun like the first, route B was the most boring shit ever and hacking or the shootemup sections are an easy chore. In a year with great games like Prey and P5 this game was the worst for me