>blow out a faggy mod so bad they dig through the chive to find a thread that 404'd months ago. That way they can ban you because muh board culture.
Blow out a faggy mod so bad they dig through the chive to find a thread that 404'd months ago...
Elaborate? Which thread? What did you post?
One of the many lootbox threads and I explained how regulating them is literally communism
lmao you sound buttmad as fuck
Yeah those consumers are a bunch of commies goiym
>get banned
>get butthurt
>make a thread about it on Sup Forums
I didn't know being retarded get you banned
here's to hoping the mod will rangeban you this time!
>Vidya companies get away with making children gamble because there's no enforcement about digital gambling yet
>"Regulating them is literally communism"
>Implying a free market means companies should get away with highly addictive sales to children, the most vulnerable, guillible and stupid members of our society that should be protected until they become responsible enough.
In your perfect world kids get encouraged to get into casinos and into debt. I'm all for a fair free market and actual commies are retarded. But you're also fucking stupid holy shit user.
no one is making them do it
it is not gambling