Find only one (1)...just ONE flaw. Go ahead. Knock yourself out.
Find only one (1)...just ONE flaw. Go ahead. Knock yourself out
Too much bullshit busywork to do and it all happens at a snail's pace. Zero challenge.
It could really do without making the player fight Orochi THREE (3) times.
The gameplay gets boring fast.
Too easy
Very poor pacing
Dungeon design is bland
Too much dialogue and handholding
It's a worse twilight princess
Too long and too easy.
I literally did not die once. Never even had to use that astral pouch.
>It's a worse twilight princess
This is sadly very accurate to what the game is. It's fisher-price Zelda for hipsters who don't like Zelda and would rather play a game where they don't have to think as much.
No way to get Shiranui's brush powers.
Main character isnt male.
>you pause to heal
It takes out all the challenge in the combat.
Ever in danger? Pause and heal to full with your obscene amount of holy bones.
You can even use items in the pause menu to harm enemies and increase your godhood so you don't even take damage.
Lets not forget it takes how flowbreaking pausing mid-combat to heal is.
shame its still a good game
not on pc
Not enough Sakuya. And her second costume is shit.
inhuman rage fills my throat when remembering the FUCKING BLOCKHEADS
swear to god it took me two years to beat the last one
december 12
The last third had shit pacing. The whole snow continent was rushed.
>ever having to heal in Okami
main character isnt white
There's a lot of padding which probably wouldn't hurt overall if it were cut.
That's all I've got.
In the words of Kamiya, Amaterasu is genderless because the Sun has no gender.
at least you eventually got it
I just stopped trying. Fuck that last one
>In the words of Kamiya
shinto priests would beat him with sticks.
Too easy/shallow -- combat had zero depth and the dungeons were astonishingly simple. Brush powers don't make for a great substitute for Zelda's items. There aren't a lot of creative ways to employ them, it's always just "spread the fire across the lanterns" or "slow down time to get past this obstacle. It'd be nice if more items like the magic mallet were included and were used more than once or twice.
I didn't think the pacing was a problem, but I can understand others' complaints about it. Personally I loved the world so much that even the littlest of side characters had a remarkable charm to them that made the slog across the map pretty enjoyable. I'd kill for a sequel featuring more of those minor side quests like the golden mushroom one.
pretty much everything but the presentation
looks good as fuck though
Late game combat kind of turns into spending 90% of the time drawing with the brush. Fucks up the flow.
Game is totally shallow. It's made for toddlers because it's extremely easy. I never died once
What kind of gun did they use when they forced you to use any of that?
I ended up using my phone to record the last one's pattern.