>tfw accidentally glance at a reflective surface and see my face
Tfw accidentally glance at a reflective surface and see my face
Other urls found in this thread:
>be nigger
>cant see reflection.
I'm not an ugly piece of fat shit so I don't get this problem
>tfw your eyes and a pretty woman's eyes meet for a split second and you're being tackled to the ground and arrested for attempted rape
>tfw your eyes and a pretty woman's eyes meet for a split second before your BDD takes over and now you look like an ugly man in the mirror
matte screen
>wanna meet a cute guy from Sup Forums
>tell him how cute and beatiful he is
>look at him blush
>kiss him everywhere
>massage him
>suck his cock whenever he wants
>make breakfest for him
>serve him in general
Anyone? Dont care what you look like aslong as youre not fat
girl and not the penis kind?
pls have penis
>tfw accidentally glance at a reflective surface and see my face
he wants to serve you unconditionally and you can't do it without a penis?
Dont worry im a female (male)
That's a shame, user. Don't they have drugs for that? I've heard laudanum is nice if you can get it.
At least it's BDD for you.
I always thought that was vampires, or is it both?
hambeast detected
jesus user the guy just has some self esteem issues, he isnt battling eldrich horrors
Hello darkness
>look at reflective surface of handheld game
>see something behind me in the brief moment its on a loading screen
my old friend
I get that sometimes but other times I actually want to fuck myself. I guess it's all in the angles
>be nigger
My condolences
isnt that what he said
Perhaps you're right, and I was a little... overzealous in my recommendation. Still, laudanum's great, what's the harm?
>you see your multiple layers of fat and 4 inch dick in .
holy shit I just realize Im in stage 4 right now am i gonna die?
Matte LCDs were a bliss
not even once
I like this version, it's more true to where I am now.
what do those pills do
isn't that stuff from like the middle ages
More like late 19th and early 20th century.
>not being handsome
Lmao. Dumb Amerifats.
Later, it's most common in depictions of the Romantic and Victorian eras, especially the Victorian era. It's still possible to get it by prescription for use as a cough suppressant (though a weaker variant is more common), or you can make your own.
>still get really turned on when I see myself when I'm horny
>noticeably cum harder, too
Is this actual narcissism? I don't think I'm all that.
you're probably just gay
>tfw no big booty bitches
It's almost been a year
I can't imagine what it's like to be this way. I'm not even in my fantasies when I jerk off.
>look at yourself in your bathroom mirror at home
>look pretty handsome
>look at yourself in a picture or any other reflective surface
>look like shit
>be trap
>see reflection
>get horny