World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

>no Big Bad for the Alliance and Horde to unite against
>no epic adventures on other worlds like Legion implied there would be with all the interdimensional portals
>no new races or classes, just reskins and recolors
>raids and warfronts are going to be even more boring versions of Isle of Conquest/Ashran/Broken Isles
>Horde get upgraded Nelves, further skewing the Horde:Alliance ratio
>each faction literally gets just THREE zones each to level through

Will this be the expansion to kill WoW?

Other urls found in this thread:'jin

>pvp xpac
>worlddefense channel will probably still be broken

How does Anduin take his coffee?

>upgraded Nelves
You stupid motherfucker. Those blue trailer park crackheads aren't an upgrade to any elf in the game.
Let the Horde have them. That's where all the fuck-ups go in the first place.

Bugmen voting because "it's her turn!"

Meanwhile, Chaduin knows what's up.

>No big bad for the Alliance and Horde to unite against

You posted her in your picture op you rascal.

yes definitely, nu-blizz blows and wow classic is just damage control when the new xpac tanks

imagine being this autistic

Yes. Eventually people will get bored of injecting 70 U$ every two years in an "DLC" that they decide to call an expac and wasting time doing daylies the whole week just to raid the whole Saturday/Sunday.
Blizzard should be absorbed by EA or something already, they are beyond unforgivable.

>implying the forsaken will turn on the YASSS QUEEN