>no Big Bad for the Alliance and Horde to unite against >no epic adventures on other worlds like Legion implied there would be with all the interdimensional portals >no new races or classes, just reskins and recolors >raids and warfronts are going to be even more boring versions of Isle of Conquest/Ashran/Broken Isles >Horde get upgraded Nelves, further skewing the Horde:Alliance ratio >each faction literally gets just THREE zones each to level through
>pvp xpac >worlddefense channel will probably still be broken
Asher Martinez
How does Anduin take his coffee?
Joseph Murphy
>upgraded Nelves You stupid motherfucker. Those blue trailer park crackheads aren't an upgrade to any elf in the game. Let the Horde have them. That's where all the fuck-ups go in the first place.
Jack Jones
Bugmen voting because "it's her turn!"
Meanwhile, Chaduin knows what's up.
Samuel Williams
>No big bad for the Alliance and Horde to unite against
You posted her in your picture op you rascal.
Noah Kelly
yes definitely, nu-blizz blows and wow classic is just damage control when the new xpac tanks
Dominic Baker
imagine being this autistic
Andrew Watson
Yes. Eventually people will get bored of injecting 70 U$ every two years in an "DLC" that they decide to call an expac and wasting time doing daylies the whole week just to raid the whole Saturday/Sunday. Blizzard should be absorbed by EA or something already, they are beyond unforgivable.
Eli Stewart
>implying the forsaken will turn on the YASSS QUEEN