What would you like to see in a sequel?
What would you like to see in a sequel?
loot crates
No online
less circlejerk generals on Sup Forums
PC version please
revamped chalice dungeon with more to them than just run to lever, fight boss, repeat.
Forced feminization. Face sitting.
the same game but different and better
This. There's great potential in dungeons, but they're not even half assed in BB
Pc begging race reporting in
>Better Chalice dungeons
>More level variety because its boring to look at the same backgroiund all the time
>More armor options
>Better non shitty story
Anyone got any tips on beating darkbeast. He’s wrecking me
>Forced feminization. Face sitting.
build your character up somewhere else and go back to him
Use the axe and fire paper. Hit the legs and when it's stunned, hit the head. Go for visceral.
Another thread? Played it and it hella sucked. Dunno why the praise, even das3 was better and that one sucked too
I had fun satisfying my autistic side farming gems in the CDs, but I would've loved it if there were different variants of weapons that were stronger the deeper the depth that you find them rather than just different gem slots. Shit like that is what I feel it needs, just a good reason to go in and complete them and completely search them besides for trophies and autistic gem farming.
I wouldn't.
BB is great, it's my 4th best game of all time and I still play it a lot, but souls sequels are never a good thing.
Part of the charm with Souls is exploring this world you know absolutely nothing about, piecing it together as you go along. The celestials reveal was a huge thing in Bloodborne, it's hard to do those things in a sequel because we already know the groundwork for that universe.
I'd much rather have a whole new soulslike title we know nothing about
I've spent more time playing the dungeons that both the regular game and the DLC combined, and I've had a great lot of fun, but the variety of content is lacking
You can make a sequel with a whole new world without much problem. There are lots and lots of cosmic horror and romanticism gothic tales that From could use as inspiration to make something as new as BB. I agree with you in the exploration of a place you know nothing about is a essential element, but you could do that in a sequel, just preserving themes and atmosphere and some basic tenets of the mythos.
A world tendency system like in Demon's Souls, with White/Black being replaced with Beasthood/Kinhood. Level environments, items and enemy spawns would change depending on it. You could have the Bram Stoker to Lovecraft paradigm shift from the first game without it having to be a twist partway through the game. I don't care about how it stops you from making your epic meta pvp build, I don't care how hard it makes it to get the trophies.
Summon people that will beat him for you.
>60 fps
>more weapons
>more outfits with more varied stats
>more enemy types
>more varied locations
>follow up to the magic squid ending because who the fuck knows what a young old one that can travel from the dream to the real world could do
it not existing
Kart racing
>summon defector guy
>win fight on first try
I dont use guides and beat Gasciogne and blood starved beast solo, am i casual?
i use rifle spear and make it a point to only use NPC summons
No, why the fuck would you want this? Did you learn nothing from DaS2?
-PC version
-estus based healing system
-some effort put into covenants
Imagine it being more like Demon to Dark than Dark to Dark Souls 2
I floated an idea on here awhile back about a replacement for CDs, which I think we're a good idea on paper, but fdailed in implementation. The idea is similar, called a Hunt. You get placed in a random area using random tilesets (both indoor and outdoor locations for variety that was lacking in CDs) with random enemies and a boss at the culmination of the hunt. I'm thinking similar to D3 in that You might go from woods into a cathedral then out into a town section into a cave - all connected randomly. You could have coop with other hunters or PvP. I didnt much care for the gem grind, but these could be rewards for success, or the whole loot system could be reworked.
Paarl or Loran Darkbeast?
If Paarl, you're probably fighting him early. If Dankbeast, learn his moveset and which attacks can be punished without him nailing you.
>rifle spear
There's your problem right there
Essentially this. The concept of Chalice Dungeons is great, but I'd like them to implement actual random generation into the Root Chalices and make the chalices overall more interesting.
I would also love to see the player being able to discover the chalice dungeon entrances from the surface and gradually descend down.
Proper frame pacing. Even though the game has stable 30FPS it's not enjoyable for me because of frame pacing issues. I got memed into this game by Sup Forums and it's the only one I don't play.
What's wrong with the story?
This guy gets it.
I'd like it to distance itself as much from the original as possible. No returning characters, no direct lore expansion, or anything. Completely different setting, way in the future, similar to Event Horizon or Dead Space 1. It should be a sequel in name and spirit only. It should feel like Bloodborne, but be as different as possible. It would be completely fitting with the Lovecraftian horror concept for the player's struggle with first game to be irrelevant and forgotten, just a footnote in a broader, bigger story.
space dream
If its done at all it has to be like this. A high technology future setting where everything is still dark and grimy and life is a grind for humans...then you discover the space nightmare realm where it's so psychically horrific you don't need eyes (except on the inside) to see it. Same gameplay mechanics, entirely new setting and story.
More frames
I've been reading Lovecraft lately, and Bloodborne could use more of the underwater bullshit from Lovecraft stories, only the DLC really got into that.
Walking around on the sea floor in an old diving suit/with breathing magic/fish mutations in Bloodborne would be pretty cool.
Walking around on a piece of land from the depths of the ocean that floated to the surface, covered in dead fish and ancient ruins holding ancient beings would be pretty cool.
A way to give my character a sex change at will, so I don't need to start a newgame when my tranny feels are flaring up