Demon's Souls had a more interesting world than Dark Souls.
Demon's Souls had a more interesting world than Dark Souls
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Not really. Demon's Souls had cool atmosphere but the world and especially how it was executed in terms of gameplay was kind of meh.
Nah. It was pretty garbage. The Tower of Latria, if anything, was cool.
The rest of the world was about as bland as it could be.
Dark Souls felt like a bunch of video game levels arbitrarily linked together for the sake of creating a seamless world. In Demon's Souls it felt like I was traveling to vastly different places. Dark Souls constantly broke my immersion with its design. It's like Minecraft biomes. Walk a few feet, now it's snowing! Walk a few feet, giant crystal cave! Take an elevator, lava!
I kinda agree, and i'm sad they didn't go the "shared universe" route for Bloodborne as it was inted in the beta (Guacomole saying Umbasa)
That's Dark souls 2, Dark souls 1 world makes sense
except it doesnt
Not really both DaS and BB have a truly more interesting world. I can tell you're a nostalgiafag