DMC5 HAPPENING EDITION : V2 (Max confirms edition)

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why do you guys continuously set yourself up for heartbreak?

so is it donte or dante

'cause that kind of determines whether i should give a shit or not



Dante and its DMCV OP jesus christ.


>get ready for a stylish mobile mmo phone experience
>deck your demon slayer out in cosmetics earned randomly from special boxes
>immersive touch controls
>featuring donte from the devil may cry series

I'm fucking ready.

>The leak is from the NeoFAG replacement
Don't get your hopes up boys.

Okay, what DMC do I need to play to understand 5? What gamu? 1, 3, 4? Are they all on PC? HECK!

delet pls, I might legit kill myself if any of those are true

DmC 2

Okay I bought DMC. Now what? Do I post fuck you memes everywhere?

Understand? Probably none of them.

3 and 4 are on PC, though 3's port is kind of shit. 1 is easily emulatable though.

>Final Fantasy XV released
>Last Guardian released
>Duke Nukem Forever released
>Nier got a sequel
>Kingdom Hearts 3 announced
>New No More Heroes
>Shenmue 3 announced
>Mario Rabbids crossover
>Final Fantasy VII remake announced
>Crash Bandicoot Remaster
>A motherfucking Bubsy game in the year of our lord 2017
>Liru H-game released
>Bleach ended
>Naruto ended
>Guts got off the boat
>Code Geass sequel got announced
>New DBZ series
>New Cardcaptor
>Akagi's 20 year Monopoly game ended
>New Invader Zim
>New Samurai Jack
>Bayonetta is on PC
>Beyond Good and Evil 2
>Vanquish is on PC
>Blinkin Park is real
>Darksiders 3 announced
>Rozen Maiden 2013
>Entire Soulsborne series began and ended
>Seventeen AssCreed games
>Metroid Prime 4 announced
>Monster Hunter is multiplat
>SoTC remake
>Grimoire released
>Valve announced a new game after 5 years
>Gungrave VR
>ZoE remake
>Neogaf fucking died
>Rurouni Kenshin sequel
>Rurouni Kenshin author outed as /ourguy/
>Bin Laden is a DMC fan
>Okami HD Remaster
>Goldberg came back and retired
>King of Fighters died and came back
>Final Fantasy is in Tekken
>Nioh released
>Kojima got fired
>Bayonetta and Cloud in Smash Bros
>Hey Arnold Finale Movie

I hope so. He's the more interesting version.

No one cares at all whatsoever.

>Do I post fuck you memes everywhere?
Post memes of 4

It's real.
I've seen it.

Y'know, whenever these leaks happen and I begin to read them it is very hard for me not to get all teary eyed. This game franchise is the reason why I play video games. It's my favorite game in the universe, heaven, hell, and absolute nothingness.

I open this and see "He's coming back boys!" and it gives me teary eyes and have to hold back from crying because I have been waiting for so long for this.

Just hearing other passionate DMCfans talk about a potential DMC5 causes me to do a Laugh that goes into a crying state and then I have to regain myself and wipe my eyes before anyone sees.

As I type this right now my chest is burning. It's it burning with so much passion! I don't know if it's because this game will resurrect me or I'm just happy that an actual video game may be returning to the fray. I'm sick and tired of all these cinematic experience games with QTES. Even in the leak that had to point out that the game wont have any QTEs.

But for once I feel complete happiness. I feel like a kid again, and I can't wait. E3 2018 is so far away.

What's the difference between 4 and 4 Special Edition?

Why don't you just read the features part of the Steam page and find out yourself?

>DMC was my first fucking game in the series
>Fianlly I'll play another DMC again

There was a hey arnold movie?

There is literally no place more trustworthy for leaks you fucking assclown. You moron. You phone-posting pepe-folder anus.

I feel the same. I just want muh crazy back.

Not that shitty donte shit.

it just got released last friday, the jungle movie.

>implying anything is going to happen outside of DMC being turned into mobileshit/pachinko garbage

came out a few days ago, wraps up everything

>implying Capcom hasn’t turned into RE/SF/MonHun the company

The fuck is the best mmo out of my house because of school at the university of the m e formula for my background is the y axis and my so I don't know what to do Get the best of the best games for it sin c ontinjies I don't know what to do Get a high trim slightly more than 1p I don't know if it's just to teabag me all the while I'm laughing even when I die from the y axis and my so I don't have the best of the m y axis and my so I don't know what to do Get the best of the m e formula

>thousands of talented people whose dream is to work on IPs of a certain company
>can't because of copy right laws
Stallman is(always) right

I have 0 hope for modern Cacpom, but if DmC5 is real, than fucking soulcalibur is all but confirmed

Are you ok a-user

It's going to be at The Game Awards. Geoff basically let the cat out of the bag. Tameem's going to be there too because of Hellblade. His reaction's going to be great.

>developed by "Capcom" Vancouver


>caring about DMC's story

DMC fans are so innocent.

I can't wait to taste your tears of disappointment, like every other E3.

They're too busy with MvCI, Besides, Itsuno's team hasn't been working on anything else so why wouldn't it be them?

I share a similar feel. I can already imagine the day the announcement hits and the trailer drops; Sup Forums will become cuhrayzee once again.
Pour one out for all the DMCbros who died waiting for DMCV

VQ2 when

Yup Arnold got some face from Helga without claims of insanity and Gerald and Phobe finally stopped being subtle and just wen straight for it.

bruh... don't make me sad

Jokes on you, not getting any hype until I see gameplay

I don't drink but I'll save a pizza slice for each of them.

I have been ordering pizza every time I watch a stream for an event that's rumored to have DMC5. I won't stop.

Happening for like 10th time?

What's the link at the end

G and P are truly the best couple on that show.

Reminder that Project Beast leaked on Sup Forums. Reminder that neogaf is a garbage fire and no dev will want to interact with it or that shitty ResetEra site the refugees fled to.

>Bin laden is a gamer and anime fan
>Bubsy got a game along with Sonic (mania) and Crash in 2017
>Both Samurai Jack and Arnold got to end properly. RIP pigeon man. Based Genndy.

You can’t make this shit up

Honestly, we can tell you what you need to know in one spoilered paragraph.

...Wasn't Pigeon man in the movie?

>Samurai Jack
>got to end properly

DMC = Team Little Devils
DmC = Ninja Theory

>it's all a ruse and it's Dragon's Dogma 2

Nobody claimed that properly meant good.

this but just play DMC1 and 3 first. DMC4 doesn't hurt either because DMC5 will definitely touch on Nero's connection to a certain someone. Besides, 3's story is actually pretty good for how simple it is. I've got a lot of the lines memorized.

Vergil has come to

How about fucking Made In Abyss getting a followup? Truly we are living in blessed times.

I didn’t watch the show as a kid but I knew about the tsundere stuff with Arnold and nothing about what Gerald’s situation was. When I saw what y’all were talking about, I basically came in agreement with y’all. Was also happy to see helga finally getting a chance to find some happiness in Arnold so all in all, I happy that their story ended on a god damn good note.

DMC1 is worth playing first if you have access to one of the consoles it's on. DMC3 and 4 if you're PC only.

Also buy bayonetta on PC.

Max wouldn't lie, get motivated

Dragons Dogma 1 was a terrible game and I don't want it to resurface.

There's no reason not to get the special edition. It just has more stuff.

I thought it was pretty good honestly. I wish that the guardian wasn’t dead and we’d have gotten that rematch but really I didn’t hate it, it was an adequate end, if not a bittersweet one, especially for Jack having to live the remainder of his days without her.

nothing like the smell of shilling in the morning. no one cares about your dead series anymore, retard.

What if I already have 4?

Vergil has come AND SO HAVE I

Literally nani'd out of my fucking chair holy shit I had heard nothing of this imma watch it right now

>reeing for something good
Kys stupid faggot

4 is worth it for Vergil alone, playable Trish and Lady are just icing on the top.

Also Nero's concept art costume HNGHHHH


Can you link the leaks btw

Worth upgrading but I would check for cheap ways to get it

Literally costs £3.

That scarf is pretty slick

happy watching, it hit me in the feels a few times

>Pour one out for all the DMCbros who died waiting for DMCV
Press F to pay respects:

I hope they give him a scarf in DMC5. The Nero haters are going to come around just like they did for Apollo in Ace Attorney 5.

I still think his gameplay is slow and trash, the only technical part of it is the dumb timed sword revs shit which isn't nearly as fun or flashy as style switching, and the hand grabs are for casuals to make easy air combos.

Almost everything that is wrong with DmC's gameplay came from Nero.

>vergil again
He's a dead horse at this point

Care to explain why you aren't listening to this right fucking now?

is this maximillian a neet celebrity or something? first I heard of dmc5 was a post from resetera, now we have a tweet. I'm hoping the shilling becomes more substantial instead of this cloak and dagger shit trying to measure the public's interest.

>It may be playstation exclusive

Wow I didn’t realize people were this emotional about DMC. I played it a long long time again when I was still renting games from Videotron and never really got into it.

I don’t wanna be that asshole that has to be a prick but rumours aside, what’s makes you think this game would be better off having a new game after how poorly the last one did?

I want to see Dante wield the chinder chagger nigger dagger

fine with me, it may get a PC release down the road. who cares if its on xbox one

Because the last one was made by Team Ninja getting directions from Tameme
This one is from Itsuno

Mostly plays fighting games and basically is promoter for the scene. Has worked with Capcom on many things such as AssistMe and is still in touch with people there. He might know.

What? Devil May Cry 4 was a big success.

poorly in what sense? Sales were great, as usual for the series. The game was rushed as fuck and not given proper development time. If the rumours are true, and based on our timeline at least this part is, DMC5 will have been in development for 3 years total by the time its out. That's way more substantial than even the best games in the series.

I'm ready for the return of DMC Combo MADs.

How long were DMC 3 and 4 each in development?

Does anyone have the Mr. Troublemaker MAD from when DMC3SE first came out? Can't find it on youtube anymore, probably because of music copyright. I wonder if anyone has a repository of old ass combo MADs.

Ninja Theory made DmC.
Team Ninja are the Ninja Gaiden people.

DMC3 was less than 2 years. DMC4 was maybe 1.5?