KoF couldn't stop them

>KoF couldn't stop them
>Goober Gear couldn't stop them
>Injustice couldn't stop them
>Tekken had to borrow one of their characters to avoid dying in a month
>Have two dominantly successful fightans with SFV and MVCI
>SFVAE poised to destroy the competition again in 2018
>Dragonball and BlazeBlue RWBY Tag are next to be destroyed
Capcom always wins baby.

Other urls found in this thread:


check this 6

Not an argument

>EVO 2017: Jubei, Geese and Abigail are announced
>reddit complains about Abigail nonstop
>fast forward a few months
>nobody gives a fuck about blazeblue or jubei
>geese still isnt out
>Abigail is a fan favorite that gets everyone excited whenever he shows up at a tournament

Based Capcom

Please have sex

Can anything stop Capcom? Not even Capcom can stop Capcom? MvCI did nothing to SFV.

>All these months later
>SFV gets three interesting and fun new characters
>Tekken still doesn't have shit
>Blazblue is fucking dead
Can ANYONE fucking stop them bros?

>SFV is still mechanically trash and disliked by the majority of veterans/Japs and mid level players

People will play Capcom even if trash in the West simple as that. Its the McDonalds/Walmart of gaming its simple easy and even if its bad to indulge in it that doesn't some the lowest common denominator

Have fun wasting your time with shit games like MVCI and SFV because you cannot learn shit like GG/KOF/Tekken/Uniel etc and have to swim in the kiddie pool to just play semi properly.

Keep fantasizing about that Capcom cup prize you'll never compete for but pretend to be a threat for in your basement.


It's a weak troll, you should at least have defended it with gameplay imo, would've made your post a bit more "legit"

Outsold by arms