Titanfall 2 is a great game

Titanfall 2 is a great game.


It's mediocre and looks like a game from 2006

Glad you had fun with it OP.

Agreed. I wish it had gotten the proper release it deserved

Yeah, it's very fun____
I play it on my PS4



Ion > Scorch > Ronin > Legion > Tone > Monarch > Northstar

>ronin and northstar not first on that list
>tone and legion that high up
>monarch even on that list

Bet you don't even use extra dash on your titan slowboi


From the catalog the thumbnail makes it look like a Volus from Mass Effect that looks like it's ready for some extreme battling

I want to fuck that

How can you fuck a Titan™?

Find a hole

Ok get this.
Get all the human characters
Make them cute anime girls

Boom best seller

Not the Titans?

Who knows
Battery Port


Too bad it's effectively dead on PC it's almost impossible to find a match.

I heard they don't like "mecha", so I'm never buying anything of theirs. They think they can btfo an entire genre with two little games? Fuck you.

>not his
>mfw waifufags don't even want to fuck metal, just some giant animu gril

Good memories

>He actually feeble minded enough to get triggered by that one asshole and his dumb statement

I mean sure, it was a monumentally dumb thing to say, but it doesn't even reflect what's in the game. The game is a love letter to mechs. There's a teleporting sword mech, a laser mech with a chest beam, there's a mech with fucking boosters to fly with and a sniper rifle.

Game's a love letter to mechs user. Don't be a fucking moron.


Is the mp dead? Im kinda interested in buying it since is on sale.

Titanfall is the kind of game that will have a core fanbase playing it until the next game comes out.

There's still a stable active playerbase on PC alone. And as with most console FPS, the player count is likely higher there.

Last time I played there was 4-5k players on the console version

Is the single player good?

Good to know. I'm buying it right now.

too bad the general is dead on /vg/. one of the most helpful generals imo

Probably one of the best shooter campaigns in recent memory.


Why did it die? Can't they just...MAKE another thread? lol

It sure is, Northstar mains Unite!

Ihe doesn't wanna be in a simulation with his Titan in beautiful, fuggable anime form
What a pleb.



my fellow Niggerfield 1/TF|2 player

I guess not enough people play it anymore so the threads die too quickly

not worth having to install origin

>it was fun

It ran on linux
I didn't have to install origin

I'd be playing it right now.

>don't know how to meme arrows
>calling other people plebs
Northstarfags everyone

Easily the best execution in the game followed by Scorch Prime's.

You boys got titan takedown webms?

Monarch's ripntear the enemy pilot out of the cockpit, then kick the titan is the most brutal of them

Better than nu-DOOM?

Ah fuck it i'm queueing again
One more wont hurt

Personally, to same amount of enjoyment but in different ways I guess. Your mileage may vary, but it definitely comes close.

I'd queue if I could actually find games on PC. People in Kangaroo land got no taste in games

Not worth paying full or half price


>what are mistypes
>kys nigger Ronin scum

>legion trying to manfight ion
>legion shooting into ions shield
yea nah, I learned the hard way. just punch him bro

fuck off you shill, this game is mediocre.

>it's another LTS All Scorch Mains in Drydock episode

just picked it up, really enjoying it

>Scorch mains
Those mofos are scary. Easy Roasting sessions

is it on sale for $5 again?

Titanfall 2 is not a bad game. It largely fixed the problems the first game suffered from but if you were hoping for something radically improved over Titanfall 1, this is not the game. I'd recommend subscribing to Origin Access and playing the game that way. Save yourself the money, go through the story, do a few multiplayer matches, and then unsubscribe after you've had your fill.


not in the slightest.

Why are Legion players so fucking stupid?

Got it for $10. The campaign is pretty fun so far. More fun than cod and battlefield campaigns at least.


why did titanfall 2 fail in comparison to titanfall 1? it launched on the ps4 whats the point of 70 million ps4s if nobody buys the games?

Because people were cautious after the first game was launched with barebones content and a season pass that actually costed money (can you believe that?).
By the end, Titanfall 1's extra content was made free but it was too late by that point.

Just beat it today and i gotta say it was the most fun I've had with a shooter in s LONG fucking time.

Is it multiplayer only like the first one again? I wouldn't mind playing it. Fuck multiplayer though, jumping into these upgrade unlock type multi games late is always fucking ass.

Battlefield 1 was released on October 21st 2016
Titanfall 2 was released on October 28th 2016
Call of Duty Infinity Warfare was released on November 4th 2016

It had no chance.

Is this mech supposed to be a fucking girl?

Poor taste. Most probably ran off to buy the safe picks at the time (CoD/BF). Titanfall also takes actual effort to learn and play well so there's that.

No, it isn't.

It's a mech m8.

It has a "female" AI built in so yeah I guess so.

Why. Back your words, lest they carry no weight.

I had some severe graphic stuttering which I got tired of after a while and stopped playing

Because dumb legion players don't use the miracle of powershots and ammo saving. Seriously, the majority of legion play is powershots.

Fuck EA though

Just got done from playing several matches of Titanfall 2

God damn, it's so exhilarating going to fast all over the place after taking a week off to play it.


Do they still have hamburgers in the future?

Oh hey that's me.

I'm glad I changed my origin username to that.

What category of sci-fi would you place Titanfall 1 and 2 under?

I respect /tfg/ for dying with dignity. They didn't drag it out into a vegetable state talking about titan waifus.

>Literally the only exo-suit styled shooter to get it right

He is god-tier in LTS

Just started playing it a couple days ago. So far I agree

If you liked the story for Zone of the Enders: 2nd Runner, you'll like Titanfall 2's campaign.

I'm being serious.

Generic sci-fi + mech

military vehicles are often referred to in feminine

>Generic sci-fi
What the hell does that mean?

Means exactly what it says

>bought it on release but never really played much besides a bit of the campaign
is PC multiplayer still alive?

Yes, it is.
In spite of all obstacles against it, it's still active and stable.


You can still find a game, though it's likely to be Attrition. At least Respawn made the matchmaking in a way to pick your preferred gamemodes and throw you into one that's full, instead of the playlist method where everyone picks TDM out of necessity.

>it's still active and stable.
Not in kangaroo land it's not. I just want to go fast again.