>In philosophy
>Professor asks me what is power.
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from Kingdom Hearts
>I say "My friends are my power"
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause
In philosophy
>teacher calls role but doesn’t say my name
>asks me who I am
>”it is I, ansem the seeker of darkness”
>classmates beat me to death with giant keys
>in biology
>professor asks me about evolution
>I say " If evolution was real then how come this rock isn't an animal by now?"
>professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause
>one day xehanort bully me
>I say "you are smelly"
>he cries
>then teacher rapes me for being a mean boy
>in philosophy
>professor asks me what my subjective existential purpose in life is
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from some Nintendo game I really like
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of applause
Lol. My psy prof would just start going on about how your friends are a hindrance and then rant about everyone he hated in highschool. Fuck community college.
>In philosophy
>Professor asks me "Is it wrong to kill?"
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from The Citizen Kane of Movies
>I say "Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab."
>Professor looks stunned, class gives me a round of WEE WOO WEE WOO
>on Sup Forums
>faggot makes same shitty thread for (you)s
>put on the spot, reply "you're a fucking nigger"
>OP sucks a dick, mods ban everyone
>in World History
>Essay section of an exam, asks me to describe the causes of the Cold War
>put on the spot, I remember a certain quote from Metal Gear Solid
>I say "After the end of World War 2, the world split into two, east and west. This was the beginning of an era known as the Cold War."
>Exam looks stunned, class, who is cheating off of me, gives me a round of applause
>one time I do the jump rope after having sex with my girlfriend
>then my mom say "get back in here you nigger and play video games"
>I say "no you" and stick my tongue out
>she then grabs my back and throws me at a wall
>then she stomp on me like an animal
>I then try to get up but she makes me eat poop
>so then i play my cursed Kirby and The Amazing Mirror and die
>after that I give in back to game stop