Just started playing a new character in Titan Quest Ragnarok well.. look at the screenshot

Just started playing a new character in Titan Quest Ragnarok well.. look at the screenshot.

They added a new weapon type, a throwing axe.
It seems to be the same damage base wise as bows but is much faster and allows you to use a shield.
It is also affected by skills like Marksmanship.
Are bows now obsolete?

Well shit this is insane.

Warfare dual wield skills affect throwing weapons. Have fun.

the fuck. it will be like a chain gun.

Attack speed caps at 141%, but yeah, machine gun axes. The Reckless Offense passive in Rune mastery is amazing with dual wield Warfare.

Can they crit like melee weapons, or do they ignore OA like bows?

Can't crit and ignore OA.

You shouldnt post here unless you can tank this miniboss

i just one shot him

Throwing axes and spears have lower range than Bows, that's how they balanced it.

>10 fps
the fuck

>that resolution
>those graphics
>those black bars
>that bandicam
>that framerate

What the fuck am i watching

unironically kill yourself casual

I fucking love it, but range is far more limited compared to a bow

>click enemy
>character runs into range
>starts chucking axes
>they land at the enemy's feet, inches from actually striking them
>have to manually move closer or let enemy get a head start towards me before thrown weapons actually hit
Feels clunky as shit.

>female char

Nobody plays a male in TQ.

It's like I'm back in 2007.

What the fuck are you even doing senpai

must be a time traveller

the thighs tho

Gotta say, I'm impressed.

i mean this game came out in 2006

Looking to make a new character, want him to be a tank with auras: which two of these should I pick?

