This is the guy that forever destroyed Dark Souls 2 with a video where he called it a pretty good game

This is the guy that forever destroyed Dark Souls 2 with a video where he called it a pretty good game.

Imagine what will his Breath of the Wild video cause.

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If you care about the opinions of e-celebs politely kill yourselves, please and thank you

>t. DS2fag

isn't breath of the wild exactly what he described he wanted in a zelda game in his skyward sword video?

Kinda. He'll probably say it's a pretty good game.

Nice retort. Don't forget to give your favorite e-celeb some epic e-bux so he can buy a chastity cage for his next epic trolling montage xD

Where's the next fucking video, Matthew?

mad as fuck

He's a DS2 fan. Poor guys have been continually BTFO'd since the game's release.

Joseph Anderson already destroyed BOTW, basically calling it a 7/10


Yeah, but he's easy to marginalize. Matthew not so much.

Im sure it will be boring

>quits job to make videos
>makes a patreon
>never releases a video again

It'll be out once he finishes impregnating his sister

Joseph liked Tomb Raider and The Last of Us. He's just a pleb in disguise

He said it was a 8/10 on twitter though, so

To be fair, all we can do is imagine his videos, since they never come out and all.

His patreon pays per video though. I don't know what he's dojng for a living if he's not putting anything out.

>wow guys it's good but it's not THAT good 8/10
Gosh where do I sign up to give this guy money for these valuable insights

Nah, it was a disappointment before his video came out.
But yeah, most newfags to the franchise only wisened up after the video.
And the newerfags are the ones who coulnt understand we were shitposting when we defended DS2 and now unironically believe it was on par with the rest of the series.
Pick your poison I guess. The fanbase has been shit for a while now. It shouldnt have gone mainstream.

Who's your favourite video game Youtuber?

Clemps is fucking terrible. He acts as obnoxious and as unfunny as those big youtubers you claim to hate. The only difference is his fans convince themselves he's "not like them" just because he isn't as popular. They are being hipster about liking garbage for 16 year olds.

Watch any Clemps video imagining that he has a million subscribers and you'll realize he's doing the exact same awful videos as they are.


His opinions on the game were pretty spot-on though. The shitty ''dungeons'' were incredibly boring after you've done the second. You knew exactly how it was going to look, what enemies you'd find and what boss awaited you at the end.
The shrines did not make up for the lack of dungeons at all. Maybe half of them were okay and okay is not enough for a Zelda game. It's like they just ran out of ideas and figured the open overworld would be enough for people to enjoy themselves, which I'll admit I really did enjoy, but it's barely a Zelda game. It really misses those tightly designed and unique looking dungeons that even the shittiest Zelda games had plenty of.

Nakeyjakey is GOAT

This. The fact that people say that watching his Drakengard analysis is a suitable replacement for actually playing the game is ridiculous.

It's not per video, but he has paused his patreon while he sits on his arse debating which word to use in the third sentence of the eighth paragraph of the metroidvania video he's never going to release.

He's currently losing money, but at a slow rate.

Clemps is basically weeaboo JonTron, and I'm okay with that.

>dat feel when Mandalore is going to once again disappear after his two next videos

Just when he got me used to a regular schedule.

How come he lost then?

It's literally one of his favorite games of the year retard.

It's a shit game anyway. Nothing of value was lost.

>debating which word to use in the third sentence of the eighth paragraph of the metroidvania video he's never going to release.

So autism is the problem.

>hyperbithero not included
how mad will he be

Because he stopped making videos, again

Wait what
Plebs choose the pleb option, and there's a lot of plebs.
He's a Sup Forumsirgin, what do you expect?


It's per video. Just checked it.

I like those Q and A videos Matthew did but it's not easy listening to just one voice drone on for so long

Matt loved TLOU

He switched it from per-month to per-video. That was the 'pausing'. See .

No need to be.

You're the pleb, sorry to break it to ya.

Why is Matt LN instead of LG? Doesn't make much sense.

It doesn't count when you put yourself in. Btw i'm gonna buy kiwami 2 while i never played yakuza 2

>applying D&D alignments to actual people

Bitch, are you for real?

>calling something "above average" is DESTROYING a game
Sup Forums never ceases to amaze.

I just want a Mario Odyssey review 2bh
In a few years maybe

Only Mark Brown and Matthew are good out of those. Anderson doesn't know the first thing about game design.

>neutral good
He's probably one of the biggest assholes going. More obnoxious than TB. Someone post the screencaps from his discord where he's treating people like shit and having a meltdown over the idea of someone liking a Yakuza game that he doesn't.

He's late on the Dead Space 3 video.
Also didn't he say he's done for the year, which means he can be back in January?

>Imagine what will his Breath of the Wild video cause.
I mean imagine if he actually praises it. Sup Forums would explode.

>applying D&D
baka @ ur life rn

>ywn fuck the shit out of TheGamingBrit
Why even live at this point?

>No based Ross
How does it feel like having shit taste?

>salty BOTW fag

Within the context of a flagship Nintendo product, yes it does.

>Has a chance to get almost 1000 dollars per vid
>does nothing

I mean, throw 3 10/15 minute videos snd people would be satisfied.

Leave the 50 minute project for Christmas ir something

>he likes mgs4
fuck this dude

Can't take seriously a guy that Sup Forums idolizes because he was one of them. People here hate themselves but love whatever comes out this place.

MGS4 is unironically better than the tumor that was MGSV.

he won't, it full of broken mechanics like infinite heals in a pause menu, most of the shrines being 1 minue micro puzzles or he identical battle shrine reused 25 times

Or maybe his views are shared by a large portion of the fanbase and the fanbase links to the video because it's a close enough explaination for their own feelings, which is faster than typing a 3000 words argument every time you come across the debacle.

I do realize that as a young person you believe youtube celebrities have the power to singlehandedly sway opinions if you happen to be intoxicated by the cult of personality, but that's not how the world works.

Also, his dota video is proof that he doesn't possess this power, you still need the hivemind to agree, which then becomes no power in the first place.

More like.
>Guys it's good! I know!
>But let me spastically rant and make it perfectly clear that I really can't stand this game outside of the single aspect that I kind of enjoy, for two whole fucking hours
>But yeah it's 8/10
Like holy fuck. I can't take that guy seriously at all. Especially when he started ranting what makes or does not make a Zelda game. While nitpicking on shit that has already been common in Zelda.

Nope, compare Matt's videos on the Souls series to Anderson's. You'll see that Anderson completely missed the point of the entire series, and has done it repeated. I haven't even watched his video on BOTW because it's too long and if it's as sparse in good insight like his FO4 video, then it's an aggressive waste of time.


Sup Forums was already shredding DS2 to pieces at release. Matt's critique, while good, just added to the chorus.

All e-celebs are cancer. Quarantine board when?

How mentally ill do you have to be to shill some e-celeb day after day?

>...that really cemented Undertale as one of my favourite games

Nope, Sup Forums praised the gameplay and shat on the level design.

The phrase "DS2 gameplay + DS1 level design = perfect souls game" was widely used

Ever since he posted his top 50 games, I couldn't bring myself to like any other game not included in the list.

Ross should probably be Chaotic Neutral. Bunny just does quality content, real name, no gimmicks.

youtube generates ad revenue continuiously, that's why he stopped working.
the more videos you amass, the more free credits you get.

i put my art on some store that sells shirts and mugs - after a couple years im getting a stream of free money for shit i did in the past on a daily basis, and it's quite a bit. of course i'm not a lazy hack and i continue working because i enjoy it, but then again i am not pathetic enough to have opened a patreon so i guess it's different personalities and ethics.

Not the point.

>Wanting used goods

>Sup Forums praised the gameplay

Fucking WHAT? Not even close. There were non-stop threads about how bad the hitboxes were and how the enemies had infinite stamina. Enough with your revisionist horseshit.

It's because it gives them hope, a feeling of "If this guy made it maybe I can be successful too"

Wait, he's a fag?

Fucking this. Do you not remember the SHOCKWAVES shit or what?

>caring what people on the Internet say

That came after he PC release

>identical battle shrine reused 25 times
There aren't even 25 tests of strength in the game.
They're also differentiated by different levels of strength.
And while it admittedly barely matters, the obstacles in the arena still differs even among the same levels of strength.

But above all those shrines are relatively evenly distributed across Hyrule. And they give you some of the best rewards of any shrine. And are replayable.
Making them some of the most valuable shrines in the game.

Seriously. Breath of the Wild is far from a perfect game and it no doubt has tons of issues.
But just what is it really that makes all of you people go full autismo over the tests of strength?

If only..

Patreon lies, people have a cap on how much money can go to the creator on the per-video standard.

Otherwise people would just flood their pages with shit and make mad dosh before disappearing forever.


Why does anyone like this guy?
His videos are boring as shit and his obnoxious personality outside of his videos makes him a zero

There is no level of stupidity to which either Dark Souls faggots or the troglodytes who worship this uncultured fuckstain will not sink to.

Wait, you are a fag?

Oh shit, he enjoyed one of Sup Forums's forbidden games? He can't get away with this

It's rushed garbage, they didn't even bother to add a different enemy for the major ones like adding a guardian instead of a sentry with way more HP

Not him but yes.

He has one or two nice videos. His voice is absolute garbage though, and I really don't care what ecelebs do on their spare time.

No, I just want to fuck men. What the hell do you think?

haha what funny and quirky guys haha gays hahahaha being gay haha imagine that haha how do they come up with this stuff

Joseph Chaderson > Mattewphismosis

Hes just someone who rushes out videos that are topical to garner attention.

>vidya youtube thread
>not a single mention of Ahoy

Every time. Sup Forums's taste can't possibly be this shit

This. The guy is a bully, and not in a meme way. I'm cool with people being Sup Forums memers, but forcing people to donate to his patreon when he's admitted publicly he already has a well paying job is disgusting.

Guardians are easier than the level 3 sentries. But that's aside the point really. The level 3 sentry drops the 3 ancient weapons. A guardian doesn't.
Of course you'd just say that they should have made a completely new guardian that did wield weapons. But that doesn't mean the current major test of strengths are bad. They're far from the worst shrines in the game or the worst content.