You can't refute this. Modding is a joke.
You can't refute this. Modding is a joke
Other urls found in this thread:
it became a joke after skyrim
Pretty accurate
mods are a choice
not an obligation.
buttmad consolepleb detected
It assumes the artist's vision is both conceptually flawless and perfectly executed, which, in a setting as cooperative as game development, is unlikely to be the case.
Who cares about what "the community" does. Just use the mods you like, shit's entirely on your side.
Ironic weebs should be gassed, but that's beside the point.
Bottom one would have the old guy turn into animu loli with a 15 incher
if only the actual game also looked like the top picture
>artist's vision
they aren't making Art, they're making video games, the art comes in playing them, like Chess.