So about those games

So about those games...

It's not 2012 anymore.

jesus its not?

Sup man, what about those games?

This console is such a ripoff.

>yfw you didn't buy a WiiU

I'm not happy about it in a sense, I really wanted to play Bayo 2 and Xenoblade Chronicle X but I don't want to buy a console just for two games, especially at that price.

I got Windwaker HD, dk tropical freeze and captain toad's treasure tracker in the mail today. Wiiu is the comfiest console ever made, it's bulky build is like having a slightly chubby girlfriend who loves you unconditionally for loving her despite her obvious flaws.

I think Sup Forums should refund me for this console after shillling it so much

Bought it second-hand, pirated it. Some games to be had, good N64 emulation too. Standalone Wii is a far better deal overall, but it has some sweet games.

Goddamn it must have felt shameful to have bought it on release though

The launch was a real bust. Without the usual early adopter fuckery like no games, Wii U had to put up with an OS twice as slow as it is now and was missing a bunch of features due to the online not being ready.
If you don't plan on getting a Switch then Wii U is great for hacking now though.

>you have a hacked wiiu

>hacked the wii u
>realize the few amount of games it has

>realize the vastly amount of good exclusives it has

at least you can have all 5 for free now



I bought a Wii U at launch. No regrets. Had 10-15 quality titles in its life time which is not great but enough for someone who is not cash poor like myself. The Wii U will forever be remembered as the painful half-step between the Wii and the Switch---two more robust and successful consoles.

All of the day bro

I got my Wii U preowned for £170 just before MK8 came out and I found the library of exclusives to be well fucking worth it. This photo sums it up really.


half of those are shit though

color splash, star fox, devil's third

Get a taste, nigger.

It has enough good exclusives to justify buying it. Would have rather spent the money on other things though desu, I only beat like 2 games on my Wii U.

tfw never bought anything nintendo since the GC
Sony fucked them hard

>Get a taste
kill yourself ESL-kun

I count only 5 shit games.

I bought it at a very cheap 130€ with already 5 Wii U and 5 Wii games plus a shitload of controllers.
XCX was worth it already alone desu.

As someone who thinks Yoshi's Island was the peak of Mario will I enjoy Woolly World? It looks a bit too easy. I don't have (((friends))) by the way.

>As someone who thinks Yoshi's Island was the peak of Mario
What the fuck I am reading

I have yet to find a Mario game that I enjoy as much as Yoshi's Island.

>my wiiu is my gf

This is almost beyond pathetic.

Worth it if you can get it cheap for 100 bucks and pirate the shit out of it. BotW was great among with a few other neat titles and being able to play gamecube games I never owned as a kid is a blast.
I don't regret it.
If you bought it on release and a bunch of actual physical rleases I feel sorry for you though.

>9 Mario games

Needs more Mario desu

>listening to Sup Forums when it comes to Nintendo

If shilling the objectively trash casualware that was the Wii didn’t make you realize Sup Forums has no taste then you deserve it