Why was Final Fantasy XI able to create a game that felt like a world while FF XIV is just a hub world for duty...

Why was Final Fantasy XI able to create a game that felt like a world while FF XIV is just a hub world for duty matchmaking?

Difficulty builds community

It feels like in FFXIV people just stay in the cities all day.

In XI I remember 75s would be roaming around even low level zones


they were released in different time periods, you need to adapt to the market


But user it didn't, all it did was create a grind a fucking grind

FF14 is a world

>FF14 is a world
Instanced non-dynamic world

FFXI was inspired by everquest
FFXIV:ARR was inspired by wow.

the end.

Because you had to be out in the world for most content. It was a world based MMO while XIV is a themepark.

I like XIV better.