Why was Final Fantasy XI able to create a game that felt like a world while FF XIV is just a hub world for duty...

Why was Final Fantasy XI able to create a game that felt like a world while FF XIV is just a hub world for duty matchmaking?

Difficulty builds community

It feels like in FFXIV people just stay in the cities all day.

In XI I remember 75s would be roaming around even low level zones


they were released in different time periods, you need to adapt to the market


But user it didn't, all it did was create a grind a fucking grind

FF14 is a world

>FF14 is a world
Instanced non-dynamic world

FFXI was inspired by everquest
FFXIV:ARR was inspired by wow.

the end.

Because you had to be out in the world for most content. It was a world based MMO while XIV is a themepark.

I like XIV better.

why? obviously because the mmo demographic changed. It went from people wanting to explore and exist in a persistent world while chatting with their friends to people obsessed with the gear grind treadmill and needing things like dungeon/raid queues to facilitate the most gear upgrades per hour.

>XI thread shit on XIV
>XIV thread shit on XI
can you faggots just play your game and be happy with what you got?

The sole reason I'm playing FFXIV and haven't played or stuck with any MMO before it is actually because it felt like I was entering a world

>FF14 is a world
A shitty world where all the things you want out in the open exist in their own instance, and things that should exist in their own instance are out in the world. It's diet-WoW with worse content scheduling and prettier visuals.

All of its content is the same bland, risk-free garbage that has been trickling in since 2.0, and it has only been getting worse and worse with every single patch. Yoshi is a fucking hack who got lucky with ARR and has been coasting on that until now, and nobody at SE is held accountable because the biggest cash cows are perfectly happy with an endgame that involves idling in Not!Japan and ERPing with the other sameface catgirls and lizard sluts.

Yes I mad.

What's a good subjob to go for as RDM while grouping with a friend starting as a BLM? Still pretty fucking new so I don't have any tank Trusts, should I just level WAR a bit to be tankier? Or does it not fucking matter these days sub 99?

WAR is for dmg, you need MP if you want to survive as RDM.

So just sub BLM then?

and you are pretending XI didn't go that route after updates. Not just HNMs, many common monsters were given triggers instead of having to roam the area. Transportation meant nothing because warps are everywhere, you don't even need to take boat/airship anymore.

I would go with SCH, DNC could also be interesting. WHM/BLM only if you need their abilities.

Because it's all about copying WoW, which has slowly shifted from being a "world" of Warcraft to medieval farmville.

Guess I gotta go unlock SCH.

Because you were a child so everything felt big and amazing.

Now you've grown up and realized it's not.

SCH sub is pretty good. Using either of the arts gives you a bunch of magic skill (depending on what art) assuming you aren't already capped. You might as well unlock DNC while you're mucking around in the past zones as well.
NIN sub is pretty decent as well for dual wield if you're looking to DD with your RDM. Slap on some decent swords and use some appropriate en- spells

Kupo linkshell, where? Who?

Did not see any Sup Forums:ers online since got the pearl. The shell is available for creation, and we need to decide on name.

I personally have only ever known retards to play 14

11 was a really good game, but 14 is somehow really low effort shit. Bad camera angles, bad UI, bad this that and the other where the only good aspect alone is the graphical fidelity.

11 was the best MMO ever made.
14 is shit.

I played 14 to max level in about a week, I played 11 for years and never got to max level.

Great sense of community, good difficulty. I went back to try FF11 again recently and it's been ruined.

>and we need to decide on name.
Oh, up for a vote is it? That's ̶t̶r̶o̶u̶b̶l̶e̶ interesting! Well, put one vote in for the absolute dumbest thing you can think of.

From your picture:
Wouldn't it be a perfect name?

Hah, I actually quite like that. Go for it!

The entire game was designed around having to talk to other people and play with them. Acting like a moron or being a jerk got you excommunicated and thus unable to do any content so bad people were weeded out.

Endgame also wasn't a themepark gear treadmill.

And everquest was better.

I'll check this thread tomorrow and do it if no objections. I feel like most kupoer's here are already dead.

I got bored of XI in under 4 hours yet I have over 1000 hours in XIV. Is there something wrong with me?

Why do most people hate XI but like XIV?

Is there a way to replay missions I completed without making a new character? I'm on Bastok 6 but I don't remember shit and wanted to go back and see stuff again, but I dont want to have to unlock shit and level again.

You can go to one of the bards in the city and you'll be able to rewatch all the cutscenes from missions and quests

Different generation, genre casualization. Generation who grew up with the genre won't get same enjoyment from watered down versions anymore.


xi is a pretty odd game and there is noting out that plays like it so theres the unfamiliarity, xiv plays a lot like most mmo's people have put out over the last few years so people are more tolerant of it

i will admit i've played more xiv than XI because i was still in high school back when WotG was relevant

How many expansions will it take for the dev team to get more creative than four circle ( sometimes square ) arenas every 6 months?

>I'll check this thread tomorrow and do it if no objections.
> I feel like most kupoer's here are already dead.
I think it's more just unfortunate coincidentally missing each other, sort of thing. There's definately been an influx of new blood on the server, some of that has to have come from the exposure here.

oh fuck yeah, thanks

>I think it's more just unfortunate coincidentally missing each other, sort of thing. There's definately been an influx of new blood on the server, some of that has to have come from the exposure here.
It might be everyone's looking at online list for others to be online, but then no-one is. I'll make XI thread if not one up when naming's done and stand somewhere client up to get members in.

>No fast travel
>No duty finder
>No 'endgame hubs'

Convenience killed the MMO genre.

Not gonna happen. We used to have interesting arenas in early 2.0, but because of players exploiting them to break certain mechanics (T5 Divebombs specifically), Yoshi put a ban on anything other than flat circles or squares in the future.

Way cool.

nvr forget the hill in turn 5

although in their defense, SE has gotten a lot of mileage out of circle arenas Bahamut and Neo ExDeath are so good.