ITT: Games that never took off that you liked

ITT: Games that never took off that you liked

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Played the shit out of that game

Always got the heli on the giant radar dish map and proceeded to mangle the enemy team

Holy shit I remember this. Wasn't it just Battlefield with drones?


holy shit this was the bomb

Yeah it was battlefield with little gadgets. I think the game died in a short period of time

>driving the little minigun robot around
>no taller than waist high cover everything is cover to brobot
>minigun and grenades slaughter everything in seconds

i have spent entire matches driving that thing

I loved this damn game. A shame it flopped.

I remember the graphics of this game amazed me at the time. I think I bought it for cheap with a new PC.

Let me give you a game that will never have another like it.

I can't remember what was so good about, because it was just another battlefield with a twist, but I loved playing it.

>Sup Forums doesn't even revive it once a year in the Steam group anymore
Damn shame.

cool game ruined by windows vista and gfwl.

This was the game that taught me never to buy a multiplayer only indie game. The fuckers can never stay alive for longer than a year.

Tfw sequel never ever and forever

pretty cool post mortem of the game


I'm still waiting for my fucking Beyond Good and Evil sequel..


Played the demo on XBLA and absolute loved it. Sadly I didn't have the money for it or Tom Clancy's EndWar.

This game is like world's difference on console and PC. Basically Battlefield 2.

This game is still a bitch to run on modern hardware. I remember people saying this game isn't poorly optimized and hardware at the time just sucked...

user you know it's coming right?