Hey Sup Forums I'm compiling a list of video game award shows and their rankings

Hey Sup Forums I'm compiling a list of video game award shows and their rankings.
What do you think? Am I right with current guesses?
Do initial rankings need improvement?

Also please make suggestions to add new ones.

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No one's interested?


>voter quality: high

This has to be a troll.
Sup Forums is objectively shit at opinions.


vga is full of redditors

>primary audience
>not Reddit
You're living in one them them dream worlds, aren't ya user?

Well if you could give an explanation for why Sup Forums opinion isn't all that good or consistent then I'll edit it. Generally I wouldn't be here if I doubted the opinions here, is that different for you? I also consider /vg/ and /vr/ part of Sup Forums so it kind of played into that.

Not a troll I swear. There's just no ranking like this that I've seen and with award show season it seems like a good attempt.

My mistake, wasn't sure if I want to write nil or null and basically messed up.

Sup Forums is my world. along with a few other imageboards

how long have you been here