Tales of Series Info Coming With 22nd Anniversary Live Stream Event On December 16


Has there been new rumors regarding the new game coming out?

Did Baba come back?

Is Sakuraba still in?

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Tales of Vesperia remaster for PS4/PC confirmed. Vesperia turns a decade old in 2018

>When he left Namco
I dont think so.

Will they make it a trilogy?

Yeah, not that one.

>Is Sakuraba still in?
>Every leaving Bamco.

He'll leave when he's dead

Xillia anime when


Time to show the Switch game I guess, whatever it turns out being.

>Yeah, not that one.

Gets me every fucking time.

I thought Go Shiina would work at Banco forever and he's out of the company

I mean he isn't being given proper opportunities there. Only God Eater. He had better tracks than Sakuraba in Zestiria and still Namco went for Sakushit in Berseria.

Yeah this.
Hopefully not Symphonia 3 and something new instead.


If they do, maybe that will motivate me to continue reading the Berseria LN.

Are the Japanese even this crazy over ToV or is it just the fags that got into Tales series late? I swear most of you didn't even play Xbox tales and you refuse to play PS3 tales because it's not in English.

Tales of Berseria sequel WHEN

>Did Baba come back?
Hopefully not.


Honestly this. It's time for a new engine. The current one is too outdated.

Baba became CO or something like that in other part of Bandai. After such backlash from Zestiria he was taken care of... at least that's what I heard.

>Baba became CO or something like that in other part of Bandai.

Actually it's Square Enix.

I just want to know WHY. What the fuck was the story there.

I'm guessing he was fully let go when they saw Berseria did well without him and his moronic advice.

The event will include the following talents:

>Katsuyuki Konishi (Voice of Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphona)
>Chihiro Suzuki (Voice of Luke fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss)
>Takashi Kondou (Voice of Ludger Will Kresnik from Tales of Xillia 2)
>Ryouta Oosaka (Voice of Mikleo from Tales of Zestiria)
>Haruka Terui (Voice of Mileena Weiss from Tales of the Rays)
>Yuya Arai (Actor for Asch from Tales of the Stage: Last Score)
>Sena (Actor for Tear Grants from Tales of the Stage: Last Score)

It looks more like another Tales of Worlds... on mobiles and Switch, I won't be surprised. Either way, I will watch this event, like every event before, or at least have it on in the background.

Pretty sure microsoft has exclusive rights outside japan.

Same reason why the PS3 port never made it over.

Thanks, I couldn't remember if it was SE or Bandai. However he was in other part of Bandai as a CO after Zesitria fiasco for few months.

windows is microsoft though

Will Tales ever have good dungeon design?

Well Rays, Link, and Asteria is making them a shit load of money. So why not?

I'll never not be mad. Legendia and Zestiria he delivers a far superior performance and they go back to the guy who he himself admits is tired of Tales.

I hope so. It's either this or another mediocre to shit Tales game.

>Will Tales ever have good dungeon design AGAIN?
Fixed that for you, and I doubt it.

Japs are ultra casual players and just want straight corridors.

Tales of Destiny Remake had some nice dungeons. I remember one that had you adjust several water levels and float on boxes you could move with the water levels down, and I spend 30 minutes in a room that I was just too braindead to solve.

I liked Symphonia's dungeons. They all followed the same pattern of "find gimmick, use gimmick", but at least they felt like proper dungeons.
Berseria's dungeons were just so shit they can't even be considered dungeons.

I don't think I can stomach another Sakuraba OST.

>he himself admits is tired of Tales
Did he really say that?

Anyway, as far as I know, they wanted a homegenous OST in regards to the Tales series that's why it's always Sakuraba. But come on. They have to move on.

Help! I'm finding the combat in this game uninspired and repetitive. Is there actually any nuance to the combo system or is it really just spam xxx,bbb,yyy,aaa until you win?

>refuse to play a game in a language you don't understand

But user. Don't you like self-plagiarism and literal reuse of old tracks?

Japan loves Vesperia. In every popularity poll done by the Tales team, Yuri always ranked the highest. They had to ban him from the polls because he was so popular. They also rehash dlc of Vesperia outfits in every modern tales game.

His absence from Zestiria was the best thing about that game.
Berseria has literally 2 good tracks and one of them is just reused from the previous game.

>raising water levels

It's a shame really. The entire time playing it I kept thinking of small simple changes that could've vastly improved the experience. Really wish modding games was easier.

>Vesperia turns 10 years old
>Namco: Instead of making a remaster, let's make paid dlc outfits celebrating the anniversary instead.

I'd believe that. It's cheaper than having to deal with Microsoft for the localization.

>we finally get a PS3 exploit that doesn't have retarded requirements and then they decide to do this

>His absence from Zestiria
He still did half the ost. Shiina only did the temples, character themes and vocal tracks.


it's fucking time bros


I'll be mildly upset if it's the same shitty artstyle they've used since Xillia.

>Tales of Destiny Remake

Hows the translation for that coming anyways

>You will never get into a brawl with Judy

Nobody cares about you.

Don't be rude

>tfw finally hacked your ps3 and don't have to complain about Vesperia anymore

i wish they would take a few year break so they can get thier act straight. every game after graces F has gone from average to god awful shit.

your allowed to Dream.

No more fucking Xillia style games please.

Zestiria was the best Tales game.

Yeah they should take a break just like Ubisoft did with Assassin's Creed and-oh wait.

Rays is having a popularity poll for final bosses and #1 becomes playable. torays.tales-ch.jp/vote2/

I know we all hate mobage, but out of curiosity, who would you vote for to play as?

Looking at the average Berseria thread the only thing people care about is Velvet image dumps, that other girl image dumps and a flying birds.

xbox version is fine. just doesn't have pirate loli. but who cares about her?

rather have xilla style than zestrias half-gutted graces F style.

to be fair, that's every tales thread. it's not like people play these for the gameplay.... or the story..... or the charact...... THIS SERIES IS AWFUL.

Gaius being on there is kinda funny since hes a party member in the sequel

Zestiria and Berseria were both shit.
Let's hope the new game won't be.

Though I'm expecting a mobile game.

Wait, what happened to Barbatos?

>Final boss

They already did though.

Last tales festival went by without major announcements.

Guess I should rephrase. No more Xillia engine games. They all look like trash.

god all those villains mostly suck.

I would pick dhaos but then I remember his original voice actor died so hearing him say dhaos laser won't be the same

Microsoft wants everything filtered through The Windows Store. Nobody in their right mind wants that level of DRM fucking up their game performance.

Berseria was fine.

>having this high of expectations
>from a fucking tales game

really says more about you than the series as a whole.

I always thought he was the final boss because he was a meme, sorry.

Does Namco regret their deal with MS regarding Vesperia?

No. Without Microsoft's help, Vesperia would have not been made. The game started on Xbox 360 dev kits that Microsoft provided in order to push the 360 in Japan.

Still too much DLC garbage for my liking. I liked the game so Im not trying to start a game war but vesperia was pretty much the last time we saw any decent costumes without the need for microtransactions

Surely Microsoft's deal isn't a for all time kind of thing, right? It has a time limit, right? Like say maybe 10 years.

i liked mithos but i rather not have another villian like him. maybe another van would be nice?

Im sure Bamco would have liked to get it on other systems into a larger market. It's not like they actually like the 360 even with Vesperia on it

microtransactions are perfectly fine though. They help fund the games you love so much. development is expensive, in case you didn't know.

Sakuraba is the McDonalds of vidya OSTs

Nevermind, McDonalds can be enjoyable every now and then, I don't think there's anything redeemable about that hack

>Not all time
They own the exclusive rights to the IP in America. That's like getting EA to hand over FIFA to a company that won't rip off players.

>maybe another van would be nice?

We literally just got a second Vahn. You know what I really want for a villain. I want a full on pure evil asshole monster. And I don't mean MONSTER in the oh he gave up his humanity sense, I mean I giant ass multi headed, fanged tentacled straight up demon.

Not some faggy angel, not some dude in glowing armor, not a retarded kid in a space suit. I want a fucking honest to goddness goddamn Lovecraft super horror

While it's true, there's no need to be rude.


>music can only be good if it's memorable

bullshit. FF12 didn't have a single memorable track and it still evokes a mood or sense of place, and works fine. Same with him.

Id call that more competent than good.

Where in that post is anything about memorability? Are you brain damaged?

which game did this in the past?

Judith should have been with Yuri, not Estelle.

arguing about what music is "good" or not is pretty pointless to begin with in the first place. these sounds are better than those sounds. says who? there are people who think nier 1 has a shit soundtrack and they're not wrong. what makes it so great? if you're not into that sort of music you'll hate it. let's hear what you consider a masterpiece. I won't tear it apart, I'm just curious.

>Sakuraba is the McDonalds of vidya OSTs
It would be like McDonald's if it had only one meal and you had to eat there every other day.

Shit game. I regret buying a modded ps3 on ebay to play it.

As far as Tales go? Fuck if I know. That's why I want to see it. I like the games generally but they play the "Villain is just misunderstood and we should all pitty them" card WAY to often.

So did Nujabes. I don't see people bashing him.

I want more Velvet

Everything you just posted could be applied to anything including video games, so I hope you haven't tried to tell someone on Sup Forums their opinion is shit ever.

It's just weird to expect something like that if there's no precedent. You're getting your hopes up for nothing. That's like people wanting shit like a steampunk/futuristic zelda. People always have these ridiculous expectations of longrunning series, and think they know best.

Well too bad. She's trapped in an endless cycle of dormant pain where she must continually devour her brother as he in turn devours her.