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Video Games #3986
Video Games
Puyo Puyo Tetris
People actually buy multiplats on consoles
Night Elves are for _______
What does a game being "comfy" mean?
Is it safe to say the open world meme is finally dead and buried?
Anybody else still prefer single player?
Top 10 video game twists
The west cant make cute gir-
Santa Hat Thread
WoW is re-doing their leveling so that zones scale
Webm thread - keep it vidya!
Filename Thread
Final boss is broken
Is this true about PC and console gamers?
They gave the only good legendary weapon this expansion to Druid
I feel sad. like i want to kill myself. all i keep thinking about is video games. will i ever be happy someday after 23...
PS4 is getting a PS2 theme on Dec 6th
Can someone red-pill me on Gran Turismo Sport? Is it good?
Why are multiplayer games so popular?
This is a sword
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
ITT: Autistic things you do while playing games
Here`s your controller bro
This is better than Second Son
Who here is psyched for the Giant Bomb game of the year podcasts...
Mega Man 30th anniversary thread. Continue from last thread
Real talk though, the original Battlefront games were pretty damn shallow
Tfw there will never be an open world bionicle game
Yes you fucking neanderthal you need an ID to trade games for cash, we're not a fucking pawn shop
Am I the only one who still prefers consoles?
Post your desktop background and judge others
Comfy vidya music?
I bought Divinity Original Sin during the Thanksgiving sale, and I haven't started it just yet...
*hops your pikmin*
ITT jojo references in video games
Am I the only one who still prefers consoles?
This is your JRPG party for tonight
Game series that have never clicked with you
Are the stories true? Is this the best console?
That one guy who picked Bulbasaur
Do people know you that play weeaboo shit?
ITT: best girls almost winning the b owl in video games
Meanwhile, on the USG Sup Forumsshimura
Name one(1) villain from vidya better than Darth Vader
What are your thoughts on this community service simulator?
Post your favorite famale character
Just got back from my local walmart and the switch shelf is literally bursting at the seams with splatoon bundles and...
This is the Greatest Licensed Game Ever Made
Game gives you a way to endlessly grind for exp and items
Titanfall Thread
When did it get so bad?
It's fun
The last video game you played gets a cutaway joke in Family Guy. What happens?
What happened to the Halo lore?
It's December 1st and they still haven't released the final update to Breath of the Wild...
Saddler, Resident Evil thread
3x3 but here's a twist:
Some of you guys are alright. Don't stand under my room window this month
Gifting thread
Sup Forums I did it! I finally got a world record!!!
Boss rapes your entire party
Why do you still buy/play western games Sup Forums?
Obnoxious, loud girl joins
Remember From?
I didnt like ds2. But I loved ds3
I'm not really sure what everyone is tripping out about. So far I think it's on par with the first game...
Lore aside, Tracer would kick Flash's ass in a race
MMO Thread Part 2 the Prequel
What is your favorite town in an Elder Scrolls game?
Love interest actually says "I love you"
How do we improve splatoon 2?
Why is Super Mario World so good?
It wasn't that bad, way better than heroes at least
Whats the difference?
See someone wearing vidya clothing in public
I want my December to be super duper Christmassy. What are some games that take place on Christmas...
Who here /hype/?
One of these threads:
He uses a controller
What is your comfy?
SJW character design
Which fighting games are shit?
These are the only platforms you’ll need for the next years
So Sup Forums, now that the year is almost over, who was best girl of 2017?
What's the video game equivalent of cgi?
Game gets more ridiculous and convoluted as time goes on
What went wrong?
Try to play some video games because it's literally the only thing I still enjoy
Best 3 episodes
64% of Steam users are now Chinese
FFXV 2018 Roadmap
What is the most horrible way to die in a vidya user ?
Could this BE any more of a Rimworld thread?
Start reading books
What are some games that focus on email?
What are the essential mods for NV these days?
Star Ocean on PS4 has the same graphics settings as PC
For fuck's sakes, someone give me an RTS game or a space game from the last 10 years with a good campaign to play...
Would you name your kid after a vidya character?
What does it make you feel user ?
Real Games
Can your memevidia or AMD play Best Girl?
Isn't it about time you gave Mira a revisit, user?
When does it get good
How does DS2 and DS3 have such generic OST's when DS1 and BB have god-tier OST's?
2017 Thread
Best 4x games?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Thinking back on it, this trilogy had a lot of bullshit sections in it
Would you buy this?
*blocks ur path*
Nier: Automata
Game has achievements
How good is this? Is it better than 8?
Why are old Mario games way harder than the new ones?
If Gravios and Khezu are in World I'm honestly not going to buy the game...
Okay NintendoGAF sell me on the switch. What JRPGs can I expect besides xenoblade that won't also be on my PS4...
I'm tired of challenges. What's a game where I'm op as fuck but it's still fun to just wreck everyone and everything>
What are some good examples of artificial difficulty?
The game changes to christmas theme in december
This is what 3D platformer kino looks like
Cuphead update
Play a game with my brother watching me
She was the demons
How do I get this faggot to attack Orstein
Name a more iconic video game duo
Is sex appeal in video games getting progressively better?
If I can count to 10 you will all buy Fallout 4 Collector's Edition
BOWSER ! ʲᵘᶰᶦᵒʳ
Brb smoke
This worth a pirate?
Jackbox Friday Night
Pirate a shitton of games
Do we all agree that ME3 had the best gameplay in the series? Hmm?
So... the whole thing was a simulation?
I recently bought a decent gaming laptop and went on steam and noticed there was a shit ton of games wanted to know...
Desu I'm more sad that republic commando never took off like it should have. Or that we'll never get a new timesplitters
Here's your controller bro
The "Dark Souls" of clearing out rooms and buildings
Why own a switch when I can make this game look more beautiful on my PC?
So what is the Sup Forumserdict?
Expansion Packs
What would Sup Forums like to see in Shin Megami Tensei V?
Megaman 30th anniversary
This thread is ONLY for discussing good PYRA gameplay. if you want to talk shit then fuck off
Fortnite: 50k viewers
What are we expecting?
*blocks your path*
What uhh... did Blizzard mean by this?
WoW Allied Races
Don't understand what all the fuss is about. It's a good game. It's Xenoblade. Everything pretty and nice...
Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread
What the fuck did they even test this game before they released it?
Learn the difference between RPG and action-adventure games
We're doing more hats!
Fire Emblem Heroes
Divinity Original Sin 2
Are there more games like this?
Describe a game you love but make it sound as bad as possible
What's the best SMT game?
No UPF thread ?
Can we all agree that yoyo is the best copy ability?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumskend
Is there actually any good Shrek game ?
Want to replay red dead redemption
The year is 11940 A.D.; one year after the start of the 14th Machine War...
Any of you fags get this email too? Apparently they put a $300 hold on your credit card...
Rabbids + Mario generated some shitposting, but it died off and most threads around it were positive
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
MMO thread
I still don´t understand how people can like the ending unironically
This is High Overlord Varok Saurfang. Say something nice about him
So yeah I've watched a lots of videos for this game, and I really think it's not that good...
Explain why this is not your favourite game of all time
Wasteland 2
Was this racist?
I'm 35 hours in and haven't even met the hot robo girl yet...
Does nobody give a shit anymore?
All I want is a good looking fps game where ammo is important
Sup Forums Holiday Traditions
Sup Forums what are some games that you never remove from your hard drive?
ITT:developers you hope suffer a career-ending and potentially life threatening injury
Senran Kagura Switch
What went wrong?
Eat shit, super armor
How the fuck is this okay!?
Exclusive gets under a 90 on metacritic
What's the angriest you've gotten at a game, or something game-related?
What will be your first 2018 game Sup Forums?
Which dual-analog controller has the best d-pad?
Now that the concept of a hybrid console has proven to be successful, do you think Sony...
Which characters would you want in a Shounen Jump fighting game?
Warrior, thief, or mage?
What are some games where you can be a BADASS? No Randy memes please, asking for real
Why are revolvers so often portrayed more romantically in vidya than other firearms?
Friend is looking for a specific PS2 game he used to play when he was younger...
ITT: Series where only the first game was good
Weak point: ?
Monster Hunter World releases NEXT MONTH!
Apologize in this instant, Sup Forums
Why do people hate the sims series?
Is pay day 2 any fun?
Is there a ps4 game that is on par with halo 5 in terms of online?
Why is this considered acceptable at all?
Have you ever become so attached to a video game character that you actually refuse to masturbate to them?
What do they eat?
An handsome thread
This is who you were kissing in vrchat
Xenoblade 2 is a good game
Official Zelda Twitter page is asking us to voice our opinions and thoughts on BotW's voice-acting
1pl8 bench
Why I SHOULDN'T play this game?
I am interested in a PS Vita. My mother asked me what I wanted for Xmas...
This is a normal persona 5 toy
60 fucking gigs
The best thing about the announcement of SMTV for switch is that when it comes out...
What went wrong?
Half Life Thread
Last one hit the bump limit
Lets go faggots
Tremble for Chaos come!
Would you play a game in which you're a black slave who escapes his plantation and has to make it to the North...
She knows how to cook
*Cancels her pre-order*
Why was Xenoblade 2 such a flop with critics?
In the vein of a possible announcement of the next ES game, let's talk about why Skyrim wasnt good
How the fuck do you from this
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Free overwatch account
Meanwhile, in Kame House Sup Forums
L. Is for the way you LOOK, at me
Why isn't there any mods for UDG?
Best PS1 game ever
What went right?
Tfw dovahkiin is 6 and in grade school now
Nintendo retweets Mega Man event announcement
Why do video games make us so angry?
How would you make a game based on the Iliad?
My game just left Early Access, here's some key's since you guys have been so good to us...
Anyone else just cant get into this game? I feel like it aged like actual fucking shit...
Yeah.. I think I'm about done with this game
New Santa Hat thread boys lets go
WEBM thread
Is this the Mass Effect Andromeda of Japan?
Tell me your favorite video game. If it's not good you die!
All modern consoles are shit and pointless
Have you player the REAL Ragnarok Online 2?
What's happened to griefing in video games?
Nintenweebs defend this shit
This is a good game
Game has an official wiki and a wikia wiki
Filename Thread
What went right?
Quick. Tell me your personal GOTY and why you think it's GOTY or this loli gets it
What games of his would you recommend to someone who has never played any of them?
Petition: Revoke EA's Star Wars license
Videogames are dead
Who else misses when Mario music was upbeat with none of that orchestral shit?
We're closing in on seven years since Skyrim was released
The "sixth entry of an insane franchise" will be announced at this year's The Game Awards, according to Geoff Keighley
Shittiest game in the franchise. Ruined the series
Facecam while streaming games
Vidya events
Don't dream about going on a date with your favorite actor. Make it a reality. Live the dream
Sup Forums has spoken and this is the result
Nintendo's mascot is Mario. Microsoft's mascot is Master Chief. Sony's mascot is
How do we fix Yandere Simulator?
Are there any video games that are actually harmful to you on a physical level?
Xbox One exclusive in 2018
The Terran Republic could totally beat the UNSC
How do we save the xbone one?
World of Warcraft
So is this just a fad to play like Pokemon Go or is it actually good?
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
Why haven't you hacked your 3ds yet Sup Forums?
What the fuck ubisoft?
Why the hell are the 3D Rayman games so fucking good?
How much do you think Todd payed for this to be on the front of plebbit?
Gamer fuel thread
Megaman 30th Anniversary
Why are western games so easy when compared to japanese games?
Gaben can’t be around for ever
Is Sup Forums 's body ready for it?
Can we get a Skyrim thread going?
Did Monolith Soft just completely disregard handheld mode?
This is some expensive shit. Is it worth it?
Should i buy this shit for 15 dollars and try it a month or two?
Deadly Premonition, play or watch?
WoW devs promote playing WoW on a fucking touch tablet
Miku is angery. Why didn't you buy Project Diva X?
This is Jade Raymond, she created Assassins Creed. Say something nice about her
Dragon Ball FighterZ
ITT: Post wikihow image and favorite genre. Others recommend you a video game
What am I in for?
Playing KH2 for the first time
Mario parody
Unskippable cutscenes
Drops 2 humvees full of missle defenders at your supply
Type out a very long and clever reply to an user's post
Risk of rain
HalfLife: Last episode
Show you desktop Sup Forums lets see what games you play
Play this
Fanservice doesn't distract from the rest!
I can't believe I lived to see a day and age where video game image generation looks way...
How can Hordelets even compete?
Final Fantasy XV
Cuphead update released
Better than Humble Bundle?
Post legendary game developers who set the industry on fire
ITT: Remember me?
Dwarf Fortress
I need someone to play games with. Steam thread. Anyone wanna play Orcs Must Die 2?
Thanks vidya ratto
This game is so fucking boring and bad
This travesty was just one year and a half ago
"One copy of hyper dimension neptunia please"
Sub? Beta male? Oh, please
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 vs Tales of Berseria, which is better?
I just rolled back to Windows 7
What went horribly fucking wrong?
Final boss has two health bars
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Have you ever considered masturbating to a video game character?
Does anyone else find it funny that Nintendo made the thirstiest bitch a fish?
Here`s your controller bro
“Zant should’ve been the final boss! Ganon just came out of nowhere to pad the game out!”
Is this the best emulator ever developed?
Does anyone get headaches looking at this game...
Good movies based on videogames
Do you like to sip on anything while playing vidya?
How do you think gaming will move forward in the near future?
What a shit ending. It's obvious how things were going to turn out...
16 year old masturbators + Steam = destruction of a hobby
Majority of Sup Forums now agree that Skyrim is, in fact, a good game
/bst/ - Battlestation Thread
What's her name, Sup Forums?
Lets have a fun thread
Okay Sup Forums, I have a 970 and I'm looking to upgrade. What's the best card I can grab for a decent price?
Ok guys. Should I buy Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or not? I've never played any JRPG before...
Why is this game so hard? You have to do so much grinding...
This man literally created first person video games, say something nice about him
Was this the downfall of the series?
Any space hulk deathwing fans here ?
Max Payne 3
Gentlemen, how do we fix mecha genre?
According to Japan, this is a Lovecraft character that has given birth to Yog-Sothoth's kids
It's hilarious to see how mad Sup Forums gets over Xenoblade 2 and how they're willing to agree with every faggot and...
What would a good bionicle game be like?
Simple and clean 3x3 thread
ITT: Kino flash games
Who would you pick for Poker Night 3?
Miss me yet, Sup Forums?
Sony won
I want to clarify that PUBG will run at 30 FPS across all @Xbox One devices
What are some shit games that neo /v /meme'd you into playing?
He did nothing wrong
Started to play this game yesterday. Anyone know how to unlock new suits and weapons? It says i need platinum...
Be me
This is Game Boy
Why is this game considered the best in the series?
Picked yoshi
The last character you controlled has to go 12 rounds in the ring with Donkey "The King of Swing, the Dong Destroyer...
When Yennefer wont stop bitching
How can PC graphics compete?
Is this seriously the best first year in console history?
Name a more beautiful sight on this planet
Is Alarak the best character created by Blizzard in the last decade? I think so
ITT it's fucking christmas
What's your opinion on the "small girl with a giant weapon" trend in japanese games?
Is there a game with a better soundtrack than Persona 5?
It's almost here, will IGN deliver?
$39.99 for a handheld budget game
Shitty indie games get millions of dollars and fuck off forever with no real effort, like undertale or cuphead
Which path did you pick user?
*breaks your game balance*
Lizardfolk best folk?
Where were you then?
Why Atlus doesn't want to port this game, even though there is a clear huge demand?
Everything takes 100x longer than it should. The writing is subpar. None of the characters are particularly likable
Jax and Daxter Remasters coming out Dec 6
Post the last good game of a series before it turned to shit
What is the purpose of these?
No Gaemes
Now that this won't get any worthwhile games anymore and that there's an emulator that's making progress...
Im gay as fuck
Make great interesting vidya related thread
Classic WoW servers
What is it about the healer class that gets people so autistic?
How would you like a Made in Abyss game?
Sonic Mania Confirmed Massive Success
Vidya reactions thread
Confess your vidya sins my child
Fanservice doesn't distract from the rest!
Playing support
When's the last time you genuinely had fun in a videogame?
Mythra is hot as fuck. Shame she's a cunt though
You faggots couldnt recognize a masterpiece even if it hit you on the back of the head
The best Kart racer
It's Kokoro's birthday today. Did you wish the little dunce a happy birthday, Sup Forums?
RPCS3 team will make a announcement soon
Here is you're controller bro
What does Sup Forums think about Battlefield 1's multiplayer? Does it hold up to previous games at all? What went wrong?
Analyze a discrepancy
When people say that this scene is really "controversial"...
Do you still love your wii u Sup Forums?
Go on, do your thing user
Thoughts on “””””gamer”””” girls?
This is the future of Metal Gear series now
Indy games
Kotaku unironically has top tier opinions
San andreas mods threads
Unboxing time
Rocksteady new game when?
Is is better than Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon?
Are you looking forward to the next entry of the critically acclaimed Far Cry series, Sup Forums?
Let's say this happens at vga's, what will you do?
ITT we discuss cat races in various games and why they're all shit
Mexico is the only Latin American country with their own official Club Nintendo magazine
PSP thread
"u mad"
Let's talk about Rimworld
Is Kojima straight for Mads
Red Dead Redemption 2
You have been permanently banned from this server
What games let me play as a fat fuck slowly killing myself whilst my in-game wife flees the country to get blacked...
Devil May Cry Thread
Should I upgrade my PS4 to a PS4 Pro...
Can we agree that LEGO racers is the best racing game still`?
Are you excited?
Download, install & launch game from Sup Forums
Gonna camp the dead bodies of these fuckers so damn hard
When music genre do you hope Persona 6 will be? Personally I hope they use hip hop or jazz again, it just fits so well
Pokémon Switch
You hanging in there Sup Forums?
Xenoblade 2
Dragon Ball FighterZ
I love Final Fantasy but I never played the seventh. Should I play the PC version...
Why is the atmosphere of this game, especially in the first chapter so great? It feels like an alien village
Yesterday I bought Kat's game, and I have some questions
What happened to windows 10, Sup Forums?
Santa Hats
ITT: confirmed non virgins in vidya
Who the fuck wants ecelebs screaming in their video games? Most people are going to be like...
YorHa Commander is THICC
So he purposely panned this based on personal bias, right?
How does this ugly piece of shit win every splatfest?
RPCS3 (PS3 emulator) announcement at 18:00 CET
Is it a blunder?
Defend this
I am in love with the English dub
British police just go around yelling at people
Why aren’t the champions in this game free?
My mentor, my guiding moonlight
Is it kino?
What a thrill
*breathes in through nose*
No game has better side quests than Oblivion
Devs ruin the game to attract female players
Filename Thread
Are we going in the good direction with fps?
Sup Forums says it's good
Tomb Raider thread
Guys, I'm so happy right now... The blue bomber is coming home. We have, finally, won
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
What the fuck was his problem?
Fan favorite build gets constant support so it never feels useless even when it isn't meta
Look a the 2018 AGDQ schedule
Oh cool, more hollywood shit
22 years old and can't play a game for more than 5 minutes without stopping
Xbox One X is the most powerful console ever crea-
November is over. Only one month to go...
Game has Angels and Demons
Start new game
Mfw healing to full from 1 hp
Anyone else here like little big planet
This is Thel Vadam, say something nice about him!
How did his nose fit the mask?
Why was Demonophobia so good?
Its actually quite smart how this game uses basic reason versus passion dilemmas so retarded players are tricked into...
Remember countless threads about this claiming that it will change gaming forever and that nothing will be the same...
We strive to have a diverse and varied selection of leaders...
Why didn't you stop it?
Stop using the term JRPG to only refer to a subgenre
3x3,4x4,5x5 thread?
That little stunt you just pulled cost us match replays
He still doesn't own a Nintendo Switch
Is Sup Forums hyped about this?
What's a theme you don't think is used enough in Vidya?
Yfw Blizz finally saves WoW with the next expansion
Look at this catgirl
NieR Automata
**offers you a drink**
MGS5 Confirmed at VGAs
My fucking l3 won’t sprint anymore
Post IP's with only ONE good game
White boys belong in permanent chastity
Anyone else think this is the best assassin's creed?
What are some things in video games that piss you off, or video game opinions that piss you off?
So, 85 is now considered a failure, even when most of the reviews that are low say it's "too videogamey" basically?
Well now that year is ending can we all agree that 2017 was pretty bad year for video games? What else should I add?
Have you ever gotten an injury due to gaming?
Let's have a good old Metroid thread
La-Mulana 2 Update #189: Map Adjustment
Why haven't they been sued already?
Reminder that we do NOT want this game
Played mario odyssey
Something came in the mail today. I wonder what it is
League of Legends has just retconned a champion's lore so that now he is a LGBT demon having a threesome in their...
YRW pokemon gets a reboot
I think this game would be way better if the drop rates were like 10% of what they are now...
Italian level
Which era of kids grew up with better games? Early 2000s or late 2000s?
What's the best video game?
This is Asuka. She recently helped the Switch sell over 140k in Japan. Say something to congratulate her!
Game is punishing you for having fun and using all it's features
What is wrong with western society?
Loved Divinity, is this any good on PS4?
What is it exactly that makes it so blatantly superior to its sequels?
Mouse patch comes out
Xenoblade 2
Is Peach pure?
Best game of the series
Do you have the original one?
100 word essay due to tomorrow
Really want to play current and future Nintendo Switch games
So Sup Forums What was he saying
I bought a ps4
Should non-virgin female characters be allowed in video games?
Can use the fake death pill on The Fear to make him drop his guard for an easy kill
Does Sup Forums have one...
Best boss fights in the entire series. Prove me wrong
The great debate
Name one character more deserving to be in Smash Bros. than Travis Touchdown
Tales of Series Info Coming With 22nd Anniversary Live Stream Event On December 16
This is not an improvement
The Xenoblade franchise is a joke and anyone who likes it is stupid
Internet goes out
Outrageous legs
Why aren't there any AAA Star Trek games?
Find a flaw
Happy Christmas Sony consumers! Thanks for the $60 a year!
What do we think of it, lads?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Humble Monthly: No hate edition (cmon its fun and cheap)
Why did it fail?
What's next for the Switch? There's no games in sight for now
You seem to be having trouble. From a bunch of bad people
So how is it?
Which game is better...
Would you name your child a vidya-inspired name?
A girl sent me this picture after talking to me for a few hours
Fire Emblem Heroes
You have to admit that this is funny
How do we fix the MMORPG genre?
Buy Prey on steam sales
Barret, be careful! Attack while its tail is up! It's gonna counterattack with its laser!
With Dragon's Crown coming to PS4, I thought the Elf could use a little upgrade
Kill boss
What are you playing right now? Is it fun?
Is this a bad sign? Are AAA linear SP games dead?
AU/NZ Friday night Jackbox
ITT pleb filters that make you completely disregard someone's opinion
File name thread
Void elves turned out to be hardcore muscle elves who don't give a shit instead of edgy crybabies
Who was in the wrong here?
B-but it won't sell well
Hey user check out this cool maze game
How do we go from this
Mfw an entire series was killed by canadian nu males
He blew it, Sup Forums
When does this game get fun? i'm 20 hours in and it's soo boring
Be Honest with me Sup Forums wich one is your Favorite?
What video games are you asking for from santa this year user?
Is this the most aesthetically pleasing game, possibly, ever?
What can I expect from this game?
Chatting with friend on steam
How come the Skyrim sex mod creators and the main contributers to loverslab seem to be all female?
What's the last good multiplayer FPS to come out?
Super Paper Mario
Works in a respected game studio
Reminder that tanks are the chads of the trinity
Hi Sup Forums. Long time no see
What went wrong?
Name a better vidya developer
Well done, Bethesda
This Ann. She's a 5'6, 16 year old goddess. Say something nice to her
Makes fun of console players
Can we have a graphics thread?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...