So is this just a fad to play like Pokemon Go or is it actually good?
So is this just a fad to play like Pokemon Go or is it actually good?
I mean, it's not 'good" its just fetch quests. it's basically a mindless clicker. you watch numbers go up.
>you watch numbers go up.
sounds comfy desu
Had it for almost a week and I'm already bored out of my skull
>its just fetch quests.
Thats what the whole series is though
It's grindy as shit, there's nothing much to do except try to invite animals to your camp, but that's to be expected of a f2p mobile game.
It feels more like they made this to advertise the series and grab some of that addiction money from whales than to actually give a fulfilling AC game.
Not really though
>muh catalog
>muh museum
not him, but fetch quests are a huge part of animal crossing
It feels like the fastest paced animal crossing game yet. Requests reset every 3 hours which can make you fall behind sometimes cause it feels like a certain bug/fish doesnt appear often enough and life gets busy.
It's fun for a while but ...and maybe someone else who played it here can back me up....but it doesn't really *feel* like an Animal Crossing.
It's got all the base products to make an animal crossing, but it's if you went to burger king and got a whopper but expected it to taste like a big mac.
Like, its comfy, interactions are sweet, and its nice to make new things and stuff like that, but it always feels like there's a "rush" to do things. There's always something nagging in the back that you can't go and do right away. The only really progression things in AC is getting the upgraded tools, and even then there's nothing particularly special about them.
The Tickets aren't intrusive but crafting furniture and locking it behind timers and supplies is aggravating. The regular AC series doesn't have this, and even then there's plenty of ways to get other bells/you're given most of the furniture you want/you can find it in presents or other various places.
it's fine for normies but its not really the core of what makes animal crossing comfy or good.
>wait a few hours
The writing is pretty soulless in general, and the mechanic for getting visitors in to your campsite is just plain bad. It did get me to pick up my DS and grab a copy of New Leaf, which I'm having fun with.
I feel the same. Stopped playing after a day because it was just too hollow. I really hope they're planning a real game for the Switch or this series is fucking dead.
>30 metal to construct crayons
You are actually constructing a machine that will manufacture crayons
Got bored after 4 days
Its about 80% of an Animal crossing game.
Not bad. Im enjoying it. My friend has a cooler van than I do and it keeps me going. I think that is the best aspect of it, and I hope the next main Animal Crossing game keeps vans, and showing off your van to friends.
Its fun.
Yes, any phone game is a fad.
Fire Emblem Heroes is pretty good, even if it's super Rock Paper Scissors compared to the other FE games.
tell that to duel links
Saying Pokemon go is a fad is like saying Pokemon mainline games are a fad.
No it's as popular as it was in beginning. But they craved enough of a fanbase to make it relevant
just buy leaf tickets to speed it up goyim
I love the actual series. Pocket Camp is boring as fuck. I have no drive to decorate my camp the way I decorate my house in real AC, and the errand running/material grinding is too monotonous the tiny payoff. I think the limited activities, limited world, and crafting roadblocks draw a definitive line between comfy and tedious and Pocket Camp is on the latter half.
Or just be patient. Some of these fucks just want to grind the game instantly, but that's not what this shit game is about.
It's a mobile game first and Animal Crossing second, if you can accept that and aren't expecting the full AC experience it's fun enough for what it is
I'm looking forward to when they update it and add new features, hoping they add a museum, a HHA type scoring system, and more campground space to decorate
There are plenty of skills and stat spreads and shit to endure the weapon triangle. Heroes has plenty of depth for a mobile game, and the lack of hit rates and permadeath make a really solid sort of puzzle game where you design your own pieces. Honestly, my only major complaint about Heroes as a mobile game is the gacha, which can fuck you out of getting units you want when unit building is the best part of the game.
>hoping they add a museum
this would be nice so rare bugs/fish have a purpose besides being put up by the chink players for extraordinarily high prices
>a HHA type scoring system
gay, but I get the appeal
>and more campground space to decorate
I would assume this will be a thing considering how much open space is unoccupied currently
Doesn't matter if its good or not, you shouldn't support the series going to a mobile cash shop fucking model. This is a betrayal of the fanbase for money. Because despite A new Leaf selling very well, they're running off to a Non Nintendo platform to publish the series on mobile for money. That's literally it, It's greed, and shows voting with your wallet doesn't work.
Fuck Nintendo and Fuck anyone that supports this shit. You're supporting the degeneration of the series.
Are the animals you unlock the same for everyone? Like for example no matter who you are at level 20 you will unlock Mitzi or whatever.
it's random from the pool of animals in the game
It really doesn't feel like Animal Crossing. People argue that there's only so much you can do and buy in a day in the real game, but it doesn't feel nearly as restrictive. Pocket Camp puts pressure on you to collect the same ten items every few hours so you can exchange them for a small handful of crafting materials which go toward furniture which go toward villagers and so on--everything in the game relies on that two-day item collecting and the three hour request rotation. If you don't keep up with item collecting, which is boring (no pleasure of discovering a new fish or bug or gift), the rest of the game screeches to a halt.
Maybe it's because every location outside of the camo is a walled-off designated collecting area, but PC just doesn't have the soothing, comfy feel that AC does which just lets you be soothed by the atmosphere.
New Leaf wasn't a good example of purposeful enjoyable animals villagers either, but in PC they're literally just fetch quests drop boxes. Earning new villagers doesn't feel like a reward for level grinding.
No, everyone gets the same 5 starting ones, then unlocks Tex, Cherry, and Eloise with their first couple levels, but then it's random after that
I don't know how to feel, I want them to add more bugs and fish, but I also don't want the request system to become fucking awful because now there's a huge pool of stuff to catch so you have a tiny chance of actually getting the things you need to turn them in
The only solutions I can see are either to make all new fish and bugs have their own designated areas, or just rotate out what's catchable with the season
Sure but it was well implemented. Occasionally people you talked to had requests, it wasn't the main function of the game. You also couldn't see the request before hand, so there's not the major disconnect of just seeing what you need to gather, giving people shit, and fucking off. There's no personality in it because they're basically just glorified quest receivers where in previous AC games they had a wide range of actions like talking to each other, inviting you over, etc. Combined with the fact the world is disconnected over a mini map, theres half of the collection mechanics are gone, and the furniture is straight up limited, it really does feel like a fetch quest game since that is the main focus.
Kinda rambled but I guess what I'm trying to say is it wasn't the main focus at all of the old AC games, it was just an occasional character interaction, now it's all you do.
Why do people spout this shit as if Super Mario Run killed the mario series and they aren't going to make any more FEs after Heroes
This is not a main ac game and doesn't try or pretend to be one or prevent a new one from being made
Because super mario run wasn't successful compared to the main series because people smelled bullshit. The animal crossing furry fagbase is cancerous enough to support this.
It's boring.
And only two of my favorite villagers made it in so fuck this game. The only reason I haven't unistalled it yet is that I'm hoping future updates will add better villagers.
can't wait to see them build times and leaf tickets in the switch version of the game
>is it actually good?
only if you want an animal crossing game with even less to do
>wasnt succesful
>has 50 million downloads on the android store and probably countless more on itunes
If even 1% of players spent money they broke even.
I think I scrolled past an article today of Google Play announcing that Super Mario Run was the most downloaded app of 2017. Even if it wasn't as profitable as Nintendo wanted, it didnt do too bad.
It's trash
but it refreshes every 3 hours, so if anything there's more to do than in the mainline games
You can do the same thing every three hours. Once you have performed all 12ish fetch quests, you must wait until the three hour timer is up or use a limited item to gain three more quests to do.
In the main games, you can do a large variety of things at any given time (although not every activity is available at all times).
Fucking kek. Does he actually say that?
I want to fuck the blue cat
>start it up
>level 27
>all of the randoms are at max level
>nobody at my camp wants anything done
>only way to progress right now is use calling cards or request tickets
Don't fuck Moe
Him saying that is the only reason I took the picture. He's referring to the motorcycle.
if you like doing literally the same exact things over and over again every 3 hours for little return on investment to lead to an endless cycle, then sure. i started when it officially launched in america and played to level 35 and stopped playing yesterday. give it a shot if you like and uninstall when it gets boring, it could be an hour or a couple days, depends on you.
It's pretty boring once you realize there's nothing to do at all.
its mobile ac, not really sure what to say
its not a fake ac game like go was though