Why didn't you stop it?

Why didn't you stop it?


9 years of squaaaaats.

Stop what

>Sylvanas reskin
>Literally perfect breeding material
Not sure what the problem is

Maybe she made bad experiences with her last boyfriend, so she changed her human form to look for a breeding partner who likes her for her personality.

reminder that alexstraza is a slut who was forced to birth dragons for orks and liked it

Stop what? Perfection?

Why is this bitch so smug?

>Sylvanas reskin
Stop trying to force this meme.

9 years of steroid use more like it

>that face

wow what a shit hots model

Why the fuck would anyone want to stop right from happenin

I want Alex to sit on my face

t. doesn't know wtf they are talking about.


THICC =/= fat overweight bitch with wobbly legs and ass with cellulitis\

all blizz had to do was make her like the model in the cinematic it was perfect

Jesus Christ if steroids did that, I wish more women did them

Which butthurt Sup Forumsdittor made this shitty image? Was it you, user?


People will defend this.

>you will never be this triggered about videogame polygons

People will get butthurt over this.

wait what the fuck is the dragon roost supposed to be a chained dragon? I thought it was just a dragon-shaped building like how the Temple of the Damned is decorated with skulls and shit

>defending tumblerina alexstrasza
kys soymagnet

With my dick, yes

Only thing I'm bothered by is that man face of hers

Needs more buzzwords

Cos I wanna smash the right one more and I'm not seeing what's supposed to be wrong.

I think she's hot, sue me

>'Dragon' who primarily stays in human form

I mean, it's rubbish either way. Why do you care?

In what way is that tumblrina you deluded faggot

>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that have not touched WoW/HoTS, have no plan on touching WoW/HoTS, yet still complain about a character model of a character they never plan on playing anywhere near to in a game/s they will never touch.

say it with me Sup Forums

You can't be fat with a perfectly flat and fit stomach like Alex's.
>B-b-b-b-but she's not a sticcccc like my weeeb waifuuus therefore she fat faaat
off yourself.

Do boobs really get bigger and stay that way after pregnancy?

rest in piss, was looking good before destroying her body



I love that Mal is full-on fertility goddess now.

jesus christ this site really is overrun by retards


Welcome to Sup Forums

I want to breed with the Aspect of Life

Jesus Christ

You really are deluded, need your safe space do ya soyboy

>no one cares about my cringy epic picture
>better call them retards
back to >>>/leddit/.


Same with people who hate OW
They never touched it

Turned them into man-faced abominations? Of course you would faggot

Man, reminds me of Rita Repulsa from powerrangers.

While I can for the most part appreciate the THICC, the new versions so fucking ugly compared to the old.
>feminine face vs masculine face
>normal face vs smug face
>feminine narrow shoulders vs masculine broad shoulders
>feminine virgin small horns vs masculine chad large horns
>bikini outfit vs trousers + top
>shapely petitie body vs shapely builtfat body
The new one looks like a FtM tranny. Hell even the old cape looks better.
Thing is, as strong and as independent as they wanted her to look like, she was all that before. The new version has "dat ass" and nothing else. The old one still has the same "personality" and everything else on top of it.

bitch whats wrong with your head

Kys furfag

Here we go

You must have a really effeminate face if you think she’s man face go on buddy show us a pic, too much soy in ya diet

>tfw alexstraza was just a recolour of Sylvanas.


There is nothing attractive going on in this picture.

why would I need a particular facial structure to have an opinion on someone elses?

Are you dumb?
Oh yes of course you are


Fucking hearty chuckle.

>this is what the thick meme brought us
Fuck off whalelover

I want Alexstrasza to crush my skull with her thighs.

Jesus Christ user, I'm trying to stop compulsively viewing porn and you're making it very difficult.

No fap November is over user, just release it all.


No I’m saying you’re effeminate because you think she is masculine

I want Alexstrasza to kill degenerates too.

>Sup Forums suddenly doesn't like THICC
How curious.

THICC is tumblr rotting your mind with fat-acceptance. You're just too thick-headed to see it.

>complaining about degenerates on Sup Forums
You have to go back.

The only thing bad about the new design is the jaw line and tights.

I don't mind women with curves but when they develop cottage cheese ass or fat features on their face it becomes gross

middle is perfection and you are a pleb if you disagree

Why are you obsessed with the appearance of a fictional character?

>perfect immortal youthful elf
>menopause human stay at home mom

Patrician taste

and I'm saying she is masculine because her face is that of a man's

> picture of Auschwitz survivor (colorized)
> Fertility goddess

Feels good man

What are you tallking about, user? Don't be silly. Everybody likes THICC, especially here. No one would ever seriously dislike THICC, they are all just joking.

oh my fuckingggggg ggooooooooddddd that body is perfection

Too many soyboys who want flat "women" that look like men. Coincidentally this board is filled with liberal fags.

Post 1st Pregnancy > All.

is this bait?

My god, fat fetishists along with people who think short hair looks good on a women will be the first to go on the day of the rope

Is this more to your liking?

you're on Sup Forums, every single thread is bait.


>only sticcs with long hair
I'm sorry to hear you have shit taste, user.

now we're talkin'



this is just fat. Thicc is when they dont have obesity hips.

>sylvanas reskin
It was the other way around dumbfuck
>Literally perfect breeding material
Literally used breeding material, and she looks it

no, only if you get fat af during pregnancy, but you rly don't need to be pregnant to do that


he's right tho, that square face and sqished features aren't really feminine or elegant so

It literally has a chain around its neck and eggs next to it and it roars when you click on it.