Does nobody give a shit anymore?

Does nobody give a shit anymore?

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Dude, it's not even 2018 yet. It starts on the 7th of January. Cool your tranny burning jets for a month.

No one cares about trannies done quick

Gimme NASA

>Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap
Why is this allowed?


Stop it: gdq is the only thing I have over the holidays period ;_;

>Trannies and tranny orbiters streaming in a nofun zone for questionable charities are the only thing i have ;_;

Really? You hace nothing coyld be doing this holiday? Not even playing your own video games and or getting better at them?

>Watching this tranny ridden shitshow
lmaoing at your life

I can't wait. I love it for the memes.

>it's a " the runner plays the game on easy mode" episode

How many trannies are going to be there this time

one more if you watch

That doesn't even make sense.

find something you fucking loser

>no super metroid race
what a shit this even has become

no sm64?

>BotW finale
Look at this gay niggermemeshit you fucks starte-
>Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner

How long before they disable chat altogether?

That is quite surprising considering how much they're shilling whether they should gas the animals or not.

The stream would be so much better without it. The threads on Sup Forums would be better too because stupid cunts wouldn't come in asking dumb shit questions like "who else is banned in chat for saying X blatantly stupid shit?".

Every day we move further from gods light.

I've watched since 2011 and lets be honest it's run its course. 2010-2014 it was getting better every year. 2013 was the best year overall but they still improved in stream/event quality over 2014 without as many sound issues and mistakes.

Since then it's gotten worse every year. Not by a little bit. It's hard to care like I used to. Plus, same uninteresting runs while they shitcan good ones like Metroid.

Then it'd be just like the ESA thread - almost entirely dead.

The threads are just twitch chat: slow edition.

ESA threads are comfy.

Does anyone else remember the abortion of a run last time this was done

What trannys besides cosmo?


Did you miss the Tetris block?

reminder the best runner was banned for making Owen Wilson jokes, will AGDQ ever recover?

guess what they'll say is the surprise donation incentive just donate 1 million dollars.

You could have recorded literally any random group of shitters playing L4D2 on the easiest difficulty and they would have done it just as fast if not faster.

I seriously hope none of you faggots ever donate to any GDQs. The organization is questionable at best.

>in b4 GDQ shills lurking Sup Forums to defend it.

holy shit the one with the purple hair looks like Chris-chan

comfy is just a code word for boring desu

Been watching every GDQ since 2013 and I've parted with precisely 0 cents.

I'm glad I'm not the only one

>dying on easy mode while speedrunning it at a normal playthrough speed at 5am

Fuck, you're right.

*grabs your head*

AGDQ is a racket but at least MSF accomplishes what it sets out to do


Import immigrants?

>at least MSF accomplishes what it sets out to do
yeah, helping terrorists

It really is a colossal fuckup, it is THE event that you think of when you think AGDQ, not to mention that it brings in a ton of donations for the save/kill the animals

Yeah, I read about that. Glad I never donated.

I bet any other runner would catch shit for PDA on stream, but since they're stronk independent (male) womyn they get applauded for their bravery

>The 3rd one looking all upset.
Tranny cucking is wonderful.

>I seriously hope none of you faggots ever donate to any GDQ
I remember when there was a Plague Knight Doll up for grabs for everybody that donated over $100 or some stupid shit. I donated $50 to MSF by myself and bought a Plague Knight Doll online.

Fuck GDQ. As an organization they are totally worthless. Fucking Markiplier has raised more for charity than those chucklefucks.

>Import immigrants?
>Muh immigrant boogieman

Without us your countries would literally die out. You're welcome.

well obviously they're not gonna offer a competitive price for donation gifts, it's just a little something extra that you get on top of the feeling of self-satisfaction for donating

IT's common sense to not donate to kikes.

>Never donated
>Always watch it with livestreamer to not give them views or ad revenue
>shitpost about it the whole time and harass the mentally ill degenerates during and after the show

This is the only correct way to enjoy SGDQ/AGDQ

I'll take extinction, thanks

That's exactly what I do, with the exception of making webms of dumb shit the whole time.

I like your style. Didn't think about watching with live streamer to deny them views

What is the fastest way to make webMs of the livestream almost as they happen?

> I donated $50 to MSF by myself and bought a Plague Knight Doll online.
why are you proud of those things

>financial exploitation of the neuroatypical by the provide cancer foundation
no thanks

>all those any% 45 minute long skipfests
>Only 100% runs are Mario Sunshine (king of), OoT and LoZ

lame shit this year

>dissing somebody for video game collectibles
>on Sup Forums
This glass house

100% runs are the cancer that is killing speedrunning

ill probably watch again.
something funny happens every time. the speedruns they choose tend to be so fucking boring lately though.

no one needs you, they just need to throw wall street bankers out of buildings

What is it with transexuals and retro games? Even the guy who founded the TCRF wiki turned out to be one.

>bloodborne (all bosses)

>they just need to throw wall street bankers out of buildings
Which will never happen, so you still need us. How's it feel for the Aryan race to be so pathetic they can't even keep their own numbers up?

I don't understand how you can possibly be picky like this, what makes 100% runs so much better than any%?

There really needs to be more glitchless runs

joke's on you, americans evidently aren't white anymore

The sole thing worth looking toward to

There's a lot of ways you can do it that would be faster than what I do I'm sure. I use livestreamer with MPC-HC and record uncompressed video/audio with FRAPS. This makes really bloated files but I have the hard drive space for a lot of recording so it doesn't impact me very much. There are other recording programs I could use, but I'm used to it and I have a lot of autohotkey scripts setup to adjust the stream zoom on command and split the video files at key moments.

After that I throw the uncompressed file into WebmConverter (formerly known as webm for bakas) and trim/crop the part I want to make a webm of. Once you have it all set up you don't really need to touch it unless the crop needs to change location. I usually spend the first couple hours of the marathon adjusting my autohotkey scripts to make cropping predictable sections of the recordings faster.

That's just what I do though. I'm sure there are faster, more efficient, better quality solutions out there but I don't feel compelled to change what works for me.

trannies are so last year guys. what new and exciting new genders will be at 2018?

>americans evidently aren't white anymore
Americans were always mongrels. They're so obsessed with whiteness they used to say that Germans and Scandies weren't white. Americans have always been and will always be the ugly younger brother trying to start shit while the rest of the world gets shit done.

"But muh American culture" - all Jews. Science, Jews. Technology, Jews. Hollywood, Jew squared. American culture is being fat stupid mongrel puritan rat children.

Thanks for letting me know all of that, good job for contributing to the board.

The left pushed trannys last year, this year they are going to start pushing for actual pedo shit (as in not 2d). Keep an eye out for anything subtle during AGDQ that alludes to having sex with children.

success breeds jealousy

I'm sure there's going to be a few soy donations early on but staff will get wise to that real quick.

For the initial recording part you can also use software such as OBS, which is especially useful if you wan't smaller files.
After that you can just do the same stuff as talked about with webm4retards and such.

does that graph say white women, pablo

>no super metroid
Wasn't it there last year? Is it finally over?

>no mario odyssey

>""""""""""speed""""""""""runs that exceed 45 minutes
Getting real tired of this shit

Released after the run submission deadline.

Probably still going to be run as a bonus stream/during setup, like BOTW was at SGDQ

I would hate that. I don't like watching amateur level shit at a marathon.

or everyone will agree to hold off on running it but some nigger will run anyway

That's somewhat misleading because a lot of 18 year olds are still in high school for fucks sake. Is it expected to have a 9-5 that you can support yourself off of at age 18? Plus, does living on your own take college into account even if college is being paid in full for by your parents? They should move it up to 23-34 since from 18-22 it's not that far-fetched to still be supported by your parents financially.

>>Trannies and tranny orbiters streaming in a nofun zone for questionable charities are the only thing i have ;_;

that might be true, but the synchronized shitposting on Sup Forums is glorious. fun times

>no super metroid

you mean what's the link between trannies and autism, and autism and speedrunning

Mario Odyssey is already like hyper optimized though

Will we witness the return of cellar dwellar

I can't wait for all of the new neogaf population to throw a hissy fit when I record every girl on camera.

wonder if the sniffer will return

why do you assume neofags migrated here
their forum is still up

The Hostile Nostril wasn't at SGDQ, but the girl was.

fuck i think she even has bigger tits than that "gianna" look alike


It's a joke. There's always a couple of people that get bent out of shape when webms get posted.

I'm here for the webms where things happen

I honestly really enjoyed these simple edits of the interviews. Some of them were over the top, but others were subtle enough to make you think it was just a legit screenshot.



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