
I'm going to have to ask you to leave this website and come back when you're over 18.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's just a review what's the harm?


I don't give a shit. Get back to the kiddie pool where you belong.


See, user, that's just it. Nobody else cares about your E-celeb crush. The rest of us have no idea who these people are and we don't care. Don't bother making threads like this again you fucking disgrace.

Say that to the huge ass thread that was the result of dumb tweets he made...

Some retard who dresses like a faggot in the 80s.

it sure took him a lot of time to finish it.

Stop shilling

I used to like Razor's channel before it became the 'suck off Trump every hour on the hour' show. He's sort of like mirror universe Moviebob, as neither can shut the fuck up about their terrible political views

That's not something to celebrate. A massive group of retards doesn't smell any better than a single retard does, user.

Uh he spent half the fucking review complaining about people being offended by cuphead, but I don't remeber than being a thing outside a 2 articles complaining about some of the racist shit that used to be in fleischer cartoons

We're entering levels of literally who that should not be possible

That's relevant though.

Ah Cuphead, a fine contender for GOTY. The bane of many game journos and soi bois alike. Razorfist, Cuphead is ALPHA AS FUCK! It's the Chad to the FNAF virgin.

So is he complaining about imaginary people complaining about the game?

I thought Razorfist was supposed to be a contrarian. But this is just more of the same regurgitated Sup Forums-tier opinion. With extra Sup Forums whining.

this sadly, it’s also hilarious that he uses the poli-sci major excuse

Literally who the fuck

>Fallout New Vegas is fucking shit, Fallout 3 is good though

Into the trash.

>muh SJW reviewers

Fuck off with that shitty fake outrage.


Hey mugman...

Drawing attention to antinazi aspects that no one is talking about, makes him seem a bit nazi-curious.

What's the point of this thread?

>It's finally up!
>not only watching but EAGERLY WAITING for some literally who e-celeb's ramble

>Sup Forums is still butthurt about the Razorfist blowing up GiTS

I still remember the flood of threads and anal anguish. Quit bringing him up and you wont have to cry

>Starts doing streams with donations enabled
>Content starts catering to try hard Sup Forumsfags at the same time

He used to be entertaining, now he acts as if he wants the approval of every militant anti leftcuck around.

Sorry what?

I love how Sup Forums complains about e-celeb threads, but twitter screencrap threads reach bump limit.
Report and hide all off-topic threads, retards.

go back to neogaf

>taking this long to put up a measly 7 minute review on a game that everybody has already long since finished and moved past

Yeah, I find it funny do when that happens.

>rage in username

>shit opinions on vidya
his rants are entertaining, but has terrible opinions on pretty much everything and dresses like an edgy 12 year old
fuck off

Why is your opinion better? What makes the game bad?

nu-Sup Forums hates Cuphead

Cuphead is not that good,only overhyped by soyboys and people who care more about graphics than substance,there are hundreds of better run and guns/shmups available.

I reminder to filter 'It's finally up!' in order to stop seeing these shitty e-celebs threads.


I gave up reporting a long time on Sup Forums

case and point

>Sup Forums now so filled with newfags nobody knows who razorfirst is

jezus christ

>trash e-celebs
Fuck off.

You too, fuck off.

Play retro games and you'll find out

haha no :o)

razor is Sup Forums: the eceleb, but he's still an eceleb so fuck off

Oh, that guy who got destroyed in a debate on the drunken peasants podcast.
Why would I care about his dumbass opinion?

stop acting like you never heard of him, tons of people watch his stuff

i literally have no idea who this soyboy is

lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme

mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe

which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know

its hard to pick but please try your best hahae

>contrarian to a fucking fault
>started as a metal/vidya reviewer who posts videos about twice a year, then became Sup Forumslite
>hates vidya for meme reasons
>rants are pretty entertaining sometimes
>hilariously retarded when he isn't prepared to talk
>jerks nintendo perpetually while hating weebshit, somehow
As an example, he's one of the main people who started/continued the "Witcher is a ripoff of Elric" meme and caused it to come back up after W3 came out.

Who the hell is this guy and why does he spend 80% of the time making dumb comparisons and analogies, thought no one could be yahtzee at that, guess i was wrong

Like what?

>112k subs
>Highest view is 208k
>Tons of poeple

Just neck yourself and stop shilling these literal whos



oh god don’t even fucking remind me, he’s been promising an in depth video about that ever since he started making that bullshit allegation, he can’t shit or get off the pot cause apparently he super glued himself to it

what happened?

He made a video a long time ago talking about how he wouldn’t buy Witcher games after the second cause of plagiarism allegations against the author of the books, and ever since he’s talked about this mythical video he’s making to prove it, he’s just milking the controversy it creates like all the bullshit jewtube creators

while we're talking about irrelevant youtube nobodies reminder that this guy died a few months back