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I apologize for saying the whole thing would be as piss easy as SM, they actually put in a real boss for once. I don't apologize for all the fucking unskippable scenes though.

Holy shit, they do look like Digimon.

Holy shit, you're retarded.

I can't, it's still full of shitty cutscenes, which makes them the worst mainlines games yet.

I'm sorry.

>actually really good gameplay
>same dumb plot focus
I'm conflicted

Did they fix ORAS yet? No.

No. They didn't add more Alolan forms.

I'm sorry that 3DS users got this as their final Pokemon game to come out on there.
If anything, this will motivate pokemon fans who were disappointed by this game to buy a Switch for an actual Pokemon game

This, I never played Sun and Moon but I've read that the plot was actually better in it right? That lilies mom was a super bitch and evil or something? Why would they remove that and other stuff from the game

The switch one will just be a prettier version of the same shtick, it'll probably be easier actually since the prime team (i.e. Masuda) working on it.

Not really, there's just one guy who spergs out about it in every thread. In the original, Lusamine was obsessed with Nihilego and fused with one in a very easy, anticlimactic fight despite the cool design. She's shipped off to Kanto in the end for medical treatment and never seen again. The plot in both games is fucking dumb, the only reason to play is the really good bosses in USUM and the little extra shit.

If SM wanted a good plot they'd follow what the anime is doing and make Lusamine a character you liked and want to save from the alien parasite, not a cunt you want to murder but never get the chance to.

Yay, another dumbed down and stupidly easy Pokemon game. At least USUM had ONE hard boss.

How do we make Pokemon good again?

Is this game remotely good? I haven't seen any hype at all, it just kinda...came out?

Pray that GF ignores people like the ones this fellow outlined in the other thread.
Put in more real bosses, not some 3 Pokemon trainer with severely underleveled trashmons.
Better dungeons
More bug types

It's good if you liked S/M. It's more of the same, with some tweaks here and there. There's no hype because their marketing was terrible and it's just a third edition. More people are focused on the Switch game that was confirmed.

Solid boss battles, notably the finale of the main, non-league bosses is the most powerful boss to ever appear in the series.
Still lots of cutscenes
Some decent dungeon areas

they've looked like digimon for years

What’s considered the final non league boss? Want to look it up

I liked SM but hated this shit

Ultra Necrozma. It's not immune to cheesing, but it's become notorious for causing full party wipes before players can hit it even once.

Ah. Was wondering why the playthrough I saw the guy used toxic

Stop trying to make a fucking anime and make games.

>switch will magically make pokemon good again guise!

the absolute state of switchfags

Yeah what people usually do if they get wiped several times and physically cannot beat it without cheesing it is to use a quick claw+toxic then spam revives until it dies.

BW2 wasn't that long ag-
>5 years

Unblurred tiddies.

>tfw Black Kyurem will never be as good as White Kyurem
Gorilla dragon deserves better.

help me Sup Forums ive been stuck on pokemon moon since i bought it, i dunno where to train my lvl 50 pokemons for the pokemon league :(

Just fight the league like that

i would if they werent shit now where can i train at lvl 50?

Idk vast poni canyon? Or if you paid attention to FP you could use a cafe to level them

>tfw pokemon switch
>tfw 380p clocked on 10 fps
>tfw graphics looks pixelized as fuck that minecraft looks more detailed
>tfw game is basically 90% cutscenes but in anime style and you can now skip battles
Seeing the current state of gamefreak, there is a high chance of this happening.

>this will motivate pokemon fans who were disappointed by this game to buy a Switch for an actual Pokemon game
For another half assed entry that even Masuda already told you to lower your expectations for?

Why are you sorry for them? The games were generally pretty positively received and a lot of people enjoyed them.

it's the best 3ds era game because it has the best feature


better one

*blocks your path for 30 seconds*

not really

Am I just retarded or is USUM harder than SM? I'm at the third island and the NPC trainers already have their Pokemon in the 40s, I don't remember their levels being that high in SM

The game is now balanced around Exp Share so if you turn it off you will be underleveled by Ula'ula. It also helps that all bosses and a couple of trainers have minmaxed EV, max IV and beneficial Nature Pokemon.

Ah, that's real interesting. I turned it off and I have my battle style to Set so I've been struggling a bit but so far, the only fight I got close to losing was Alola Marowak. That might change soon though

yes really

Totem Alola Marowak* also I fucked up by not putting that in spoilers but whatever lol it's not that big a deal, it's probably what most would expect after fighting Totem Araquanid

Stupid GF apologizers

I want to lick Lillie's butt hole

Considerably moreso, yes.

Is that in game? I'd buy it just to slap my primarina's ass

I want to mating press femGary!

don't you mean BLUE

yep, you can lewd your pokemon in game now.




Speaking of blue/green/Gary his hair looks really weird in 3d

>you should save
>you should save
>you should save
>you should save
>you should save
>roto loto time
They fucking did it. They managed to make this little piece of shit worse.

"user, how do you feel about the pokedex? is it a cool invention?"

I've only played the original Sun and Moon and the plot was the joined worse with X and Y.

Make the plots at least serviceable and not complete trash.
Have your rival use a full team of Pokemon.
Post game as beefy as Black and White 2.

I can't believe they did that.
It's as if Gamefreak takes every criticism and go the opposite way, every single game.

You can just ignore him though.

Will they ever return?

loved these autists
don't count on it

made it worth choosing US desu

This really bothered me. Why the fuck did all the trainers had 1 pokemon? This and the double combats where one of them had 3 pokemon and the other one had 2. What's the point? Make them both have 3.

>Why the fuck did all the trainers had 1 pokemon?
The only reason I can imagine is due to the way experience gain was reworked after gen 5. Starting from gen 6, experience isn't split by participating members, rather everyone gets full exp if they participated. If every trainer had, say, three pokemon, it'd be impossible not to be overleveled if they want to keep the game length and endgame levels at about the same as other games. Don't get me wrong, though, I'd be all for much longer games with 70+ endgame levels, but I don't think GF wants to do that.


I really wish they'd scan this artbook.

That makes more sense than my theory. I figured they were trying to go for a "pick up and play" mobile-inspired game design with shorter battles. It'd be great if you only had 10-15 minutes or were taking a shit and wanted to duke out a couple battles before you had to stop.
I would have preferred more complex teams though

Oh shit I'm sorry

I can't wait for these to come out so I can actually enjoy the games
Maybe we'll get lucky and the dev found a way to skip cutscenes

Sorry for what?

>I'll reveal exactly as much information as Game Freak did as to how these will be different

So he will spoil everything to the point where even the biggest surprise in the game (Ultra Necrozma) was spoiled 2 days before the game came out? Sounds lame

>mfw I honestly believe Pokemon is dead

USUM is fine though gameplay wise, all it needs is that skip scene option. It doesn't really need that much combat balancing and it's not like he can add extra dungeons and puzzles, which it does.


Why would I apologize for this filth? They had every opportunity to make a decent sequel / third version equivalent to SM and instead we got a glorified, overpriced DLC.

Game Freak hasn't made a good Pokemon game since Black and White 2.

The chad remains in ou so I'm happy

lol I think he was referring to when they announced the games and only showed the new formes. hacks usually give a lot of info so you know what you're getting. here's a changelog he posted yesterday

>old pokemon games
>no friends, a stoic traveler
>mystery around every corner
>dark forests, haunted places, damp caves

>new pokemon games

I will not apologize to this garbage.

This just sounds kind of asinine desu, balancing stuff is nice but Alola's way too damn small to fit 57% of the nonlegend dex onto one island, let alone the miniscule first one.

He only told people to lower their expectations because morons keep expecting it to be open world like BotW.

>No executor island
>Less Lillie in general
>No squid mommy
>Anabelle shafted
nah I'll stick to the original

>Less Lillie
but that's a plus for me.

I hope so, the Ultra Beasts and those who are connected with them have so much potential. I hope GF don't forget about them because I love dimensional and timeline tropes.

>less Lillie
She stays forever this time, they don't even need that scene because that was just to build up her leaving.
Squid mommy was shit gameplay wise and would have been better if they handled it the way the anime did.
Anabel (not Anabelle) is still there in the tree, her lazy fetch quest was actually replaced by content this time.

whatever floats your boat cuck

>Now's the time I give you advice you didn't ask for!

I want them to return with more beasts, and more worlds to explore. Guzzlord's world was really good.

>muh freedom

You fucks have always the exact same complain and I'm sure you haven't played the games since Gen 1, otherwise you'd notice this has been constant since Gen 3.

If you want your so precious and needed barebones exploring, go back to play Red and Blue and fuck off.

man, larvazilla really can't get held down

for what? it manages to be even worse than the originals
remember cutscenes every 10 steps in the original? well now the pacing is even worse with the Ultra Recon Squad being shoved in after every other cutscene from the original
>remove Lillie island scene
>team gets fully healed after nearly every other battle
>FPS slowdowns still present
>game forces you into tutorials for the gay little mini-games
the game has become final hallway simulator and the entire thing feels like I'm on a bus tour of Alola instead of actually exploring it

nah the originals were pathetic
this is at least playable and has more shit to do, there was barely anything in SM

This is the first Pokemon game I've played since gen2 and I don't remember the games having this many cutscenes.

Is Lusamine still insane for aliens?

>the entire thing feels like I'm on a bus tour of Alola
Feels like? Don't remember the literal bus ride?

instead of loving them she hates them now