How would you make a game based on the Iliad?
How would you make a game based on the Iliad?
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I'd make it a AAA corridor shooter with quicktime events and loot crates of course.
do not forget the waifus
Instant classic
You play as Achilles, the strong black hero of Greece against the white supremacist state of Troy.
Japanese softcore porn game with the male characters gender swapped into waifus and terrible gameplay. Think Sengan Kagura or Persona if you time down the porn stuff.
You would play as Hector. You can carry swords,lances, shields etc and the objective of every mission is to kill as many greeks as possible. The final boss would be Achileus
>Achilles chimps out when Agamemnon takes away his slavegirl and begs Olympus for gibs
>Hector is all about serving his city against the raiders sieging it over a personal vendetta
Checks out. Bonus if you make literally all the other Greeks white
What is the Infinite Jest of videogames?
It should mostly follow Odysseus and Hector.
Achilles should be kind of the MGSV Big Boss character, sort of 'spoken of but never seen', 'a legend'.
>unironically reading faggles translation
Like MGSV except Mother Base is the Greek camp on the beach, you go out on skirmishes and raids against the Trojans gathering loot and glory, fighting for and against the gods, with the occasional big battle where real shit goes down.
What's wrong with it? It flows nicely and most of the other translations at the store were prose.
Another thing to continue my post - It should definitely include a Shadow of War-like Nemesis system, with many different heroes being renown for certain actions and qualities, and of course upon encountering them there is a long dramatic speech before and after the fight.
>not wanting a co-op game based off the Epic of Gilgamesh
Just give it to Projekt CD and whatever they release will be sweet.
Funky beat em up like Ninja turtles but with Greek music and lots of exposed titties and lady bush.
Yeah bro, CDPR are based.
pic related and with loot crates.
Basically Dynasty Warriors with like Hector, Paris, Achilles, Ajax, Odysseus etc. etc.
Maybe they have Jojo-stand-like moves where the Greek gods bless them with powerups while they cleave through a bunch of no-name Greek/Trojan soldiers
>witcher 3 is popular so i hate CDPR now
>Company release one okay game, so now I will suck their dick till the end of time
You people are the reason Bioware still exists.
This goes against the theme of the Iliad, there are no "no-name" soldiers, each man who partakes in a described fight is named and described at least briefly, even if it's the only mention of their name and they are speared to death 2 sentences later. The fighting should be brutal but glorious, difficult but rewarding.
One ok game one good game and one great game
The Witcher games are objectively better than the books.
Looking forward to Iliad 2: The Odyssey
>hating on the witcher 2
Full blown plebian
Maybe a fightan game with stages progressing from the beach to the city and you need to kill King Priam or Achilles as endbosses?
Kinetic visual novel.
Someone should make a VN based on Bible.
Iliad 2: The Odyssey
Iliad 3: The Aeneid
Iliad: The Pre-Sequel
Rise of the Iliad
Iliad: Origins
>First level
>Snek shows up
>U wan eat apple y/n?
Already done
no the fourth one would be ILI4D
Odyssey is DLC
>wanting to play as the king of jobbers
make it kinetic so you don't have to do anything
All i know is it should have a minigame where you're running a funeral game and Athena is trying to trip you into horse dung.
2 is okay as well but 1 is complete horseshit out of a few good plot points like Alvin and The squirrels vs. the Red flame. The combat is fucking horrible in 1 there is no denying that.
However assuming CDPR will make a good game no matter what because they made a couple of good games is really juvenile and stupid. I ain't even going to talk about the apparently horrible Management they have know that they have gotten big
How do you make a game based off of The Foundation Series?
Is it actually good, though?
I'd make a game based on the ten thousand and Xenophon instead
JRPG with lots of fanservice
Best posts.
Either one of two ways
>You play as a Merchant Prince flying through space trying to avoid Imperial Ships
>a Grand Strategy or 4X game where you can play as the Foundation or another archaic Kingdom trying to assert your dominance over the Galaxy after the fall of The Galactic Empire and Trantor.
Personally, I like the second the best.
No it doesn't, if you think musou isn't the perfect genre for the Illiad then I doubt you've actually read it.
>there are no "no-name" soldiers, each man who partakes in a described fight is named and described at least briefly
This is false. Homer liked to go out of his way to name a bunch of random nobodies whose only significance was the spear that just went through their face, yes, but there are plenty of passages where heroes will be described as raging across the battlefield and mowing down the nameless rank-and-file soldiers. For example, when Diomedes and Odysseus raid the Trojan camp, I'm pretty sure the only person named among the dozen or so people they kill is Rheseus. The others are only described as Thracians/his guards.
Make an RTS like game about it that follows that last year of the war. You command wider units around you but, you can also take control of the individual heros, Achilles, Hector, Oddyseus etc... Make it about resource management and camp building like xcom. Dont BLACKED any characters. Include The actual Illiad as an audible book that you can play while you... play.
>Objective: Survive
Achilles would be the ideal protagonist though tbqh
Aren't the heroes' kill counts in the thousands? I doubt if Homer named several thousand dudes.
I like the 4x Idea but I'm not sure how Psychohistory and the two Academies could work as a gameplay mechanic.
I think it could work as setting for a good old adventure game too, maybe you could play as R Daneel Olivaw to give you some context of the history.
It's got like 8 characters and it's westernized as fuck, so no.
I really wish they'd revisit the idea though. If it had a third of the number of characters and the overall quality that Dynasty Warriors has, it would be amazing.
Best Iliad
I'm imagining if it was a paradox game, god help us if it ever happened, it would just play off as a triggered event.
More like
>Objective : Run away!
>GS or 4X
Add the option to let me play as the Empire and try to hold it all together and I'd play the hell out of that.
gg ez
I'd like a game based on pic related but it would probably end up as a boring hack 'n slash.
>Paradox game
That would be a mistake.
lel here's pic related
There's actually a half decent Foundation Mod for Stellaris. The only problem is that where the factions spawn is random so sometimes you get Trantor and Terminus right next to each other. which is lame.
Homer sometimes says that a specific hero goes on a rampage and kills dozens of people, sometimes nobodies that aren't described at all, but even in these cases when Agamemnon or Odysseus etc. kill 6 people in a row, there are times when every single one can be named and given a (very short) description.
There's a consistent respect for soldiers of both sides and Homer makes sure to mention the accomplishments, ancestry, homeland etc. of what feels like hundreds of soldiers who make brief appearances. After all, that's partly why they go to war, to make their name known and do shit that will make them rich and famous.
Apply the book to a linear game?
>Intro to story
>Press X to dip babby into river styx
Why not the fucking Odyssey?
have you ever been so autistically angry that you unironically try to fight a river?
You've never hit something out of anger?
I don't know that that's ever specified, but the war lasted for a decade, so it wouldn't be surprising.
>I doubt if Homer named several thousand dudes
The Illiad only takes place over a few weeks or so toward the end of the war.
Anyway, the reason there are so many names isn't because Homer autisticly wanted to name every single soldier that was killed. Anyone with a name is supposed to be some kind of hero or noble, so when Achilles goes on a rampage and slays A, B, C, D, X, Y and Z, it displays how awesome and great he is, having bested an entire alphabet of great warriors, even if these so-called great warriors only exist in the moment in which they are slain. It's the same principle as in pro-wrestling, when jobbers are brought in and squashed to make a wrestler look strong.
+ Odyssey = Massive Open World Game
>have to fight the two hardest bosses at the same time halfway through the game
my nigga
he was the real MVP
>You play a guy that cries in his cuckshed for most of the story.
Good idea.
I think Psychohistory could work as a mechanic if the game was strictly singleplayer. Basically it was just a mathematical simulation of the galaxy which is what a game simulation is anyway. It would allow you to preview the economic effects of your decisions ahead of time. Of course the game could spawn enemy champions like The Mule to screw with your nicely simulated plan of development.
>Get an event notification that the Traders are rebelling
>instead of the traders rebelling you instead get the Mule invasion with no warning.
That's be neat.
That's the joke
>bitchslapped Ares himself
The joke is happening thanks to Britain
Pretty sure was referencing the upcoming BBC series where Achilles (and Zeus as well) is a nigger
At some point it stops being anger-worthy and starts being sad.
Man, global warming can't cause that god forsaken island to sink beneath the north sea fast enough.
I'm reading The Oddessy right now and it seems like every second chapter is some guy letting Oddysseus into their home and feeding him nice food.
You mean beat his ass and eviscerated him
>half the content is missing on release
>The Mule.jpg
Why did you post a pic of Magnifico with the wrong name?
>The eternal anglo is turning black
It feels good to be mediterranean
A real-time strategy game like Warcraft 3, there are heroes and gods as well.
I'm not sure. I suddenly felt the urge to do so. Come to think of it, I had ran into Magnifico a few moments earlier.
Who is best girl and why is it Artemis? Reminder literally everyone else beside hestia and athena are literal SLUTS
tfw no penelope gf
make it with lots and lots of niggers and stronk womyn showing the white evil nazi man who is the REAL boss of Rhodos
Aren't they the same?
Why, because you're already black?
Prequel to Super Mario Odyssey.
Ship counting simulator
I'd make a shitty game that's outdated and utter garbage in every conceivable way.
No white cuck genes no gorilla ones either
Thanks for reminding me to go make Athena and Artemis in Honey Select so that I can fulfill my fantasy of taking their virginities in a threesome.
third person open world rpg