Sup Forums has spoken and this is the result

Sup Forums has spoken and this is the result.

Fun facts: Three months were pretty close
1. Nioh just barely won over Nier
2. Tekken wasn't far behind Crash
3. Not a single person voted for Knack II in September

Well, what do you think? Was 2017 a good year for video games?

>pokemon USUM
wasn't it shit though?

Forgot to mention Sonic Mania wasn't that far above Mario x Rabbids XCOM in August

November was an extremely weak month much like May, it's mostly due to lack of competition for those titles.

>Waifubait Xenoshit

Step aside junior. REAL goty list coming through.

I think it was a good year for games, but judging by this chart you can tell Sup Forums has shit taste.

Yes. A retard must have made this.

these GOTM are dumb as hell.

Im upset at how many (You)'s, this will inevitably get.

Well clearly you're in the minority or the results would've been different.
But tell us what you see differently by all means, it's not like this means you have to accept all of these as your personal gotms or goty

Damn, 2017 has been pretty damn good. I just got a ps4 and am planning on getting a switch so I can appreciate this year in full.

It's okay if you didn't play sun/moon

Did anything else come out in May?

Sounds pretty good and future proof as well, how come you bought a ps4 just now? What were you waiting for? Black Friday?

Kill yourself ACfag

>being this much of a faggot
srsly its a mediocre system/bioshock clone shoe horned into an original ip by a company thats just trying to make a quick buck.

What May game was better?
You realize that this is what "game of the month" is about? All you have to do is be better than the other games released in that month.

You are the biggest faggot in Sup Forums. You have edited that picture loads of times removing comments from it because of the rest of anons are tired of btfoing you telling you how retarded and pretentious your reasonings are.

Only if you listen to /vp/

this amount of autism

That's what happens when you divide the year into months. Some months are going to wind up with shittier games due to lack of competition.

Hey, you know what would be a better idea instead of flinging shitposting and insults? how about you counterargue with why you disagree?

OP's source: his ass



If these were the official votes, then this board has officially gone to shit. These are the most blatant, forced, Reddit-tier normie picks all across the board. Fucking terrible.

Also, I never got to vote for shit, but what does it matter.

And your suggestions are?
They must be pretty good for you to have this stance.

you expect a good game every month?

Why listen to Sup Forums? The only thing they got right was that HGSS is the best pokemon game!


>cuphead is 3 months old

Its not real. People either make these up for (you)s or just take whatever FotM game wqs big that month. There is no voting. There never is. OP is just pulling shit out of his ass because he thinks this is reddit and he'll grt some upvotes

No, this is Sup Forumss official list. Stop editing it.

Damit, i mean /vp/

>2 games no one ever heard of in the top
I can already see the (you)'s

Yours is clearly a stolen filename while OP's filename proves it's official

well then

i blame it on 2017 being a shit year
its NOTHING like 1997 and shit, 2018 is going to be a SHIT FUCKING YEAR compared to 1998, undoubtedly the GREATEST year for gaming EVER.

My suggestion is you back up the validity of your OP list with proof you cock mongler.


Is this for real?

Why did a game from November 2016 win GotM for November 2017?

Thats even worse!

well thats just gay
>defending a shameless whore vidya company for being a shameless whore
okay fgt

>not using randomized filenames

/vp/ judges it as a pokemon game, Sup Forums judges it as a regular game.

>Sup Forums has spoken
>most XB2 threads are negative and it's only been a day since launch

Shut the fuck up.

2017 was pretty great though
Except for Yakuza, Nioh, Prey and USUM I like all those games in the OP (plus some that didn't make it).

That's more good games in a year than most years have.

You have to go back

Video games are dumb as hell

NieR came out in February.

Spent my gaming money on a pc a couple years ago so couldn't get a ps4.

And I didn't really feel the need to get one until now with Horizon: Zero Dawn out and RDR 2, Monster Hunter and God of War coming in the near future.

There's nothing to counter man. You're a faggot and if anything it's you who should try and prove you are not.
Protip: you can't

>proceeds to replace actual good games with waifu shit
you know what, this IS Sup Forums's true GotM list

>most XB2 threads are negative and it's only been a day since launch

What did he mean by this?
>inb4 "I saw people write '85 HAHAHAHA'"

Are you dumb kid?

seeI want you to explain to me why games like Hollow Knight aren't better than soynematic experiences like Nier or Zelda or Xenoblade.

Because contrary to popular belief, usum is remarkably better than sun and moon.

>contains shit like botw, persona, prey, and SONIC THE FUCKING AUTISM HOG
yeah no this reeks of fucking reddit

>taiko or crash

>/vp/ judges it as a pokemon game, Sup Forums judges it as a regular game.
If that were true then Sup Forums would have an even lower opinion of it than /vp/ does.

>seriously arguing about what Sup Forums's official opinion is
you fucks are gonna be here all day

>japan japan japan japan nostalgia nostalgia japan japan japan japan
Yes seems about right.

Hey, I'll be glad to prove it.

>the top games are actual games, and removing everything but the gameplay still leaves you with an entertaining experience
>removing the waifus from Xenoblade or Zelda, for example, will leave you with a barren game that nobody ever wants to play, because only waifu children play them

Just for starters.

Yea no that is not official, best game of the last 5 years not on the list?
Fucking weebs...baka

This just proves that this board is full of casual sonybros and nintenbabies. All those games are fucking trash besides Nioh and Crash.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Coco threads

You're still alive?


You can tell someone is a youngfag based on these two years. They're always mentioned by early 20 somethings or teenagers

>Yakuza 0

Fuck yeah. I've never played a game that convinced me to play and beat every other installment in the franchise like it.

What are some good games?

Did that just fucking filter to sonybros?

>Best game of any month

this is gay

That hacker Sup Forums has some serious bad taste.
pls don't hack me


>nioh won over nier
Goes to show how trash Sup Forums taste is
No wonder they don't like any game that requires any sort of understanding or perception from their side like TLoU,Nier,Half life

It should all just be mindless nintendo buttonmasher game

Damn Sup Forums's taste is actually pretty good.

Nioh and Crash are trash though

because it has less content, production value, and everything else you fucking sperg
face it an indie game will only be goty if it is massively popular because any big title will objectively be better

A pretty fair list. Xenoblade 2 might be premature, but I doubt anything else worthwhile is coming out this month anyway. Too bad Nier and Metroid didn't make it, but I can understand why they lost to Nioh and Cuphead. If this was the result of some poll I missed, then there's still hope for this board yet.

This board is fucking garbage and the mods are faggot retards.

Let's be honest, NieR is a button masher where you repeat the same mashing combo over and over while posting "UGHHH NNN THICC 2B ASS" and that's it.
Fapbait game

Are these Sup ForumsGA results? I don't recall seeing any other polls despite visiting Sup Forums at least once a day

unless you''re a nip nier was march

Nier Automata is mindless. It has one of the most shallow combat systems of any Platinum game. The only award it deserves is worst Platinum game ever. Well, slongside Star Fox Zero

And Vanquish is a GOW clone cover shooter.

>played on a difficulty lower than hardest

Casuals don't have opinions or any valid discussion on gameplay.

Literally nothing else of note came out in November outside of Loot Box Battlefront 2 and COD.
I'm not a big fan of S/M, but there was literally nothing else besides ports on Switch.

Hollow Knight has more content than NieR for sure, I also fail to see what the amount of content in a game has to do with its quality.

We had this bait thread ~4 hours ago.

they're results from reddit reposted here with a Sup Forums logo stuck on. most of these are not Sup Forums games

NieR over Zelda, for March

Tekken 7 over the Crash Rehash, for June

Pyre of Shitoon 2, for July

Resident Evil Revelations, for November, because USUM is LITERAL dogshit in digital format.

GotY goes to NieR, not to the Bing Bing Wahoo.

What are some Sup Forums games that you personally approve of?

i liked Nioh in the alpha, but i never touched the full game

then i saw it and i was kinda disappointed
prey was the same thing too, neat idea, but felt like shit

USUM, meh, its pokemon, its the same as its always been to me. ok, 7/10.

i do have a love for yakuza because i lot bashing dudes in the face and we ain't getting another Streets of Rage ever again, so...

everything else for this year? Zelda i liked the exploration of going to a high place and looking around the world. Mario was a bit of a letdown, still good, but i think all the fast shoving of info and shit since E3 only 4 months prior to release hurt it. Crash is crash, i played them all back when they were fucking new. its not bad but its sad that its the GOTM because its a remake/port. still haven't touched splat2oon. i will never probably play cuphead due to loving the idea, but the finished product coming out WAY too damn late.

sonic mania is that sad thing of "what i wanted for a long fucking time and would have been something easy to shit out, SEGA" and sega just not fucking listening and giving us shit like sonic forces and expecting it to be "good" or something. Persona 5 i was liking, its still like a 7/10 to me, but something along the way got ruined and i think it was the whole Igor thing ruining the plot if you weren't being a dummy and listened to what was being said and THEN at the end the whole Oceans 11 thing and YOU the player being left in the dark the entire time.

overall, this year is about a 6.5/10 total for me.
i lived though 1998, i will never get another amazing year like that were every system gets good games, even dead ones like the Saturn.

>goty goes to Nier

the absolute state of 2b waifufags


>ignoring the rest of my post
soundtrack, voice acting, 3d models and environments etc etc etc
>Hollow Knight has more content than NieR for sure
whatever you say buddy

Show me a single Zelda thread or Nier thread or Xenoblade blade that doesn't have even one tiny bit of pornographic content in it, and is 100% gameplay discussion. That's all I need to see if you want to convince me that the games are good. Also, no shitposting or console warring.

With Hollow Knight, I can easily find threads that fit that description because the game isn't about waifus. It doesn't have any sex fanservice period. So it has to actually be good to garner attention.

>With Hollow Knight, I can easily find threads
Can you?

GotY is either NieR or Hollow Knight

So any game that any character that could even remotely be sexualized or seen in a sexual way is automatically a 0/10 shit game?

That's a lot to ask given what people are willing to fuck.

Fuck off back to where you came from you virtue signalling cuck.
