Gamer fuel thread

Gamer fuel thread.




The more I see this the more I'm curious how it actually tastes like

I want this soyboy meme to die.

Whats it made of?


no matter what there's always going to be a way to put down less than masculine men. they were betas, cucks, and now soyboys. even when soyboy dies another will take its place

The plain one tastes like oatmeal and soy

Only reason you're mad is because you're a soyboy yourself. Same reason someone would get mad at the word "cuck", it's because they're cucks themselves.


Or, rather, people’s semen.

I drink soy with my meals every tuesday and friday.
Its amazing how americanscan transfor something good to something so goddam stupid.
Natural soy taste is absolute amazing

I am legit glad i wasn't born on burgerstan.

>people are triggered by a toothless """"""""insult""""""""
At least "cuck" has some teeth.

>tfw none of the insults hurt except le 56% face

Reminder that phyoestrogens don't have any feminizing affects on the human. They have different chemical structures and anyone who took a high school chemistry class (underageb&s need not apply) will tell you similar compounds react completely differently. eg: CO and CO2

Just because low test males happen to be vegans more often (feminine people are more sympathetic to animals) it doesn't mean Soylent is going to give you a pair of tits and ass.


Enjoy your double ended projectile vomiting user

>t. Soyboy

Pretty bland and meh. Friend's girlfriend got all into soylent to shed a few pounds so I stole a sip. It's about what you'd expect a healthy milkshake to taste of. It's not bad but there's not really anything to it.

Reminder that blaming your failures on soy is a cope, it's not the food, it's your subhuman genetics. "Soyboys" are just genetic garbage.

Soylent is not just flavored soy, it's supposed to be the only thing you'll ever need to eat.

>t. soyboy

Anyone who cares about hormones in food should stop eating animal products immediately

What does this taste like?

Sawdust and oatmeal

t. nigger dropout