Shittiest game in the franchise. Ruined the series

Shittiest game in the franchise. Ruined the series.

Correct. Only brainlets liked this shit.

threads already over

i've just put a hit on your mum

I just put my dick in your mum

I just put my dick in you as you put your dick in his mum

Thread should not have proceeded past this post.

Better than Phantom Pain.

you wer the lightning in that rain

Let's not pretend 2 wasnt bullshit either.

Kojimbo is a hack

This. 2 is all codec conversations.

MGS5 is way shittier it was like a fanfiction

Hahaha, good one.

At least 2's plot has some value to it. 4 is complete dogshit.

2 started it. I thought 3 redeemed it and then 4 released.

I'd argue that MGS 4 is a way better example of what fanfiction looks like. The embarrassing """epic""" moments, the contrived ways it tries tying all the knots and characters together. The awful retcons. Don't get me wrong, MGS V is shit too, MGS 4 (and PW, for that matter) are just as big a fanfiction.

MGS4 fag here, best in the series by far and anyone who says otherwise is a bitter fuck who takes lore seriously and hates fun. Stay salty nerds

Your english is pretty good, Mr Kojima

I genuinely believe that there are no bad games in the mainline MGS games. I've enjoyed all of them.

4 has good gameplay and fun missions. Act 3 was shit, but Shadow Moses was fun.

5 has good gameplay, but it's almost never any fun. The world is boring.

5 does not have good gameplay, it has good mechanics that are wasted in an open world.

1, 2 and 3 are all better games and I can't see the appeal of 4 over any of them

the only thing arguable is whether 4 or 5 is the shittiest in the series

This. Fuck off, OP.

You're arguing semantics. It has good gameplay, but the scenarios are bland and boring, so you don't really use those fun mechanics in a fun way.

MGS4 is good.

That's not MGSV, OP.

>but the scenarios are bland and boring, so you don't really use those fun mechanics in a fun way.
Then it sounds like it doesn't have very good gameplay if the game's mechanics are completely squandered. The game should've been like GZ.

Uh...? MGSV wasn't shit like MGS4, it had a really good thing going for it - but it was a disappointment. Skullface/volgin/liquid going after venom as if he were BB was a really fun turn for the series, just badly executed/unfinished.

>No BB/Venom reunion
>No Solid Snake last fight
>cut scenes/missions with skullface
>cut chapter 51
>none of them ever realize he's not BB so that we can see that delicious look of despair on their faces

By contrast, MGS4 was well executed trash. The last fight against ocelot? Amazing. The reunion with BB? brought tears to my eyes. Only problem was, they were fanficcy and fucked up the story.

>Full arsenal of weapons you can buy and customize at any time
>Shit ton of mission support items
>Can walk around while aiming in first person instead of sitting like a fucking retard
>Movement more fluid than ever
>Best OST in the series
Wow I really can't see either, really activates the ol almonds

nah mate. MGSV exists now.
As short as MGS4 was on the gameplay, at least it played like a Metal Gear game and was actually finished.

MGSV is just so much wasted potential.

I'll bite.

How did MGSV ruin the lore of the story? It makes no difference, other than "you fight venom in MG1". And that's.... alright. we all knew it had to lead into the events that unfold somehow.

MGS4 capped off the series - it defined what happens to it moving forward, and is supposed to solve every possible plot point brought up in the games.

It was fine. Second half was pretty shitty but it certainly didn't ruin anything because 5 was totally different.

zzz. It didn't ruin the franchise, no matter what you thought of it as a standalone.

friendly remider that the only people who hate mgs4 are poorfags who couldnt play it when is was released so they had to watch plythrough on youtube

its objectively the best mgs and one of the greatest games of all times

Yes, lets make yet another thread filled with a bunch of crying faggots

These, It's amazing how my favorite game of all time causes immense amount of butthurt at the mere mention of it. Suck it faggots hahahahaha

The pure essence of Metal Gear:

Kinda wonky but the spirit is still there:
MG1, PW, GZ, MGS4, Ac!d

Not Metal Gear:
PO, MGSV, MGSurvive

2 was amazing

It's really not

How is MGSV not Metal Gear?

Because it doesn't feel like an MGS game at all?

It retcons the fear guys having magic vocal parasites and skull face sitting in the bushes with a sniper rifle if you didn't kill the boss or something

This basically sums it up.

When did you guys realize MGS 4 was actual garbage? To me, it was when Big Boss started the exposition dump at the very end.

But it does.

Entire chapter three, for me.

I never said it ruined the franchise. The other games still exist and are still great, but it might as well have from this point forward seeing as whatever Metal Gear game we'll be getting for now on will be made by present day Konami.

>add baseball
>saves the series

But it doesn't.

Pic related sealed the deal for me but is right too, this is where all the stupid stuff like the codec team from 3 being the Patriots and EVA being the surrogate for the Enfants Terrible project and Dr. Madnar, despite being blown up by an RPG, is still alive is all revealed and it's the worst chapter gameplay wise of any Metal Gear game to date.


>4 not on the bottom
Stopped reading right there. Shit opinion.

Where are the long conversations about dumb bullshit?
They're all on fucking TAPES, which you need to stand still to listen to, unless you want Ocelot to scream over it about some dumb bullshit for the 99th time Jesus Christ!


I thought 2 and 3 tried pretty hard as well

Back when mgs had actual writing instead of whatever spagetti that came out of 2,3 pandering to the new console kido's

>People actually think 5 is better than 4

V was deliberately unfinished. It's at the centre of a huge "coverup" ARG, part of which involved paid shills surpressing online discussion of its secrets.

PS MGS4 contains a bunch of big lies that will only make sense once you've deciphered what's really going on in MGSV, which itself is a game that lies to the player nonstop.

This is either bait or leddit.

it's my last mgs to do

In before the inevitable shill "there's nothing to uncover, just let it go" reply.

don't mind them. They're Nu-Metal Gear fans. Their first game in the series was probably MGSV and their opinions are irrelevant.

The only people who genuinely enjoyed MGSV and refuse to acknowledge its faults have never played a Metal Gear game before it.

There's nothing to uncover, just let it go.

In my opinion, both 2 and 3 legitimately succeeded at being great stories, especially by vidya standards.

PW plays like shit dude what the fuck

Referring to the pic, do people really get mad at stuff like this? It's retarded, sure, but it's the special kind of retarded that makes MGS feel like MGS, such as President Johnson grabbing Raiden's dick, the Pain making a tommy gun out of bees, or Snake and Meryl having a long conversation about the nature of war in a dirty bathroom where Meryl isn't wearing pants.

If you have a MGS game that takes away all of this stuff, you get a bland, generic TPS game like TPP

>It's supposed to be shit!

really son? Just let go.

Don't make me laugh. We shat all over 4 when it came out and rightfully so. But now if you dislike 4 you're a nu-Metal Gear fan? Suck my dick, faggot. You probably didn't even know what Sup Forums was back in 2008


3 wasn't that good and neither was peace walker

1 still beats out almost every other entry in terms of story character, pacing and stakes as well as immersion and realism

just cause you mgs 3 was the first game you played doesn't mean you have to ram it down anyone's throat

Imagine being this buttblasted over a game you didn't like

>conveniently forgets metal gear acid

4 is a mixed bag. I'm a huge Metal Gear fan and while I recognize the horrible storyline in 4, I'd still consider it a classic Metal Gear Solid game and I enjoy replaying it every now and then.

I enjoy 4 more than V, personally.


literally a tech demo that cost 40 dollars

3 had a bad story.

Neither canon nor mainline.

And it was still better than anything in V.

4 is worse to me because it ruined the series. V feels like an irrelevant side story.

1 > 3 > V >2 > 4


Whole Akiba/shitting thing. Which was sadly, introduced, in chapter 1.

>4 ruined the series
Still trying to understand what the fuck this even means

3 > 1 > V > 2 > PW >>>>>>>>>> Shit >>>>>>>>>> 4

1 > 2 > 3 > PW > GZ > TPP > 4

If you like 4, you're a newfag. Sorry, but it's the truth.


Johnny's IBS has been a series staple since 1.

The scene where him and Meryl take out a legion of FROGs while talking about their wedding plans and rolling all over each other is a far, far, FAR worse scene and I agree with that Matthewmatosis review where he says Kojima should have been slapped across the face for even suggesting it.

The only person that gets this buttblasted at being called a nu-Metal Gear fan is an actual nu-Metal Gear fan.

I never said you had to like 4. But if you honestly think MGSV isn't the worst Metal Gear game, you are 100% a nu-Metal Gear fan.

A real Metal Gear fan would rank the games in any order, with MGSV always being at last, right by Portable Ops, with MGS4 being at least marginally higher up.

2 > 3 > 1 > TPP > 4 > PW

MGS4 was the last good MGS game. Peace Walker and MGSV are complete dogshit.

4 did a lot of things wrong but the highs were so high that I can forgive it.

>This amount of projection
Why does it piss you off so much that 4 is the worst game in the series? Did you waste 500 bucks for a PS3 at launch or something? It's alright, let it go.

Are people still this mad about Vamp? Of course they are.

Poor nu-Metal Gear fan. You'll never understand. If only you weren't a retard who tried to start a series with the fifth game.

Very, very accurate.

Yeah, but it wasn't this important. Johnny wasn't so important. I barely remember anything about the game and I remember they made farting/shitting jokes/references at least 5 times in chapter 1.

MGS4 is not that bad. There are some cringe scenes just like in every other MGS but in the end it was a massive and insane convoluted story like MGS has always been. Besides some cringe scenes and some dumb and pointless plot points and the BB Corp having shitty backstories it was one hell of a game. You're 100% correct on MGSV though.

half of you still think peace walker isn't canon so, not interested.

I liked the boss battle with him. After all it was only Raiden fighting him before in the series.

Who thinks that? It's not even up for debate.

>it was one hell of a game
But it wasn't. You take away the awful cutscenes and all there is to the game is mediocre gameplay that is non-existent from the second half forward.

people who think only numbered titles count because "peace walker was on psp"