This is who you were kissing in vrchat

>this is who you were kissing in vrchat

that's still a woman
i'll take her over pasty neets or greasy neckbeards
she's probably a nice person too

Nigger lover

>this is who you were kissing in vrchat

Let's see that chocolate gamer pussy, son.

Kylo Ren?

In my mind and through my goggles she was my waifu please no bully.

i'd much rather have OP's pic over this guy

>confess to steam friend that I've grown to really like over a few years
>get turned down

don't know what i was expecting desu

“Hey user remember that time you fucked me in vr? I was that loli”

Op's girl is literally the female SHIIIEETT face

how would you even make this mistake
can you people not tell when it's a male voice on the other end

I don't have VR

jesus I see it

Visible gums are disgusting.

she also looks like female ainsley harriott.

>implying most the people looking for VR sex aren't to scared to approach humans in vidya too

Fren I ask no bully. Pls final warning no bully pls!

Most people using loli avatars disable their mic

Ainsleyposting needs to make a comeback.

eat pant

i avoid or at least minimize contact with people who aren't using mics and i suggest everyone else do the same

bestiality is illegal

I hat you nofren you bully too much. I only want waifu to love.

>she's probably a nice person too


crime statistics say otherwise

That's your first mistake.