>No HxH game
Where the hell is my fighting game?
animu garbage
Hisoka is too OP for them to make a game, he can just "O MY RUBBER NEN" himself back to life whenever
There are three HxH reps in J-Stars. Be happy with what you got.
It is not enough.
>muh dbz ripoff
you probably think meruem is better than cell
>Muh superman and hokuto no ken ripoff.
i wish killua was a girl
suck my penis and go back to Sup Forums
>hxh game is announced
>it's a musou
How would you feel?
>shit taste
I wish I was Killua and I had a Gon bf.
I would fucking rage.
I wish you would kill yourself.
This. Seing Gon and Killua as a couple would be pretty original for a battle shonen.
I'd rather YYH athough I love HxH and I think Gon and Killua are stupidly cute.
Yusuke might as well be black considering his circumstances. Unusual for an anime character.
t. husband to matt
>HxH is a DBZ ripoff
What part of it is a DBZ ripoff? Calling it a Naruto ripoff would be closer because of the similarities between the Kurta Clan and the Uchiha Clan.
>HxH game starts development
> a myriad of problems put the project on hiatus
Its all you can expect from the series really...
Pretty fucking good if they include weird what if scenarios.
An HxH fighting game could be so sick. It'll never happen though.
i can only see hxh working as an rpg
>No HxH game
You need to be atleast 20 to post here.
>Hisoka is too OP
>Kills only weak ass fags in hunter exam
>Kills pleb that can't even see his nen in the Tower arc
>Does nothing in Yorknew
>Barely wins against literally who criminal that was on an island for 14 years
>Kills D-tier hunters in the Election arc
>Gets BTFO against the only actually strong opponent he faces.
how would that even work
>Gon and Killua are stupidly cute.
I can't think of a cuter shota bromance desu. They really are stupidly cute
Nen is too convoluted, a fighting game would never work.
Well, maybe. If Jojo worked, I guess anything can.
>this will never get translated
>He doesn't speak Japanese
Which is more useful, Super Forms or Aura Manipulation?
Why are you asking for a fighting game? With how much dialogue and exposition is in HxH the perfect way to adapt would be either a VN or text based adventure.
Not enough women, Togashi is a legit fag who draws a females, calls them boys and then for actual women gives them shitty features.
Nigga there's a JoJo fighting game, a fucking Tsukihime fighting game, etc. It would work as long as you get a little creative with it.
>Square Enix forms team to make HxH game
>New Dragon Quest game in development at same time needs additional resources
>HxH game gets put on hiatus until Dragon Quest game is finished
It would be like poetry
Anyone else here watches the HxH dub with Sup Forums during Toonami General?
>implying Palm isnt the cutest
Is this a BL anime?
No, but the fans are really gay.
I don't understand why people like Hunter X Hunter. Is it just one of those you-had-to-grow-up-with-it type of shounen animes?
I do
I watched it last year and it's by far the best shounen anime I've seen.
It starts off pretty weak and generic though, did you get very far into it?
I watched it for the first time about 6-8 months ago and I enjoyed it a lot, I had always had the impression that it was on the same level of Naruto and shit, but for a shonen I found it a lot better than most, all the arcs were good, but the Chimera Ant Arc was really great especially.
The closest it gets is that it is implied that Killua is gay for Gon.
But Gon is not a homo, cause he bangs all milfs
It's fun, early arcs nails the sense of adventure a shonen should have. The later arcs get darker and edgier which a lot of people like. The power system is cool and all the fights are interesting. The characters are pretty well done too.
Yeah the characterization was really well done and Gon and Killua aren't so strong that they just immediately roll over everyone, they end up losing quite a fair bit of fights.
I would rather have a Shounen Jump 2D fighter with a large enough roster to throw in fan favorite side characters.
>Gon and Killua aren't so strong that they just immediately roll over everyone
Of all the main villains, Gon only defeats the bomber, which is quite refreshing.
And out of the 4 main character Gon is the second weakest
>implying Leorio is actually a mc
Not anymore.
>implying Leorio is actually a mc
Togashi is coming back in January. It's the fucking year of Leorio and you can't convince me otherwise.
Too bad Gon can't go into his super form without fucking dying. That Pitou fight with him and Netero vs Meruem were two of the best fights.
Gay shotas and sunk cost fallacy
it's a battle manga with bad art, often uninteresting powers (MC's main ability is literally just "punch them really hard" with a few variations) and fights that consist of people explaining that they know that he knows that they know what move someone is about to do
the story and characters are passable but between the constant and frankly embarrassing hiatuses, the fact that the author just gets bored of characters and drops them for actual years it's hard to get too attached to anyone unless you want to fuck them
Yeah, sure.
>Hxh becomes Shounen Doctor manga
Fucking yes.
>Of all the main villains, Gon only defeats the bomber, which is quite refreshing.
Because situations end up meaning that it doesn't matter if he wins or not, because the bad guys either just kind of give up anyway or there was some non-fighting goal that they achieved so it's fine
He's still a generic shounen MC with "potential" who wins all his fights by never giving up and punching people really hard (togashi calling out that only a seriously messed up person would behave like this doesn't excuse that he still fights like goku without toriyamas godlike choreography or artwork). Even gon-san, the big moment hxh fans love to play up as being a deep dark deconstruction of shounen anime or whatever bullshit ends up not mattering in the end because gon ends up being completely fine in terms of health and with an ambigious hint that he can get his nen back. If it wasn't for hiatus x hiatus he'd probably have it back already in time for the dark continent or whatever
I've heard that for a battle shonen it does a lot right in terms of writing and character development.