
The protagonist realizes killing the antagonist is futile so he kneecaps him instead.

Your girlfriend is a synthetic woman.

[smacks lips]

You were actually helping the bad guy accomplish his goal all along.

it was you all along

Scott Shelby did it


It was his robot duplicate the entire time

The psycho killer is actually trying to help you.


You grow old and die with the girls you rescued at your side decades later

Her voice was never stolen
The kingdom is under the sea
Your uncle's colleague is the killer

Easy bioshock

You can't just name all the dogs Max you retard.

your mission is to exterminate an entire species but you leave one alive


The hero saves the day and everything turns out fine.

Metroid 2

Begin as human but end as a cat.


9 = q

you let a drug lord go because lol fuck you

You spend your remaining years fighting the ultimate evil but in the end, you join him.


You use a metal detector

You accidentally murder a bunch of kids in a church


Dang it Ron Paul VVV

you kill a God

He was you the whole time

This has to be the most dangerous spoiler I have ever seen. It looks harmless but it can bring down the experience of the game so much.

You end up building a Theme Park

You kill the other Worms you were fighting against

You lose

The most bittersweet ending a JRPG could have. To have that final duel against our very own friend in the sunset. Oh before that, the bloodshed during the war fueled a wolf icon to come to life. Nasty plot by the royalties of a neighboring 'evil' state.

You're actually an NPC in an MMO

It's terrible and not worth playing.


You have to wait +10 years for the real ending.

tfw no gf

every game ever

you get your car back

Your a kid now, you're a squid now

Nobody is a hero
Everyone is equally in the wrong

You aren’t able to kill the main villain, so instead the main character dies for our sins to seal up the main villian for all eternity.

The game literally spoils you in the title, because it's Final Fantasy without FF.

Your adoptive dad was dead all along

You find out the truth behind you being in the place and then you kill those behind it all and fuck the world in the process.

It’s fun. People will remember it and say «I saw it first on reddit»

Your girlfriends dad (who is god) makes you his successor so you can save his daughter from herself.

You beat the antagonist and his goons but you don't beat the cold feeling of regret and abuse

The final mission of the campaign is defeating the statue of the deity you worshiped.

you kill god and save christmas

You're all just plastic people in a plastic world.


>A scientest becomes his own creation
>fucks his own daughter
>but you abort the baby and set off into the sunset with her

You get a job from a man in asuit


Suikoden 2?

Streets of rage on babby mode

You destroy an entire planet and sacrifice billions of innocent lives just to defeat the villain.

Leader of the revolution trying to help you and his family escape from a war zone is actually a con-man who brainwashed you to be an assassin

Harvest moon: a wonderful life

Gf is dead bc she an hero'd


It came from the dirt.

I want Sup Forums to fuck off

it was rape

you will never see the cat again
the light bulb doesn't fix the problem
the world is a simulation


A father tries to get the soul part of his daughter to reunite it with the body part of his daughter without knowing about any of this and ends up destroying his own soul which makes humanity go extinct in the process.
Also erases himself from existence just after to cure another loved one.

No, but good guess.

Nier 1.

That one shitty first boss becomes Chaos incarnate

Spot on. Good job!

Peach is rescued

You betray, and kill, your partner during the ending.

The mailman gets revenge.

You escape, but you don't save any of your classmates or resolve any of the bad stuff, and your teacher was *probably* in on it the whole time.

Ric Flair murders Sting

P3 or Chrono Trigger

The planet saves itself by using it's own energy.

You need to fuck up some monsters in Towers to create a new Planet Earth somehow, which accidentally makes you god

Then you smack around some evil scientist dude who's tryna fuck up the new earth

But then it turns out your village elder is The God of the underworld and so you two must fight to determine the fate of Earth (a)gain

AC origins

Dad welcomes you aboard to rule the world and then you actually do it.

Until Dawn?


You have the mind of your 20 year old self but the body of your like 60 year old self, plus you have robot arms

The NEET is his daughter.
So is that businesswoman in that one scene.
So is the big computer.

The Earth is fucking flat. FLAT. Like a fucking pancake. With 2 sides. This is possibly THE biggest spoiler in video game history. If you even know what SERIES it is you should immediately recognize this one.

Far Cry 4 ¿

You turn into stone at the end but that isn't even the real ending so you gotta play it a few times to find the secret laboratory

fc4 secret ending? although it's not the world, just Kyrat

Guys calling your phone overthrow assassinate the president and plunge the world into nuclear war
Nothing matters.

Actually, you killed your wife. The real question is whether you're seeking redemption or punishment.


You betray everyone so hard even a literal plurality of gods tries to blow you the fuck out but they only manage to chase you away to bumfuck nowhere. You even took a few gods out on the way out.


You kill some alien abomination but the world is still full of terraforming aliens so you can grind ad vitam eternam.

>You aren't able to kill Lavos