
Be honest. This game is good and you know it.

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Is this the "Oh yeah, that happened" thread?

No, it's just "ok" and it's full of design decisions that make me very mad.

And I say that as a person who had fun with it and cleared it 100%.

It wasn't awful. I couldn't be bothered to spend much time on it though, so I couldn't call it good, personally.

Outclassed by Hat in Time in every way

If EA hadn't fucked up so bad, Yooka Laylee would have been guaranteed to win worst game of the year awards. I'd still give it a few Golden Raspberries for worst story, voice acting and level design.

>being this much of a contrarian

The Dark Souls of Banjo Kazooie

And the Bosses are the Control, the Camera and the enyoing music & voices.


no it's not, you're just a pedo


>huge levels with diluted content
>stamina meter because having fun is bad
>fucking quizzes right off the bat
It's shit

Is /vpol/ still mad that Jon "rich blacks commit crimes at a higher rate than poor whites" Jafari was cut from this game and pretend that is why the game didn't do so well

>devs go full retard about politics one month before the release of the game
>game is pretty fun to run and jump around but lacks humor
>meanwhile a hat in time feels more like a proper rare game
>doesn't even need flying in order to feel good

The lack of enemy variety is a legit criticism, but you're still ignoring the orange musclebound corplets, the inept security robots, the bees, the jellyfish, and the googly eyes.

>play Yooka-Laylee
>have a sudden urge of eating pancakes every time i look at pagies



>beat final boss
>PS4 crashes when the game enters the ending cutscene
>delete game from hard drive

It's shit.

Yooka-Laylee wasn't bad, but it did stick a little too closely to what Banjo Kazooie was mechanically, and it's rare that you want to emulate the mechanics of older games (save for something like Mario or Sonic in their heyday).

The main movement was fine, but any-time they tried to do something unique, like with the transformations, or when you need to go up inclines or down them, all of a sudden it was a little fucked.

Also some of the design didn't work out that well. There's a specific part in the first level that's supposed to teach you how to jump while doing the roll on an incline, but you can actually just clear it normally, without doing the intended action (which is counter intuitive) of stopping completely, and then jumping. So it ends up being that you have a really shitty fight and you blame the controls, when really the game just didn't teach you well enough.

It's actually pretty close to being good, and I like some of the level expansions, like the isometric palace, but it just misses significantly in a few areas.

Its biggest fault is it made the collectathon mechanic an awful chore with how ridiculously large the levels were, making finding a quill or two you're missing just a pain.

It was fun and beautiful, but the Overworld was dull, the antagonist was dumb and I'm glad it's over. No replay value.

It was okay.
Felt like they went into it excited about the concept but had trouble coming up with actual ideas for the levels. I had fun with it and my fiancee likes playing it with me, so I'd probably buy it again.

>Grant Kirkhope
Its the soundtrack great?

The base controls and mechanics (outside the stamina meter) are fine. The controls for everything else in the game are ass. Flight anywhere was especially stupid.

Then of course its a collectathon with barely anything to collect because "el oh el stamina meter!" and bland levels that should be half the fucking size.


Listen for yourself.

Nah, that's just the shit cherry on top of the shit cake.
Games a solid 6/10 memes aside.

Not as good as banjo kazooie or Viva pinata, but it's good music.

there were more enemies than that

Because we don't live in midi times any longer, Kirkhope experimented more with his part of the soundtrack. Turns out, autistic Sup Forumsirgins hated it.

He still got it.

I say.

David wise tracks were good also.

David Wise nowadays all sound the same, that Jungle Challenge sounds EXACTLY like some DKCR song.
I think he's lost a lot of his magic.