Why was Demonophobia so good?

Why was Demonophobia so good?

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It wasn't

Because you're an edgy teen

Because it's your fetish?
You sicko.

I do admit it made me rock hard


Never played another game with this atmosphere. At least it's unique.


Why do I enjoy watching cute girls get hurt and killed, lads? Where did it go so wrong for me?

I prefer crackle cradle

The internet made you dead inside



>barely any new guro/ryona game

Being a gurofag is true suffering

what a funny picture haha


Yall need jesus, with NTR I can see where they're coming from but you guys are all sorts of fucked.

I just remember some video some Sup Forumsirgin made of this game where he announced it was 'time for a lolibeating' and he exclaimed 'owned' for every single hit the protag took. It was massive cringe and no clue where to find it again. Any idea?

It wasn't.

It's like the game was made exclusively with MSPaint and Powerpoint

It's an indie game created by one guy user, cut it some slack

>crackle cradle
My Nigga

Why? It's a good game

Opinion discarded, I will continue to fap to loliguro

>tfw no Doom wad where Doomguy goes through the maze clearing it out