What's your opinion on the "small girl with a giant weapon" trend in japanese games?
What's your opinion on the "small girl with a giant weapon" trend in japanese games?
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Otaku weeb trash.
I prefer the "small girl with giant breasts" trend
I prefer both
oppai loli is blasphemy
If it's cute or funny, why not. Mamori was a bit of both
A bit stale after a certain point. Unless something is changed like the personality of the girl is not of a cutesy all cheery kind. Or just a unique way of using the weapon.
Better than those shitty hand-axes that they put on Not-Draug in the back there.
>Those screens
you have to go back
I didn't expect to find my nigga in this thread, but there he is.
Sup Forums is in a very weird spot. There are plenty of boards on this site that facilitate a western topic. Some people who hate anime really may have discovered the site and found some reason to stick around that has nothing to do with it. Meanwhile video games are the only topic with anime influences that doesn't have a separate board for western stuff. The result is a clash between invading western interests on a western board for anime fans through no fault of their own: to them they really think it's just like Twitter or something where the "anime avatars" are just shitposters and not the main audience.
better than the small furry thing in a big robot trend going on in the west.
It's not inherently bad, but it's kinda overused.
There may be some truth to this, but it's also Sup Forums. More often than not people use petty insults like that just to get you mad
>Not small boy with a giant weapon
Step up
just because a lot of people here are weeaboos doesnt suddenly mean youre not all faggots and japan a vortex of retarded cartoons fat smelly morons jack off to.
yeah. this board is mostly you guys but you are all still massive faggots and japan a creephole that just wasnt nuked enough. asian video games are for the cremme de la cremme of losers kys
damn son you sound quite upset
I love it
It's stupid. Unless she's magical or some shit there's no way any woman's forearm strength would ever be able to hold shit like that. Even when there's a "reasonable" explanation for it, it's still dumb as hell. It's happening so much that it's become its own archetype. It might've been interesting when the first round of "little girl with giant weapons" came around, but there's so fucking many now it's just pointless to try to milk that juxtaposition anymore.
Mamori-chan is cute! CUTE!
[Spoiler]I never notice the characters doings stuff like this have anymore like this.[/spoiler]
>presents itself as comedic
That's fine
>presents itself as serious
Unless it's a staff or spear you can fuck right off
Fucking stupid.
Mamori in Heroes when
Best fucking tank in the game
Japan is very problematic
I don't mind as long as the weapon and their outfit somewhat makes sense (disregarding the size and weight of course). Loli in plate armor with a big ass sword? Ok. Stuff like OP is dumb though.
Cute outfit > boring plate armor
not upset bud. just trying to remind yall that if losers congregate in groups to insulate themselves from the real world doesnt mean they stop being losers that jack off to cartoons and transvestites
just like if you put shit in a plastic bag it still stinks. you just cant smell it.
Not that hard when you're the only tank in the game. Mamori is an insanely good unit though.
Mamori and Tiki were the best #FE girls by far.
I promise I'm not a lolicon.
>tfw no Mamori doujins of her taking a giant dick
Oversized weapons in general are really dumb. Except for this guy.
>no Mamori doujins of her fucking all the other girls with a giant dick
>if losers congregate in groups to insulate themselves from the real world doesnt mean they stop being losers
And yet you're choosing to be here right along with us. What does that say about you?
>no TMS doujins at all
>they think it's just like twitter
judging by the constant eceleb threads you might be on to something
Very nice
Also good in korean shit
There's like 2 that I know of
>nothing on panda or Nhen
I think there's this, and another with Tsubasa and Maiko
so why don't you join the winners on facebook?
Back to Facebook with you hahah
Got a line to that one?
I don't, sorry
I'm not even sure if it's fully translated
It's pretty swell.