How do we improve splatoon 2?
How do we improve splatoon 2?
More stages per rotation.
Get rid of the map rotation bullshit. There's a lot of maps now, there's no need for it anymore. I've had the misfortune of having to play shitty ass Moray towers during my last 3 sessions.
Add more of the older maps at a quicker pace. Have 3 maps per rotation so there's less chance you'll play the same map over and over again.
It can't be improved
The map rotation is perfect
Too bad they keep the bike shorts on when they put on the school outfit.
>watch vinny play ranked
>He gets blackbelly 5 times in a row in rainmaker
This happens more than people realize and i cant believe we put up with this shit in splatoon 1 where it was WORSE
Map rotation stops the game from getting boring
Cry moar
>Getting same map multiple times in the span of 2 hours
>Not boring
How come other multiplayer games that don't have map rotation don't have this problem? You know it's still possible to like Nintendo, while still criticizing some of their poor decision right? You don't have to suck their cock ALL the time.
Some fucking lootboxes would be nice
I want content that isn't easily accessible by all gamers so I have something special to show off for all the effort I've put into it
And all of those other games are bland and shit and die because the playerbase get bored
Splatoon is the best thing in gaming for the past 15 years
make so u can fuck the squids
to be fair, most online games without map rotation tend to end up picking 1 or 2 maps that the community likes and you barely ever see anything else. Besides Splatoon actually has map rotation as an attempt to avoid a meta where all everyone uses are generalist weapons. All-rounder weapons with no clear weakness are always the best choice when all the maps are in rotation, but when Moray Towers is 50% of the maps you play on it makes Charger's actually viable for that time period.
Devs can bring back the squid girl outfit, for one.
I'd like this actually. Some rare rewards would be kinda nice to differentiate people
Remove Rollers and Chargers. One shot kill weapons require no skill to use and shouldn't be in this game. Blasters are slightly less cancer but applies as well
add playable octolings
>no skill to use
my fucking sides
Remove all forms of withholding content
>2 maps per 2 hours
>Can't choose your game modes
>"Here lemme hand you a weapon already in the data a few times a month"
>Amiibo locked content
Actually we can't fix it due to the way it was programmed, the game updates too slow for most weapons to be used properly...
Even with slow server-client updates it disconnects like crazy. The Wii U game updates faster, this game suffers from hardware limitations or some shit.
Squid sex
>Stay in one spot
>Shoot in general direction of enemy
>one shot kill
>this is somehow skillful
Snipers in most shooters benefit from server latency. Getting killed by Chargers is almost always a mix of luck and lag.
Not to mention 90% of Snipers in any shooter are absolute garbage and bring down your team more often than not.
Ika Musume costume in Splatoon 2, please.
That's only E-liters. Every other charger has short enough range that they have to keep moving closer to land a shot.
Just post more porn already. Its why you made the thread.
Squids are not for lewd.
The map rotation is garbage. During the first Splatfest I only got to play on the exclusive map once. It kept sending me to Moray Towers.
I played shifty station over and over
And like that version was the best one of any splatfest which isnt saying much
>most online games without map rotation tend to end up picking 1 or 2 maps that the community likes and you barely ever see anything else
While I agree with this, this could probably be remedied by having the game pick a random map at the beginning of each new round, that way every map gets played. I'll give you the second point though, as I know some weapons definitely wouldn't get used as much, but on the plus side, it could lead to Nintendo trying to balance the weapons more, so that everything is more viable on every map. I'll admit I know that second thing probably isn't very realistic, as some weapons will always get outplayed in certain maps, but I wish they'd at least try. At the bare minimum they could at least make it so that we go from 2 maps to 4, or so that it rotates the 2 maps every 30 minutes. I like this game, but it can get really boring when you keep getting a map you can't stand over and over again (it's even worse, when both maps are shit).
fucking this godamn
Add ika musume stuff
I do think something like a 30 minute rotation would be much nicer. and turf war really shouldn't have a rotation at all.
Literally built for sex.
The ability to change your loadout during downtime between matches now is a huge change that was sorely needed for years.
Map rotation is at odds with this because they assume you wouldnt just be able to pick a weapon suitable to a brand new map
A (free) DLC where you go to an alternate universe where Marie is kidnapped or some shit like that